Worm in Bathroom Could be a Texas Blind Snake

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We recently received this message from one of our readers: “My mother found this worm in her bathroom. She is extremely scared that now her bathroom will be over run with worms. She is a neurotically clean person and is worried she is cleaning wrong and wants to know why this critter showed up and how to prevent more from showing up. Please help. This is a picture of the worm. We trapped it inside a 20 oz soda cup and placed a regular hair bobby pin in the picture as a size reference. We live in Texas along the USA/Mexico border.”

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Based on the size of the worm compared to the bobby pin, we think this creature is 2-4 inches long. It is thin and either dark brown or black. We think this might be a Texas Blind Snake!
Texas Blind Snakes, or Leptotyphlops dulcis, are found all throughout the state of Texas. They are prominent on stony hillsides and rocky deserts, but they do occasionally appear under house foundations or in bath traps. They need moisture to survive, so they are discovered in areas where there is plenty of moisture available and are more prominent after rain. Texas Blind Snakes are 3-8 inches long and vary in color from brown to pink to silver. As their name suggests, these snakes are blind! They also never bite people despite being related to the boa.
We understand that our reader’s mother is truly freaked out about why this creature is in her bathroom. Unfortunately, we can’t provide a solid reason for why it is there. Creepy crawlers and worm-like organisms end up inside home and bathrooms on a daily basis despite the homes being kept clean. We recommend that our reader simply place the creature back outside. We encourage her to keep up her cleaning regime, as it is likely keeping out many other pests!
To wrap up, a reader’s mother found a black worm-like organism in her bathroom. We think this specimen might be a Texas Blind Snake.
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Worm in Bathroom Could be a Texas Blind Snake
Article Name
Worm in Bathroom Could be a Texas Blind Snake
A reader's mother found a black worm-like organism in her bathroom. We think this specimen might be a Texas Blind Snake.

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Author: Worm Researcher Dori

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