Woman and Family Overwhelmed By Parasitic Infection; Where They Can Receive Help Amid the COVID 19 Pandemic

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This reader “would be extremely grateful” if we could help her identify some parasites that have invaded her family. Our reader writes to us in the hopes that the answers that we provide may “hopefully prevent others from experiencing a terror” such as the one our reader has faced.

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Firstly, we have to say right off the bat that we will not be able to identify any parasites. This is because we are not medical professionals, and so we are not qualified to diagnose any medical issues.

Secondly, we wish to note that not all of the pictures that our reader sent have been included; the pictures that were omitted were either too explicit or were repeats of previous images. That said, we do appreciate the plethora of images our reader sent in, and she even mentions that the multitude of photos she did send were just “small drop in the can” and that, in fact, she has over 7000 photos in her camera roll chronicling this infection.

This brings us to our third point, that the pictures that are included are still quite explicit and we warn our readers that they may be grossed out. Content warnings for photos of: faecal matter, unidentified organisms (that may also be covered in faeces), and other slimy substances and materials that may be disturbing to some viewers.

The parasites that have been harassing our reader and her family are both external and internal, and have infected our reader, her dog and her 82-year old mother. They have been in isolation since March 17th 2020, because of the ongoing pandemic (we presume).

“Multiple occurrences” of the parasites started mid July and have escalated since then. Some of our reader’s family have already taken faecal tests, which have all come back negative. Her dog has taken three tests, her cat has taken one, and she also refers to one “incomplete human” test, which tells us that it may not have actually come back negative yet.

They have been to see physicians, but none of them have known what our reader’s family is suffering from. “It sure gives them the shivers though.” Our reader states that she is unable to use her infectious disease referrals due to COVID 19.

“The CDC would not listen and send me down the ranks of who might assist. […] Legacy Animal Hospital suggested I reach out to UNLV (University of Nevada, Las Vegas).

In addition to this, our reader’s pets have taken “numerous medications” and it is in her dogs’ faeces that she finds the most alarming “form”. She has been to three veterinarians, but none of them have been able to identify the issue.

So, although we cannot identify the organisms our reader has been finding, we can provide some more resources that she can use to consult with an infectious disease physician. It should be noted that the two specialists that are specifically linked to will be able to help our reader regardless of her geographic location, and thus COVID 19 should not interfere with her being able to book a consultation with one of them. What we can recommend is that our reader do one or more of the following:

1) Search for a medical parasitologist in Green Valley, Nevada using this directory of medical parasitology consultants: https://www.astmh.org/for-astmh-members/clinical-consultants-directory.
2) Search for a local parasitologist by doing a Google search for “medical parasitologist Green Valley, Nevada” or “tropical medicine specialist Green Valley, Nevada”.
3) Get in touch with Dr. Omar Amin at the Parasitology Center at https://www.parasitetesting.com.
In conclusion, our reader and her family are clearly having a hard time with this overwhelming infection. We apologize for our inability to directly help, but we sincerely hope that the resources listed above do prove more useful to our reader than some of the other routes she has attempted to take, and that this article provides some insight or relief to other readers that suspect they may be dealing with something similar. We wish our reader and her family the best!

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Woman and Family Overwhelmed By Parasitic Infection; Where They Can Receive Help Amid the COVID 19 Pandemic
Article Name
Woman and Family Overwhelmed By Parasitic Infection; Where They Can Receive Help Amid the COVID 19 Pandemic
This reader "would be extremely grateful" if we could help her identify some parasites that have invaded her family. Our reader writes to us in the hopes that the answers that we provide may "hopefully prevent others from experiencing a terror" such as the one our reader has faced.

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Author: Worm Researcher Anton

12 thoughts on “Woman and Family Overwhelmed By Parasitic Infection; Where They Can Receive Help Amid the COVID 19 Pandemic

  1. I have the same problems I’m just ready to give up I don’t see my kids and grandbabies for fear of infecting them I’m worried about infecting my husband but I have no where else to go and no one that can help !

