Woman’s Home Overrun with Organisms and Strange Matter Due To Moisture Problem

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“My life has been severely [and] adversely affected by these,” says this reader about the multitude of creatures she has been finding in her home. She reports finding “black hairlike creatures”, but there are clearly all kinds of critters affecting her life as seen in the array of photos she sent in.

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To begin with, we want to thank our reader for the excellent and diverse images, as they make identifying the problem far easier. On top of that, the context she provides is useful as well. Our reader, who is based in Eugene, Oregon, has been having moisture issues in her home. To try to combat this problem, she has had “two moronic sales/pest guys” try to sell her packages of insecticides for creatures they cannot even identify. She has seen black hairlike creatures, which she would like us to follow up on, and she has also been experiencing symptoms. “My own hair has been affected by some sort of pupa or bug,” our reader states. She adds that she also has been getting red marks on her legs, as well as bites. The bugs “appear to be coming up from the floor and out of the wall,” our reader states before sincerely asking for our help.

Following this, we want to say that while we want to help as much as we can, we do feel hesitant to give any certain identifications, seeing as our reader has been experiencing symptoms. Once the situation becomes medical, we cannot give as many straight-up answers as we would like to. This is because we are not medical professionals and are thus not qualified to diagnose such a problem. That being said, it looks as if our reader has potentially been experiencing an infestation of a variety of creatures in her home, some of which may not be parasitic/directly harmful to our reader, and some of which might be what is causing these symptoms for our reader. ¨

Various images showcase some sort of substance forming on items in our reader’s household, such as her doors and door frames, as well as the slats on a crib (see above). This could very well be mold that is forming as a result of the moisture. In any case, the resolution of the photographs is not clear enough so that we can pick up on individual organisms in the matter, should there be any. In other images, we see straight up spiders and moths. Spiders do not leave behind harmful substances in the home, and if anything might be a helpful presence in the home as it might be helping in eliminating the other creatures present. The moth is not any species of clothes or pantry moth, so its larvae are not likely to infest the home for the purposes of feeding off anything inside of there. Other than that, the rest of the images display organic matter of various shapes and colors, none of which we are able to identify. What we can say is that, whatever black hairlike organism our reader is referring to (we do not see any in the photos), it is not likely that it is a horsehair worm. Whilst there have been a handful of cases of people passing horsehair worms through their faeces or vomit (because they have almost swallowed one), horsehair worms do not actually infect mammals of any kind and are not pathogenic to them either.

What we can recommend is that our reader do one or more of the following: 1) Search for a medical parasitologist in her area using this directory of medical parasitology consultants: https://www.astmh.org/for-astmh-members/clinical-consultants-directory. 2) Search for a local parasitologist by doing a Google search for “medical parasitologist Eugene” or “tropical medicine specialist Eugene”. 3) Get in touch with Dr. Omar Amin at the Parasitology Center at https://www.parasitetesting (she can also book a comprehensive stool test through this website).

To conclude, we cannot say for sure what our reader has been finding in her home. This is partly due to the fact that a lot of the organic matter shown in these photos is quite nondescript in appearance and does not resemble any organisms we know of, but mostly due to the fact our reader is experiencing symptoms, and as we are not medical professionals, it is not within our capabilities or rights to identify this problem. We urge our reader to seek alternative treatment for the moisture problem in her home (as the people she is currently dealing with seem to be less than satisfactory), as well as seek medical help for the symptoms she has been experiencing. For whichever consultation she may end up going to, we recommend that she brings these photographs, as well as any samples of the organisms she can bring. We wish our reader the best of luck and that she can get this resolved sooner rather than later.

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Woman's Home Overrun with Organisms and Strange Matter Due To Moisture Problem
Article Name
Woman's Home Overrun with Organisms and Strange Matter Due To Moisture Problem
"My life has been severely [and] adversely affected by these," says this reader about the multitude of creatures she has been finding in her home. She reports finding "black hairlike creatures", but there are clearly all kinds of critters affecting her life as seen in the array of photos she sent in.

