There are two ways to get your gloved hands on a batch of worm castings. You can create your own worm farm or you can just go out and buy wholesale worm castings. But first, why would anyone want to have anything to do with worm castings? First, worm castings (worm feces) are considered one of the world’s best organic fertilizers. They contain more than 60 micro-nutrients and trace minerals, sometimes as much as eleven times more nitrogen, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, potash and magnesium than actual topsoil. Worm castings are the purest and most natural form of a sustained release plant food. And the kicker is this: worms produce this powerful substance as a part of their hum-drum, daily routine.
Worm castings can be used safely and they can even double as an insect and disease repellant by controlling plant pathogens and root-eating nematodes. In addition to being safe for humans to handle, worm castings won’t burn tender plant roots, and unlike other fertilizers which can emit a pungent or chemical-like odor, worm castings emit a rich earthy smell.
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So, how do you create your own worm castings? You can create your own worm farm. Follow the link to find out how. But first, continue reading to find out the advantages of creating your own worm farm, followed by tips on purchasing wholesale worm castings.
The Advantages of Creating Your Own Worm Farm
By creating your own worm farm (using red worms), you may use it to recycle food waste such as fruit and vegetables, hair trimmings, eggshells, pizza boxes and other cardboard paper. Your worms will eat them all, but be sure to shred and soak the boxes first because worms do not have teeth. For the best and most nutritious worm castings, however, feed your worms a chemical-free mixture of shredded leaves and manure (animal and poultry, but not human). Finally, remove any worm eggs from the mix and you’ll end up with castings that look, feel and smell just like black topsoil.
You can even use the castings to make tea — for your plants! Apply the tea to the surfaces of the leaves and it will imbue the plant with many of its own natural microbes that are lost to attack from pathogenic organisms. A suggested ratio for use around the house and garden is 1:5 of undiluted tea to water. Pour this solution into a hand sprayer and use it about once per week, depending on the plants. Experiment (it’s not going to hurt them) and find out what’s best for your garden.
How to Purchase Wholesale Worm Castings
Purchasing wholesale worm castings is easy. All you have to do is visit your local nursery or home and garden store. It’s also easy to purchase castings online. Although you will have to pay a shipping fee, many online retailers offer rock bottom prices and Internet only specials, which will offset any shipping costs. To find worm castings wholesalers online, simply type “wholesale worm castings” into your favorite search engine and follow the results. Good luck
All About Worms is always free, always reader-supported, we don't subject you to ads or annoying video pop-ups. But it does cost us money out of our pocket to keep the site going (nearly 20 years so far!) So your tips via CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal are appreciated! Receipts will come from ISIPP Publishing.