  2. Oh my word… I am ” relieved” in a way to have come across this!!!it brings literal tears to.my eyes and I’m here telling you I HAVE THE SAME EXACT PROBLEMS!! Although mine are consistently coming also out of not only my stool but lesions as well and from my nose . Once they are separated from my body …long long hairs start growing. Theres clear hairs, white and black. The black are always much thicker with spear like bodies. My problem has been ongoing 4 + years now. ? I’m literally at wits end everyone. I’ve begged for help. I’m ashamed and unable to.have a relationship bc of it and people now think I’m insane. I have 84,000 pictures and videos, documentation and tubes. These ” parasites” have driven me to the brink of suicide people. This is VERY real and I can’t take it anymore! Plz plz plz help me if you know of anyone anywhere who will hear me out and take me seriously?? I’m dying from the inside out. I pass massive amounts of worms and ” bugs”? In my stool. A lot of it appearsto be some sort of ant/ fly ?maybe? But it will morph and do this “whittling ” spider like behavior when it’s in the nymph phase for only a few min, and translucent body sometimes. It will literally turn from the blackness into a bundle of tiny white worms.
    I apologize for there being SO much here and it seems so scattered but this stuff also is in my hair 24/7 and in my blood. Lots and lots of actual worms come out my blood and the thick black “scab”? Ha! Forget it!! You all would probably throw up if you saw the videos and photos. I have actual proof of all of it and now there so much bigger. I dont need even a telescope or camera to see them anymore.. however I’ve gained a massive amount of weight …for no damn reason! Like 160 lbs over two years. My teeth on top have all broken or abscessed over 6 months. My life has been ” DESTROYED”… And I’m terrified ALL the time…. this doesn’t even begin to tell in depth the horrors of these parasitites =// My email is En******@ou*****.com _

    1. I completely understand and am going through the same thing leaving bald spots on my head and hard painful knots on my head. My family and our animals are all suffering, my husband has completely lost his mind and has now decided it was me doing chemical warfare on him even though he clearly can see what’s going on. I’m terrified of hairs the black ones are like little arrows that stick you and I too have been dealing for multiple years with this and everything your saying is exactly my experiences. Doxycycline and diflucan dose seemed to help but never enough of it so now they are grown and only getting worse. If you figure out anything please share as we are all in need of some hope! Thank you and you are all in my prayers.

    2. I completely understand and am going through the same thing leaving bald spots on my head and hard painful knots on my head. My family and our animals are all suffering, my husband has completely lost his mind and has now decided it was me doing chemical warfare on him even though he clearly can see what’s going on. I’m terrified of hairs the black ones are like little arrows that stick you and I too have been dealing for multiple years with this and everything your saying is exactly my experiences. Doxycycline and diflucan dose seemed to help but never enough of it so now they are grown and only getting worse. If you figure out anything please share as we are all in need of some hope! Thank you and you are all in my prayers.

  3. For ms janet holt..and ladies who are infected..
    First i want to say I would be grateful to admin for register my comment. It may be usefull.. Immunocompromised patients such as HIV, diabetes, organ transplants, and chemotherapy… are justified in the case of hyper infections and multiple conflicts, but if you do not have a specific disease, probably a corticosteroid has increased in your body. Even if you deny the use of any type of drugs. ?Finally, you will have to make changes in your diet and medication and remove the steroid such slimmingv.drugs.or phetamine…get rid of harmfull drugs.. There is no other way.

