White Worms or Larvae Coming out of Skin

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EXCITING UPDATE! We have recently come across a new medical provider who actually believes what is going on, and has said they are happy to work with anybody experiencing these symptoms, including remotely. Please see their information by going to our resource page here and looking for “Lighthouse Complex Care”. We are not affiliated with them, and we do not receive compensation or anything else from them, we just have been impressed with how caring they are.

We received a distressing email from a reader recently who is suffering from a severe condition that (at least according to the reader) involves white worms or larvae coming out of her skin. In addition to plaguing the reader’s body, the small white worms or larvae are reportedly all over her house – on the furniture, curtains, carpet, and so on. We are told that the worm-like creatures are also all over the reader’s hair and clothes. The reader has tried desperately to get rid of the worms or larvae, going so far as to spray Lysol on everything in her house multiple times a day, and she has also sought medical help. However, she was “only” diagnosed with suffering from a delusional parasite. The reader has asked us if we have any idea how to get rid of the worms or larvae that have so dramatically compromised our reader’s quality of life.

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Because of the complexity and nature of our reader’s message, we’ve decided to post the email below (with minor editing for formatting), which is exactly what we did when we published an article prompted by a similar reader question about worms that supposedly caused chest pain, staph infections, high blood pressure, seizures, pneumonia, lymphoma, an erratic heart beat, and other medical problems. Since we aren’t medical professionals, we can’t offer any medical advice apart from saying that our reader should talk to a doctor about medical problems or concerns. Thus, there is not really much we can do for our reader other than share her story, which we do in case other people have experienced similar problems. Perhaps someone out there can offer guidance or support to our reader, whose problems are obviously real, regardless of whether they are physical, mental or both.

Here is the reader’s letter, in her own words:

“I am so out of my skin with what happened to me and no one seems to listen or help me. I went to 2 emergency rooms with a worm looking white in color and eggs real tiny white looks like dandruff but put them in water they turn black/brown sometimes. I was treated and diagnosed with dillusional parasitis by a doctor that didn’t test the worms/maggots that I brought in. I am so upset from this. These worm like larvae White are sticky and all over my house, clothes, ,furniture,, curtains, car, carpet and I even have them in my hair. I cannot get rid of anything. They just keep appearing. I have bombed my house, wormed my animals, Lysol everything 3-4 times a day, and they have come through my skin, ,as well in my body waste function. it is so outrageous and out of control I feel like I am getting no where. They have gotten in my hair but they are not lice cause I have had two treatments, and my hair has fallen out by the handfuls and I have just strands of hair left on my head.

“I need some information please/ They look like a thick half moon size fat maggot. Last august we pruned the apple tree and some plum trees that had never been pruned.. I am so upset and irritated as they bite my skin an.d I have small scar holes on my back as if I had acne. The littlest dandruff looking eggs fall off on to my clothes or anything and sometimes in the hair that has come out of my head is broken in several pieces of different lengths. They itch and sometimes look like a very small brown/black bug. I don’t know what to do but I am so very miserable and this has been going on for 7/8 months. No one else has gotten it and I have lost 15 lbs. and I eat all the time. I desperately need some information to know how to rid this? Thank You, I will be waiting for your reply. Also when they get on my clothes it is inside and out, sometimes a sticky larvae, and I have washed everything twice and dried everything they do not go away. They get on clothes and bury into lint as well. Thank you for your concern.”

Clearly, something unfortunate is going on here, and all we can do is reiterate that our reader should get to a doctor. Even if her original experience wasn’t positive, she has nothing to lose by seeking medical help. Regardless of what she is suffering from, some care can be administered. We wish our reader the best of luck in dealing with her ailment.

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White Worms or Larvae Coming out of Skin
Article Name
White Worms or Larvae Coming out of Skin
We received a distressing email from a reader recently who is suffering from a severe condition that involves white worms or larvae coming out of her skin.

