Woman Diagnosed with SIBO Also Faces Parasitic Infestation

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A woman diagnosed with “SIBO with methane” has been “losing things that look like worms for weeks.” She does not ask for a diagnosis, but simply what they might resemble, because her doctor and herself cannot decide what they look like.

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First and foremost, we must warn our readers that the photographs in this article can be considered quite disturbing to readers sensitive toward images of slimy worms, and specifically parasites. Secondly, we must stress the fact that we will never provide diagnoses to readers, and so by us stating what this worm resembles, we are in no way providing an identification, but merely a suggestion which our reader and her doctor may or may not use to guide their own identification process. We cannot provide identifications in situations of medical natures as we are not medical professionals, and doing so would be the same as giving a diagnosis. It seems as if our reader knows this already, and we are pleased that she has already been in consultation with her doctor. Thirdly, our reader added in her query that she is currently on an expensive antibiotic, she has been “losing” these worms for weeks, and that her doctor suggested that as soon as she is off the antibiotics for SIBO, they will do a stool sample.

Furthermore, she states that she did not “realize people really get parasitic worms.” We do not mean to belittle our reader when we say that this is a warning to our other readers to not underestimate parasitic worms. They are very much real and people do get infested with them. For that reason, if any of our other readers do find themselves infested with a parasite, it is vital that they consult a medical professional as soon as possible. Lastly, our readers adds that she is in Utah, and that she travels to Mexico every year and Louisiana every summer.

Upon inspecting the photos that our reader sent in, we would say these worms most resemble tapeworms. This is due to the flatness of their bodies, as well as their length. In addition to this, tapeworms do also tend to come out in bits, and we can see that the worm(s) in these photos is/are in multiple pieces. We must stress again that this is in no means an identification or diagnosis, but merely what our reader asked for, which is a statement of what these worms resemble.

If any of our other readers have reasonable cause to believe they are experiencing symptoms of a parasitic infestation, we urge them to consult a medical professional. Consulting one’s doctor as our reader has done is always a good idea for any concern relating to health, however, when it comes to parasitic infestations, there are better options. As many doctors are not actually trained to deal with parasitic worm infestations, we would rather recommend consulting a parasite specialist. To find one, simply do a Google search of ‘infectious disease physician (name of your city, or the closest big city)’ or ‘travel disease doctor (name of your city, or the closest big city)’.

To conclude, the worms that our reader has been infested with for weeks resemble tapeworms, but that in no way means that that is what they are. As we are not medical professionals, this statement should be taken with a grain of salt. If a reader were to take this statement as a diagnosis and then apply that to which treatments they should start taking, it could lead to dire consequences. One should always make sure that the diagnosis is coming from a qualified medical professional. Nonetheless, we hope that this article has been of some help to our reader, and that she may resolve these concerns soon and be healthy.

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Woman Diagnosed with SIBO Also Faces Parasitic Infestation
Article Name
Woman Diagnosed with SIBO Also Faces Parasitic Infestation
A woman diagnosed with "SIBO with methane" has been "losing things that look like worms for weeks." She does not ask for a diagnosis, but simply what they might resemble, because her doctor and herself cannot decide what they look like.

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Author: Worm Researcher Anton

2 thoughts on “Woman Diagnosed with SIBO Also Faces Parasitic Infestation

  1. I need to hear more about this! These are identical to what I’m “losing” out of my body! Went to Mexico last August, had SEVERE RUQ pains off and on last year, some sparsely and random this year. Currently having trouble going when this has NEVER been an issue, losing weight, but overly bloated, no appetite, no energy, my joints hurt so bad and I have had no answers yet! Was diagnosed with shingles at first, then oak mites, then scabies. Oral ivermectin, every topical you can imagine. I’m tired of being sick when I’m the nurse that takes care of everyone!

  2. I have been infested almost 2 years without any real help I’ve lost all of my hair eyelashes my ears are furry haven’t had much sleep all I do is pick trying to eliminate these pests but it seems that they break and multiply when doing so please someone help me.

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