    1. You know how many times I have read people having such a small mind , ignoring person after person admitting that they are suicidal or avoiding their grandchildren and affecting their lives. Just to be asked if they use drugs , use meth or stimulants. Asked if they have ever hallucinated before or and history of psychosis. May I ask you why are you on this site all about worms . People like ME finding relief from brave folks keep searching for answers . I live in Boston MA and Boston Infectious Disease Control has an office next to Boston Medical Center . They sat on phone with me and I have emailed back and forth . I need my primary doctor to write a referral to go their clinic. Nope no way , my sister over 11 years of health care education occupational therapist wanted to know why I avoid family and I told her my sores are back with a vengeance and sent her pictures of why I missed Easter. Immediately she said they are worm holes !! If you look up lung worms hook , round , and more . Come from undercooked pork , soil , pets , poor hygiene or my case scratch and itch spot that never goes away . At night out of blue you feel sensation and scratch. Eventually it a sore . Poor bathroom hygiene from infected person or child gets eggs on their hands there so many eggs from these . Anyway I told my doctors it is my mental health. So I went in patient and went to groups , psych doctors and prove to me on lab test I don’t have anything parasites and I check myself into psych ward. So I did . Parasitosis . My mind creating hallucinations and itch . Immediately jump right to mental health. So I went into Faulkner Hospital Psych lockdown ward . Participating in groups , individual counseling and psych doctors. In a sterilized environment. I brought all new socks underwear new packs tee shirts and pajama pants and leggings. . Made sure document I took two showers a day . Entire time I kept asking when are the lab tests going to start , I kept requesting for dermatology visit . Once I knew they only care about writing a treatment for records , also paid by insurance I was forgotten about . A nurse came in asked me why I wasn’t up and about . I answered excuse me ? She said weren’t you admitted Friday for suicidal ideation…. I said what . Walk you 24 year old ass back to nurse station and read why I am here . Start that feeling like a fool because I am marching right behind you to announce your introduction to me in front of all your colleagues out loud . I want to leave NOW !!! Nothing being proven to me I don’t have parasitic worms blood , stool , lesson biopsy . , skin scrape , collect the black shiny pointy hairs that show up under my breasts and waist . No one asking me about what I see or what parasytosis is and how stress and low self esteem is causing my mind create . So doctors hate being wrong . They realize I am very quiet and funny . Everyone always says oh she so nice , nice to everyone, funny with quirky sense of humor. Flighty . I embrace it . Underestimated because I also very educated and have worked in all kinds different healthcare issues my entire life . Starting at dental assistant sophomore in High School. Graduated High School and friend got me medical secretary at Mass General Hospital evenings and Laboure Nursing School during day with great grades because nurses showed me everything hands on on Cardiac Care floor . Mother of 5 . Sole caregiver to both seriously ill grandparents who raised me . That is why I had to go to a local college. Anyway everyone don’t listen to these types or remarks . They basically saying you closet meth head or take Adderall or Eitalin . Look up Parasites pathologist find in most humans during autopsy. Look up parasite cleansers. There are so many foods you can eat like papaya seeds , turmeric , garlic crushed. Or buy the supplements that have been certified and tested. Amazon 7 day clense or 14 day cleanse has worked for me in past but I had parasites so long I am going to combine eating the healthy foods and cleanse / detox my body . My worm holes by the way were not coming from dirty sheets or from my house . Unknowingly I probably ate undercooked pork chops years ago . I have such infestation that the lung worm , tape , hook , round worm worms. Worm’s period because I see several stages or several species. Hairlike worms . Are outside but my lungs are full of them they are coming out from inside my body . The same sores have been there for years . No new ones because I am constantly battling them . Invermectin medicine is beginning to be sold overth counter . In live shampoo Sklice . Just wash body and hair with it . Demaceus Earth ( food grade ) can be dusted lightly around your house. Won’t harm you or pets . Light dusting regular vacuum. Hand held vacuum. Alternate with hand held / mop combo steamer . The black hairs I used to have hardest time getting them to vacuum up . So it reminded me of static cling . So I wipe down sleeping areas people and pets with Bounce Pet hair dryer sheets . Then vacuum . Even if you don’t want to buy parasites or gut health cleaners . Just read everything they share on subject. Read reviews. Go to mortician/ coroner / pathologist discoveries in human autopsy. Tape worms . Pet to people parasite. Coffee enema . Horse hair worms . Another similar circumstance people with another different condition that is so much proof , people who came forward non stop until CDC took them seriously for years Morgellons disease. Fibers under skin . Made of no earthly or man made material on earth . Scientists say . Nope that not real either Z omg . Something up . We are being made illl . I am not conspiracy theorist. To suffer from sores itch , coughing up worms . In my eyes and nose . Nettie pot helps that . But all the steps I have to go through secretly or else I label crazy. To keep them under control. Several times and even moved thought they gone for good . But then I get a itch spot or bite Z that gets bigger and dries out the scab doesn’t sloth off until you take it off only find more live ones underneath. I think they in my blood. Gastroenterology doctors also say you can get hook worm or tape worm . This is something same but worse . All types. How does everyone have them in stool and also have the creepy black hairs all us describe the same along with the white hairs thinner than hair . Thread worms . Tak a high power magnifying glass and you have to be like me and accept it . Stay on top of it and invermectin parasites killing medicine is working to be sold over the counter. I been prescribed it for two courses after coming out of psych ward and not having lab tests coincide with mental health. My doctor did treat me . My local infectious disease control says if situation is as bad as I say I need to be treated several months . Problem is parasites get immune to pesticides. Yet smart folks can’t possibly think that parasites are evolving and just starting to be a common complaint. New species discovered all the time . I am a camper , hiking love the beach have dogs and grandchildren. Another over the counter medicine i bought huge bottle on Amazon for pin worms . Helped some . I bought one tube of invermectin for 1150 pound animal. But I don’t recommend it. I take 1/4 tsp in a huge water bottle at first . Desperate for help . Because I cough them up . Eyes nose . Thought had fungal hair folic infection. Sklice I know for lice on market. But it has the universal all parasite killer main ingredient. So my hair grew back over time . I am Caucasian and know my friends of color have to take breaks from weaves and extensions and get scalp treatments for ring worms. Not a worn . Round circular fungal infection. I tried coconut oil for my hair and skin awesome. Another great otc aloe vera . Turmeric power. They are real . We just the first evolved humans to have great insight to our bodies and health. Advanced to know something is definitely wrong because you have observed all the same out of the normal conditions that are not being understood by population yet . At least we smart enough to know they eventually get into all your organs including blood, skin , bladder , liver , lungs , kidneys, intestines and yes brain . So while we healthy fighting silent battle and can add healthy papaya and healthy stuff to cooking for family. Let the non believers get all their nutrition taken and brain cells disappear.. hope this helps . I wish I wrote this as my own and not a reply. This great site . Donate a buck of much as you can . So we can share our stories. I read the stories and I swear they sound like I wrote them . So laugh to yourself and know you are believed and have great insight to understand what you are seeing is something new you discovered way before doubters and doctors. I wish i could show you some of my pictures. Most of the bad ones I would scrub off , scape off and tried antibiotics ointment and anti fungal medicine scars . They are the same shape as what you see in stool or cough but white scars on my entire back . And chest . Looks like a bizarre pattern repeated shape and approximate size .