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Author: Worm Researcher Anton

7 thoughts on “Woman’s Home Overrun with Organisms and Strange Matter Due To Moisture Problem

  1. Hallelujah ?, I’m so sick of these mind twisting creatures and now that I have found y’all I might actually get some relief. I have been a live in caretaker for my Aunt since January 7th 2023 not only sleeping right above the drain line but I pretty much live in that bedroom. About 2 months ago I thought I had a bad tooth infection with abscess constantly draining a fowl looking stick to anything gel like stuff around my teeth. I went to the ER 2 times and my Nurse Practitioner 4 times with this demonic $hit and had 3 rounds of antibiotics before the dentist finally had me come in for X-rays. He said the teeth were not infected and I needed to go straight to my doctor or the hospital because he knew something had to be infected and bad. I only had this crap coming out of my mouth for about the first 2 months then once my doctor found what she thinks is a big glob of dried blood encased in a membrane causing a serious fungal infection. God Bless this Practitioner, she gave me a couple shots and a prescription for Clindamycin the first time and it didn’t help at all so today I took my first Diflucan and I’ll take the second in 3 days still thinking it’s a fungal infection but no blood work. I’ve taken samples of at least 3 weird, gotta be supernatural, creatures to her office and she hardly takes a glance at the bags they’re in. Though she hasn’t came out and said it , she thinks I’m nuts. I have proof of my sanity now that I have found y’all so thank you. I do have a question on any legal obligations a Federally funded apartment complex might have since my Aunt’s complex has known of sewage/drain pipes leaking for years with most recently concrete floor sweating throughout the apartment but much wetter in proximity of the drain pipe. I have been trying to get her complex manager to find someone that can do mold samples for 10 days now with her acting like I’m making all this up. Contractors did come on Friday of last week stating there was no leak but they believe ground water is following the drain line under the concrete causing major sweating of floor. It’s the only apartment doing this in a quadruplex of one bedroom apartments for some reason though. I’ve never been one who believes sueing is the right or only answer but they are purposely dismissing the problem and has been for years. I would like for the apartment owners to at least pay all my medical bills , I mean it is their fault I’m going through this. I just hope my aunt doesn’t catch this $hit because she’s almost 80 years old and she has no immune system so she would probably die.
    Thank Y’all for the great information and I can’t wait to put it to work.

    1. Wow, like yourself I have been finding all of the above in my house, I am passing liver flukes, constant bouts of sickness I am never well.
      Recently I have become even worse. I have been pulling that membrane invaded thing from my right nostril. Right side of throat swollen for ever, right ear now blocked and numb.
      I have turned white and have been coughing up some demonic looking jelly slug looking thing with a clear outer jelly and a long clear tale with black dots along it. Doctors have arranged an appointment for 2 weeks time but I am too ill now so off to ER.
      I am having neurological problems, and have told them if they do nothing I want to be admitted to a psych ward where someone can physically see what is happening.
      I have one of those long curly black carpet fiver looking things behind my toilet and have only now just discovered what it most likely is!

  2. Heather,
    I did shave my head, I too am so afraid of this transferring to not only my family but my co workers as well. I have been struggling for years as well. Just thought I had it licked again, and bam, hits again.

  3. This is a very relevant article for me and I was praying that would be answers provided. I have the same issues as a woman who wrote the original article. I thought my hair was alive at one point I considered shaving my head when I see you were I find these things all over my bathtub on my floor they come out of my hands my feet and my legs they make bruises but they’re not bruises when I go to the bathroom they come out I am interested and I am in serious need of help. I’ve lost my child over this and been accused of being on drugs. I am not go crazy nor on drugs and I am definitely in need of help I’ve moved three times and they have followed me every time. I do Property Maintenance and I am now seeing them in the homes that I maintain I cannot in good conscience let this continue in the transfer over to another person please help! I would love to submit photos but there is no option please respond so I may do so

  4. Hello!
    I have the exact same things in my house plus some. I am at wits end, it’s driving me nuts. Have you found any solutions? I have pics I can share if you answer me back. I hope you are not dealing with any of this crap anymore!

  5. I have morgellons disease and have these black, orange, weird fibers in my home. The orange ones are skin cells, organic. I had a black piece of string that I found on the wall so I decided to put it in water just to see if it would “move or quiver” because these strand’s never die. Sure enough the string rolled up and tried to use each end of the string like lobster claws. Do you find glitter or salt looking material? I don’t know how to send photos? Can you message me back so I can show you my pictures? Hope so. I also get bitten by these fibers that leaves scars. Scalp is affected, little purple blackish egg or larvae like yours. Hope we can connect.

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