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66 thoughts on “White Worms or Larvae Coming out of Skin

  1. hello everyone i also am suffering from whatever this is ive had it for 6 or more years an only one time a new lil nursepractishiner (hope i spelled that right) perscribed me invermectin but it didnt work an when i went back to her YOU GUESSED IT wouldnt treat me or talk about it i begged an cryed to them until they finally sent me to dermatoligy again she didnt even look at me an told me i had some skin problem an brushed me off with a perscription of cream for my skin OH PLEASE !!!! mine is getting worse an i have hAd a dog die as well my other dog is sick now noone will listen to me they think im on drugs an my dog is my only friend now hes sick an so skinny i dont know what to do im scared an alone why is this happening to us people we need to do something but what? thanks for listening im praying for you all god bless

  2. hey Everyone I’ve had this exact thing for 3 years now and but I believe I had it longer but didn’t notice till I got a Rash One Day.. anyway… Now It’s Kinda Bad to where I Get Pretty Much have ..Fungal Achne it feels like.. so I get Really Sticky Gooey Puss. and very think layers on the Very top of my skin and when it’s deep I get Balls Of these white, Greenish, Yellowish, Clear And White Things That are No Jokee Alive And Jump and Stick to things and move around. (BUT THEYRE SUPER SMART) Hard to Believe I know but they only move when they see ur not looking. !!! I know it sound crazy but it’s true.!! anyway. I won’t lie !! I’ma Ex Heroin and Meth Addict. and when I did that it was bad and when I quick it cleared up fairly quick. BUT I WILL SAY. THEY SRILL COME N GO BUT FOR THE MOST PART I NOTICED THAT LACK OF SLEEP BRINGS THEM on A lot and quickly. and. greasy skin too. good luck Everyone.. Change ur diet cut out sugar and work out and just try to slow or cut. out fatty foods. and u should be good also let the sun hitur skin. I know it’s embarrassing but do it truuust me. it helps souch lastly Stay Clean Hygiene wise.!! GOD BLESS anduch Love.

  3. Oh and it’s not a conspiracy, it’s total ignorance. You can’t tell someone who sits so much higher than you anything. That means they would be forced to look down through their own cognitive dissonance for something that they don’t know. We cannot be at eye level when explaining the true nature of Mother nature to Godly people and be forced to investigate that nature. That’s absurd, I mean you’d have to live in a bigger house with a better car, and a larger paycheck for a doctor to actually listen let alone care enough to help or follow up.

    Left to the wolf’s….. I am not the only one. I pray my previous post helps you fellow outcasters.


  4. Blood Fluks people, look them up. You’ll thank me latter. Praziquantel three times a day for two days or Albendazole two tabs a day for seven days. Serious infection could mean redoseing in a few weeks. Reinfection is high, use cation. Little @ssholes made me a sticky yarn covered mess. At least the sticky fluid is your own blister fluid. Have fun…


    1. I am so extremely grateful that I somehow ran across your message. I have been dealing with this for years. I was nearly committed, lost my doctor, my sanity, and my ability to partake in life normally. Thank you. I am not hallucinating, or straight up insane! I assume you know about them sticking to everything, like everything?! By chance do you know how to get rid of them? Or treat pets? I cannot tell you what a life changing event reading this was. I hope to fix this and get to say I told you so, awful as that is! Ty again for posting. LIfe changing! :)

  5. I don’t know if this is similar to everyone else’s experience but I keep on getting these small thin white worm things up my backside for the last 2 and a half years or more and they seem to come and go but as time goes on and on it always seems to feel like it gets harder and harder to get rid of them and in the last 3 maybe 4 months they now start to feel like they are crawling all over my skin and it always seems like they suddenly get much worse almost instantly after I have either gone for a number 2 or if I have eaten especially if it’s something that high in sugar sometimes I even wonder and think to myself if it is already in certain foods such as biscuits for example

  6. I contacted a strange illness a few months back that sounds alot like this. Stinging itching from tiny hard grains under skin that turned into lesions that would have threads and hard specks come out. I was shedding these white specks everywhere and started having other systemic health issues. First mistake was telling the doctor it felt like bugs biting me. Instant DP diagnosis, especially if you go back and ask for a biopsy test. I gave up on doctors when 2nd one told me same. Like any normal person, I associate biting/stinging feeling with bug bites, but I was convinced there were bugs so I bought a good microscope and started studying what was coming out of me. Sometimes things on slides would look so much like bugs, but never moved.