      1. Yes, I agree. I am suffering from same thing and it sucks all the stuff we have to do in private to treat ourselves and keep at bay because no one believes. My own boyfriend makes fun of me like I’m seeing things. But then says now he’s gotten it too. But not quite same symptoms. I do not go out anymore and am cleaning all the time and my cat’s now are showing symptoms of this too. I feel so bad I can’t help them cause I can’t even get help for myself for whatever this is. I’ve about given up! All the doctor’s gaslighting and dismissing everything. I take alot of vitamins, supplements, garlic, tumeric, flaxseed, apple cider vinegar, parasite cleanses and even candida defense. Trying to change diet too. But it still gets worse and doesn’t go away. Lesions and coughing up things in mucus and breathing problems and lungs collapsing but even pulmonologist don’t help or believe. Then get told insurance might not cover that test, when I ask for more testing. I see that as they won’t even try. Just because I don’t look deadly I’ll don’t mean I’m not I’ll and infected inside or have had that symptom already but I got it to subside cause they wouldn’t. Why won’t any doctor anymore take the time to go outside of the box to diagnose this, like way back when the patients health was more important than the money?

  4. There is no stable research on this parasite. The stool test is only 3% successful and the blood test is negative until the disease becomes fatal. Drug treatment without medical supervision may spread the infection. Don’t forget. Poison Spraying the environment can help to aggravate the problem. Use steam cleaner & vacuum cleaner every day.ir reduce microorganism. Take a bath daily and put dehumidifiers in different parts of the house. The use of metronidazole and ivermectin with the right dose reduces improves body’s involvement. This parasite is pathogenic and it is important to diagnose the cause of the disease. All kinds of pathogens, fungi, molds and yeasts, insects, amoebas, bacteria, viruses and protozoa… your rash,moles,larva and paranazal parasite should be patology,parasitology checked.blood cbc can help doctor to find out the importance of infection,.(ct scan,MRI ,from areas you feel movement.
    Effective treatment is possible after accurate diagnosis. If you feel a disturbing creature in your body, a disturbance has definitely occurred. Follow up

