One of our readers recently sent us a short video of a few worms she discovered (pictured below.) She explained that she thinks the creatures she found are earthworms, but she isn’t sure. They are brown and about 15 centimeters long. She noticed the worms in the bathroom, coming out of a crevice near the door. We only noticed one worm in the video and although she didn’t say how many specimens she discovered, she did use the plural “worms” and not the singular “worm” so we believe she is dealing with more than one. Here is the video she sent us:
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We agree with our reader, the worms she found might be earthworms! We aren’t able to confirm this with absolute certainty because we can’t see very much detail in the video other than the general size and shape of the worm. To identify an earthworm we look for a few features: a worm that is several inches long, has a segmented body, is a brown/purple color, and has a clitellum. The clitellum is a raised band of segments on the body of a worm that contains reproductive organs. So, the worm in the photo definitely is the right size and shape as an earthworm, and it is the right color. We think we might be able to see some segmentation on the body of this worm, but we aren’t sure. We also don’t see a clitellum, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t there!
Therefore, we don’t know for sure if these creatures are earthworms or not. If our reader believes these are earthworms after seeing it in person, then we think there is a good chance she is correct. We don’t know what these worms are doing in our reader’s bathroom. We recommend that she make sure all of the windows and doors in her house are properly sealed to be sure there aren’t worms (and other creatures) sneaking in!
To summarize, a reader sent us a video of brown worms she found in her bathroom. We agree with our reader that these could be earthworms. However, we aren’t totally positive about this I.D.
All About Worms is always free, always reader-supported, we don't subject you to ads or annoying video pop-ups. But it does cost us money out of our pocket to keep the site going (nearly 20 years so far!) So your tips via CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal are appreciated! Receipts will come from ISIPP Publishing.
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