    I’m not recommending what I did next regarding self-medicating to anyone else, but during this time of misery my next thought was worms, so I got some ivermectin and did a good course of it which did clear out some tapeworms and hookworms I had. But the problems continued and got worse.
    One day I ran video on some samples for 2 hrs and when running back/forth looking for movement I noticed the hairs moving back/forth and looked to be reaching out trying to grab something, like they were alive. I had been noticing all of these lint clusters that had been appearing lately which I later learned were growing from the specks I was shedding. After a few days of looking at this stuff through microscope and doing some tests/additional research, I believe it is fungal in nature as I saw what appeared to be hyphae and fruiting bodies in many slides. It reacted very negatively to anti-fungal chemicals such as lysol and clotamazine stuff for athletes foot. Possibly aspergillious is my best guess without proper lab confirmation.

    Anyways I sourced a strong betadine solution and some ampotecerin to treat it and that largely cleared it up except for a 3 or 4 slow healing sores.

  7. This is probably the closest (in most of the posts) to what I have. I need to post my own so I can add pictures to see what I’m talking about. Doctors diagnosed me with parisitosis and my infant daughter has been removed from my care. Hopefully the doctors that ARENT saying I’m crazy can get her back to me soon. It’s so messed up. I’m sick and they take my kid from me. Not hurting me or her in any way whatsoever. Will be following with my own post within next week or two. Thanks for the reassurance I’m not the only one and I’m not crazy “. I have a damn microscope for Pete’s sake!

  8. My dog was itching terribly. I tried everything. I then decided to carefully apply Diatomaceous Earth to his coat, after 1/2 hour tiny white colored objects emerged from his skin. I let the diatomaceous earth sit on his coat overnight, this killed these white small worms. I then gave him a bath and did this again a week later, only a few more worms, I will try it again in a month to ensure he doesn’t have anymore. He is not scratching anymore. I am not sure what we were dealing with but this simple procedure seemed to eliminate the issue rather quickly and was the cheapest options of everything we tried.

  9. I have these things as well. I have been to ER, My Doctor, Infectious Disease, and Dermatology..75 visits in 7 mo ths. I see Gastro in 2 weeks…I use an antiparasitic shampoo for dogs on my skin and hair. I have thrown away all my furniture..Kept a bed and to plastic chairs..I have 2 inches of diameticus earth on my floors. I also put it on my mattress. Then I put plastic on mattress, then more diatomaceous earth then the sheet. This is the only way I dont get bitten. I’ve heard it all from delusional paratosiz to am I on drugs. Doctors are cueless..I’ve taken ivermectin and fenbenazol…I also put diameticus earth on my skin with athlete’s foot cream..then I take a Q-tip and remove them.
    I hope someone figures this out soon..I havent seen my grandkids in 7 months because I wont expose them to this..My kids have seen them..My bf thought I was nutty but he has them too now..They’re In the car ,house, etc…Hopefully someone figures this out.

