Worm-Like Centipedes are Probably Millipedes

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One of our dedicated readers just wrote to us about some “worm-like centipedes” she found on her kitchen tiles. She wonders where they are coming from and how to eradicate them.

There was no picture included (the one featured is of a millipede from a previous post), so we can’t say weather she is dealing with centipedes, or another creature that is similar to a centipede. However, since she said “worm-like centipede” we assume she knows what a centipede looks like, and that what she has found isn’t a centipede. Therefore, we think she has probably found millipedes, but we can’t be certain without a photograph.

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We speculate that she has found millipedes because millipedes are pretty similar to centipedes, but they are more “worm-like”. Millipedes often have a segmented, hard, brown shell, and many legs. They don’t often survive long when they get into a house because they need a moist environment with decaying organic matter to feed on. Since our reader only found 3 of these critters, we suggest she simply place them outside and then proceed with preventative measures to deter future visits from these creatures. This includes sealing all doorways and windows tightly to eliminate potential entrances. She should also make sure the sink in her kitchen isn’t leaking and adding moisture to her home. Finally, properly sealing and storing food will eliminate food sources that these millipedes could be relying on.

As we mentioned, without a photograph we cannot say for certain that she is dealing with millipedes. If our reader doesn’t think she has found millipedes, we encourage her to send in a photo that we can use to better determine species.

To conclude, a reader found 3 specimens in her kitchen that we think are probably millipedes

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Worm-Like Centipedes are Probably Millipedes
Article Name
Worm-Like Centipedes are Probably Millipedes
One of our dedicated readers just wrote to us about some “worm-like centipedes” she found on her kitchen tiles. She wonders where they are coming from and how to eradicate them.

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Author: Worm Researcher Dori

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