Woman Fears Parasites After Weight Loss and Feelings Under her Skin

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“My family thinks I’m crazy”, states this reader in her submission regarding the condition she is dealing with right now. Her doctor has given her “a list of delusional parasite groups” that she can work with, but she thinks her condition is far more real than a delusion, and she asks for our help.

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This condition started off as a feeling of having “pieces of sand” underneath her finger tips, and since then she has experienced feelings between her skin and muscle, though she does not specify what type of feelings. She has also lost “18-20 pounds”, and is having a “hard time believing” that “stress” would cause this. “I know it can’t happen: I’m a paramedic.” That said, she states that this feeling “does go along with DP strong,” which we assume is an abbreviation of delusional parasitosis. This is actually one of the reasons that many are not believed by their doctors when they come to them with problems of parasites, because the symptoms that they are genuinely feeling can also be symptoms of delusional parasitosis.

In any case, we advise that our reader consult a medical parasitologist, and not her doctor or another GP. This is because most doctors are not trained in the field of parasitology unless they specialize in it, as we are sure our reader knows, given that she is a paramedic. A medical parasitologist will take her questions and her issue seriously, and will be better equipped to identify what it is our reader is dealing with.

It should be noted that we cannot make this identification ourselves, as we are not medical professionals. Doing so would be tantamount to providing a medical diagnosis. Nonetheless, we hope that by providing some resources for where our reader can find a medical parasitologist, we can still aid her in some small way.

So with that said, what we can recommend is that our reader do one or more of the following:

1) Search for a medical parasitologist in her area using this directory of medical parasitology consultants: https://www.astmh.org/for-astmh-members/clinical-consultants-directory.
2) Search for a local parasitologist by doing a Google search for “medical parasitologist (name of the closest big city)” or “tropical medicine specialist (name of the closest big city)”.
3) Get in touch with Dr. Omar Amin at the Parasitology Center at https://www.parasitetesting.com.

To conclude, we are not qualified to identify the creatures that our reader is dealing with, but we hope that we were nonetheless able to help her in some way. We wish her the very best, and welcome any updates she can provide us along her journey to finding answers and getting treatment.

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Woman Fears Parasites After Weight Loss and Feelings Under her Skin
Article Name
Woman Fears Parasites After Weight Loss and Feelings Under her Skin
"My family thinks I'm crazy", states this reader in her submission regarding the condition she is dealing with right now. Her doctor has given her "a list of delusional parasite groups" that she can work with, but she thinks her condition is far more real than a delusion, and she asks for our help.

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Author: Worm Researcher Anton

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