  10. I had the same thing last year for a few months. I thought for sure it was scabies. But you can’t see scabies with the naked eye and the symptoms weren’t matching up. I got it again about a month ago. My husband argued enough with me to the point that I used different wording on the internet to come up with something different. I thought maybe larva from a biting fly. Those symptoms weren’t adding up either. I came across this. Reading all these people’s experiences with it made me think. “What is it we all have in common?” We all have pets. So I looked up flea larva. That’s the answer! At least to most of you. I don’t know about all of you. But the pictures look exactly the same as what I saw under my microscope. The eggs can fall off of the pet anywhere. They hatch when they get warm. When they hatch, they are 5 fleas in 1 larva “white worm”. They will burrow in human skin. This explains why I saw more than one coming out of the same spot on my skin. As they grow, they separate individually. That’s when they come out of the skin. All my life, I had no idea this was possible. I’ve had pets most of my life. But my cats were always indoors and never had fleas. My dog had fleas but not bad. We kept flea medicine on her. But it seems like I would have noticed before now. I have 2 dogs that come in and out the the house. Every time they went back outside for a while, I’d vacuum everywhere and get all the (siberian husky) hair or any fleas, eggs or ticks that might have fell off of them in the house. They only stayed in the living room and kitchen. They didn’t get on any furniture. So that made it easier to clean up after them. I was doing my best to groom and treat them in the house. I don’t have the money for expensive flea meds anymore. So I’ve been trying home remedies. This didn’t come up again until about a month ago which happens to be when I took my friend’s dog in my home to take care of for a little while until he can take him back. He has short hair, so the hair is far less noticeable. So we felt bad for him and let him on the furniture. Now I’m regretting it. I can’t make him stop now. He wouldn’t understand. I think the doctors don’t want to look because they don’t want to admit they don’t know what they are looking at and they don’t know what to prescribe the get rid of them. But they aren’t the parasite specialists anyway. I wouldn’t expect a doctor to know what it is. But instead of admitting they don’t know and learn something from it, they’d rather stay ignorant of the parasite and to them it’s easier to claim the patient is delusional. Obviously not a care at all at what the patient could possibly be going through. I believe a doctor that could do that should have his/her license yanked! They call it practice for a reason. They are supposed to always be learning and discovering something new to better their self as a doctor for the patients well being when the opportunity is available! They are supposed to refer another doctor or send it off to a lab with people that specialize in parasites or whatever the case may be. Anyway to try and rid this for once and for all, hopefully… I figured I should start where the source is. I have flee, eggs and tick killer powder for the yard. I think I’ll do something more toxic around the fence and boundaries to try and keep them from coming back. I’ll give the dogs a bath with flee and tick shampoo and add some dish soap and tea tree oil to it. I also have unrefined coconut oil to apply to the dogs’ skin all over. Not douse, just rub it in… which kills fleas, eggs, ticks and mites. Reapply once every 1-2 weeks. And for myself, I’ve been applying a mixture of coconut oil and tea tree oil. I believe it was a cup of unrefined coconut oil and 10 drops of tea tree oil. That’s what got rid of this last time. I was amazed at how well it worked compared to other remedies I tried. They were gone within a week. But I kept applying everyday for 2 weeks to make sure. Plus I sprayed alcohol on everything that couldn’t be washed easily, like bedding or furniture, my desk area. I kept a spray bottle with me everywhere lol. Now that I know what it is exactly, I’ve read the eggs can be killed with dish soap mixed in the alcohol, as dish soap kills them anyway. I added a little in the spray bottle and shook it up. It didn’t seem like it made a difference as no bubbles formed. I sprayed it on my body after I showered. I won’t do that again. My upper back between my shoulder blades was very irritated by it and I don’t know why but only the back of my right ear felt like it was on fire for a minute or so. It wasn’t cut or sore from anything. I hadn’t been scratching it either. Anyway, I hope I could help someone to be rid of this nightmare that isn’t delusional. It has nothing to do with the government either. It’s just flea eggs and larvae. I sure wish I figured it out over a year ago. I told my daughter I had scabies lol. Please let me know if I helped you see the light at the end of the tunnel. Good luck everyone!

