Wood-boring Beetle Larva-shaped Object Could be a Paint Chip

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“I need your help identifying this worm or parasite I found in my house on the floor”, writes this reader about the white critter pictured below. “I am genuinely scared. I have a video of the movement as well. Thank you for your time and looking forward to hearing from you.” Now, as helpful as this video would have been, our reader did not send in any videos, only the picture below. From the picture, all we can see is the worm’s odd shape, white coloration, and what to us looks like a pretty flat body. We don’t know if that’s naturally the worm’s shape, or if it has been stepped on. In any case, it reminds us of a wood-boring beetle larva.

Wood-boring beetle larvae have these strange, spade-shaped heads, which are much wider than the rest of their bodies, which are otherwise a long, slender, segmented worm-like shape. The creature in the photo below is missing is the black head, as well as the clear-cut segmentation. For that reason, we can’t be sure this is actually a wood-boring beetle larva. But, in the case that this is one that has just been mangled, or which has not been photographed in high resolution, we advise that our reader contact a professional if she finds more of these, especially if they are found near wooden furniture. These critters bore holes through wooden structures and can cause significant damage over time.

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Alternatively, this also looks like it could be a chip of plaster or paint from a wall. We urge our reader to check the ceiling or walls around the spot the worm was found in, and see if there is a matching shape missing. We understand if its worm-like shape would have worried our reader: it would have worried anyone. But sometimes we can mistake very mundane things for more sinister things. That said, if our reader is convinced that this is an organism, she can likewise take it to her local county extension office to get a second opinion. If she does this, or if she wishes to move the organism for any other reason, we suggest avoiding physical contact, as we do not know what allergic reactions could potentially occur.

In conclusion, we are not entirely sure what this creature is, given its odd shape and lack of distinguishable physical characteristics. Its shape reminds us of wood-boring beetle larvae, but it lacks the black head and segmentation. Its plainess and flatness reminds us of paint chips, and we think it is possible that this just broke off from the ceiling or wall. We hope this helps, and we wish our reader the very best.

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Wood-boring Beetle Larva-shaped Object Could be a Paint Chip
Article Name
Wood-boring Beetle Larva-shaped Object Could be a Paint Chip
"I need your help identifying this worm or parasite I found in my house on the floor", writes this reader about the white critter pictured below. "I am genuinely scared. I have a video of the movement as well. Thank you for your time and looking forward to hearing from you." Now, as helpful as this video would have been, our reader did not send in any videos, only the picture below. From the picture, all we can see is the worm's odd shape, white coloration, and what to us looks like a pretty flat body. We don't know if that's naturally the worm's shape, or if it has been stepped on. In any case, it reminds us of a wood-boring beetle larva.

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Author: Worm Researcher Anton

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