White worms (Enchytraeus albidus) are one of the most common types of worms found in nature. They are earth-dwelling oligochaete worms that live in damp soil, usually damp soil that contains a large amount of decaying organic matter. While white worms come in all sizes from small pinworms to larger worms, one of the most common white worm sightings is the variety that most resembles spaghetti or angel hair pasta.
White worms typically grow anywhere from ¾ to 1½ -inches in length. Their movements are unlike other types of worms such as inch worms. They do wriggle and writhe, but they also move in dart like motions as well. White worms prefer cool temperatures (60 degrees or less) and they also prefer complete darkness, but they will live in temperatures that reach up to 70 degrees or more and they will also come to the surface of the soil for food if necessary.
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As stated earlier, white worms are found in nature, but one of the most common uses for white worms among humans is for fish food. White worms are not typically sold in fish stores, at least not in large enough numbers to culture, but they are quite easy to culture at home.
Starter cultures can be purchased through a number or online sources such as live food retailers and biological companies and they can also be purchased from hobbyists and aquarium society auctions.
After purchasing your white worm starter cultures (typically $5-$10) all you have to do is purchase a plastic container, peat moss, and potting soil. You will also need a small mount of water and water. You can feed your white worms milk-soaked bread, gold fish flake food, oatmeal, cooked white rice or dry bread crumbs. Once your white worm colony is thriving, you can use the worms as fish food for all kinds including killfish and just about all freshwater and tropical fish.
It is important to note that white worms are protein rich. In fact, these small creatures pack so much protein that this vital nutrient makes up roughly 80% of their bodies. It is also important to keep in mind that white worms are also quite fatty. It is recommended that fish should be fed a well balanced diet that consists of other sources of food in addition to white worms. Most fish can handle roughly 3 to 5 white worms per feeding.
Grindal worms are often compared to white worms in the world of live fish food, but white worms are favored for several reasons:
·The cultures do not rot
·They do not suffer from pests
·The cultures do not smell bad
·They do not require lots of water
·They are the perfect size for feeding
If you happen to find a white worm or two darting around your garden or yard, don’t worry – they are not harmful to your plants and vegetables. Chances are, you won’t find too many white worms writhing around in your garden or yard to make a difference anyway!
All About Worms is always free, always reader-supported, we don't subject you to ads or annoying video pop-ups. But it does cost us money out of our pocket to keep the site going (nearly 20 years so far!) So your tips via CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal are appreciated! Receipts will come from ISIPP Publishing.