  5. We live in Kentucky and have been dealing with this since May 21 my husband thought I was crazy he said he was going to put me in a mental hospital because they started in my head as black spots and then they started to go all over my body they were on my mouth and my female areas in my nose and we still have them I have had three rounds of ivermectin and it has not helped I’m scared because now I have lost motor skills and ability to really talk can’t recall words forget lots of things and have headaches and dizziness all the time they’re not supposed to come out your nose

  6. Is it just in stool or are other areas of body affected too? I have exact same in my stool, but not limited to. but what I believe you might have (I definitely have) is a parasitic/infectious disease caused by the aquatic oomycete Pythium insidiosum, a fungal-like organism. It’s not contagious, and since your family all has it (as does mine – including dog) prob likely that somehow ingested the zoospores. Have you moved to new home? Have you had your water checked? This is actually (primarily) a disease that has been seen in plants, so could be that you got it from produce. These are all educated guesses – after half a year of researching reputable sources…and extreme suffering. Look up info, talk to physicians (usually/almost always unhelpful/unknowing) and join support groups. Most of the unknown but suspected parasites i see on here – exactly the same condition. Human Pythiosis.

  7. Have ALL hair symptoms…. Bites me, HARD, swell up like allergic. Tried all medicines repeatedly. 3rd time to ER 1st time said rash 2nd gave the “P” cream 3rd after a huge brown worm (size of the big fat earthworms, about 3 of them around) almost came out of my stomach white worms everywhere then the long hairs I thought spiders were going to erupt from my stomach but I got ambushed at triage and told to leave. My back is the worst I’d rather have quads, kidney stones over this. It goes to the core…my muscles…deep…i feel like there’s a 10s unit in my back. Now I’m glowing. I have black bugs come out of my skin. I have so many strange unbelievable pictures, its happening to me and i have to question my sanity. its surreal. In my stool its like sticks, hard like off a tree. In terrified of my hair. Its crazy its like they are unified, threatening. My boyfriend has problems too but his is different he had a bug that would change metallic colors come out of belly. In beginning it was these worms that glowed haven’t seen those in awhile. I’d say 5-7 different species. I’m a recluse I’ve always been a germaphobe, I don’t leave my house, my boyfriend goes to work where works mostly to himself and comes home. My biggest worry is am I contagious? I have grandbabies, kids, sick mom. I’m told no I’m not. But the other day i picked up my mirror that had piece hair on it, it bit me went into many hand, tried pulling out but couldn’t. When this happens I get numb in that area. My back is so numb put blow dryer directly on it hoping heat would kill them, I couldn’t feel the heat or the burn. I don’t itch…. I’m in CONSTANT pain. Under microscope looks like blisters my chest turns green blue purple, I look jaundice under eyes yellowish green. Yet again my main concern is am i contagious? Anyone know PLEASE PLEASE respond, seems like not many people have this, no info in CDC so I’d have to say no but i don’t know how that can be possible? I haven’t figured out how to post pictures but I have alot. My body is scared its just disgusting. My bf and I got another prescription of ivermectin. It didn’t work before I have a worm in me on camera that is big, the infectious disease doctor says its impossible big too blurry, the film you see my belly button open, all of this is psychotic episodes. I’m so enraged and feeling a tad crazy that I don’t want to take medicine because I want this worm to come out take it back to all the people who told me I was crazy, made me question my sanity, dismissed me. Something needs to change and if they don’t know they should admit that. My blood pressure is sky high I lost 20 lbs in month, I’m petite 5 ft 120-130 lbs., skinny. I feel like I’m doomed but if I let this worm come out and it helps 1 other person changes anything I feel I need to try it. My bf don’t understand this causes so many problems in a once perfect relationship. I just don’t know what to do. In 3 weeks did the Permethrin Cream approx. 10 times taken the pills, steroids. I think maybe should try some fungal cream or something. Please if anyone knows if my family will catch this or maybe I need to just take the medicine in hopes this time it works.

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    I hope these picture links work don’t know any other way to send Thanks!

  8. I can’t believe how many people are suffering from bizarre parasite infections with absolutely no help whatsoever. I am having a similar problem and even had a horsehair worm in my hair trying to get into my mouth and ear. But they don’t want humans as hosts so they say. Looks like a horsehair worm in the picture with the wooden ruler. What is going on for crying out loud??

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