One of our readers recently noticed an interesting creature on his baby’s diaper:
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He explained that his wife took off the dirty diaper and set it aside on the floor while she put a clean diaper on the baby. About a minute or so later she noticed the creature-in-question on the diaper. The parents are nervous about if this creature came from their child or from the environment and they want our input on the matter.
We are happy to help! First, we doubt this creature came from their child. But if they are nervous about the health of their baby, or are convinced that it did come from the child, we highly encourage them to visit a pediatrician for some professional medical advice! Since we aren’t medical professionals, we can’t weigh in on this matter very much.
That aside, we believe that the creature our reader found on his baby’s diaper is a millipede! We recognize the segmented body, and the way it has curled into a C-shape! Millipedes normally live outside, in dark damp places where they scavenge for leaf litter and other decomposing organic matter. When they end up inside a house it is often by accident. Perhaps this millipede recognized the soiled diaper as a damp environment and thought it would check it out. We are even more convinced that this is a millipede because they are known to curl up into a C-shape when they feel threatened. So perhaps when our reader approached with a camera, the millipede curled up to defend itself! To get rid of this creature, he should simply place it back outside where it can return to its preferred environment!
To wrap up, one of our reader’s found a creature on his baby’s diaper. He was nervous that it might have come from his child. We think the creature is probably a millipede, and that it came out from hiding in their house to inspect the soiled baby diaper.
All About Worms is always free, always reader-supported, we don't subject you to ads or annoying video pop-ups. But it does cost us money out of our pocket to keep the site going (nearly 20 years so far!) So your tips via CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal are appreciated! Receipts will come from ISIPP Publishing.
I had one of those worms on my bedspread. I had seen them around my doors, etc. But they were always dead and usually dried up. Any ideas where this healthy, living one got on my bed and what I can do to prevent that happening again. I am scared of and hate any creepy crawlys.