    1. I have been reading everyone’s stories and I too am suffering from something. I know the nasties that have been found in clothing, furniture, bedding, bath towels, practically everything in my home. I have CARPET BEETLES and they are nasty little critters that are very destructive and eat practically anything, the larvae is destructive anyway. The adults can fly and are as tiny as a flea but they aren’t parasitic, meaning they don’t bite or live in your gut while feasting on your internal organs. BUT, the adult females fly around the house dropping her cargo, tiny fragile off white colored eggs. Once the eggs hatch it’s the larvae that is living in the clothes and leaving a greenish waxxy film on rugs, clothes, bedding, towels, etc. And because the larvae have little hairs up and down their bodies, it will make your clothing itchy. They love gnawing on human hair so at night they will climb up you and get into your hair, on your head, legs, pubic area, etc. They aren’t picky so eyelashes, eyebrows and even nose hairs make a tasty treat. If you are noticing thinning head hair, sparce eyelashes and eyebrows, it’s probably the carpet beetles feasting on your hair at night. I heard one way of getting rid of them from your home is a heat treatment, just like exterminators use for bedbugs. Unfortunately the treatment is $2000-$4000! If you have the money to pay for it then you’re in luck. I’m also finding tiny white worms coming from my fingers, arms and I have done some research and I came up with demodex mites, face mites. The larvae is the itty-bitty white worms that you see emerging from the little holes they’ve made in your skin. I have never heard of carpet beetles in my life nor have I ever heard of anyone else dealing with them either. They are native to middle East, personally, I wouldn’t be surprised if they something created in a bio lab. Nothing surprises me much anymore. There are also these clear white hairs everywhere that move all by themselves. I heard this is a type of cotton seed fungus and is a result of biotech trying to save the cotton industry and have been going to any extreme necessary. I read about these moving hairs on this site actually. And I believe I have nasal strongyloides stericolis, a type of roundworm in my nose, eyes and ears. I’m starting to feel like I’m becoming all the creepy crawlies queen! Lol
      I’m not making lite of any of this because it’s the most disturbing thing I’ve ever dealt with but sometimes you just have to make jokes and try to keep a sense of humor so you don’t completely lose your mind. I find it strange that people all over the country are experiencing worms and larvae and hairs that move like worms and not a peep from the medical industry or news medias. Interesting ?
      Hang in there everyone. It sounds like people throughout the country are starting to figure out treatment for these things better than the so called experts. Me, I’m treating all of it as parasitic and fungal. I’ve been avoiding all processed sugar and foods. My son and his family have been drinking burdock root tea, a natural antiparasitic and drinking lemon water as a cleanse. They’ve both shed pounds while feeling healthier and lighter. Their skin is glowing, their overall moods are upbeat and positive, and have more energy during the day and sleep better at night. I’m trying to follow the same regimen and I just started. Hopefully we all will eventually get to the bottom of whatever, or whoever or both, has been plaguing everyone with these things and be able to get back to some normalcy.

    1. I’m on my second course. The first worked remarkably well but want to be sure. The MD I saw second time around suggested I was hysterical and have me the over me the ivermectin to calm my fears.

  11. Holy crap!
    I made the mistake of putting these little monsters on a slide to investigate under my microscope. It’s a Sargent Welch like the ones in high school science class. It has very good optics. With good magnification. On the lowest setting I can see these little monsters. Using a sterile needle I can lift off the skin “cap” and gain access to the dark specks on my leg. They look like a supper scabie with a longer body and has a definite tail. As they grow the barbed tail pierces into the skin. They look like semicolon. When you scratch they get under your nails some will find a good living there.and many flat ribbon larvae. And mini clones that spread.as you do scratch and groom your hair etc.They get on to the scalp and make a nest under the skin usually about the crown. The are very tough and difficult to remove, much like a tic maybe related? When they find a home the get larger. When I found them under my fingernails the first time after washing up after work , I saw black specks that would not come out. My nails were getting sore under the tips.That’s when it all started and the microscope came into play.I removed these things and they looked well developed. Like a cross between a crayfish and a flea with spikey legs and sides.a head with a pair of hooked horns. On the little ones they have what maybe antia. The abdomen having a football shaped body with spiked and bumpy along the lateral line. The bumps look like that of a cucumber.Other bumps are at random. The underside there is a protruding organ. The rear (anus ?) terminates with jagged bristles pointing a way and when not broken off has a long barbed what looks like a feeding tube and a powerful anchor. The smaller ones also have this appendage. I believe this is the semicolon”s tail.I also believe The ribbons I have found are larva. I have only seen movement immediately after removing those. The larger specimens must die when removed. It takes a firm grip or levered up with a steady pulling force. When they come out with the spike in tact it causes a painful wound.I removed many of these and it seemed another would not take long to fill the void.They get under the skin along the front of the nails and grow right in. The skin clipped off harbors many of the small ones.So great care must be taken when grooming the nails as they are highly contagious. I have tried for 4 years to win the battle on my crown of my head. I put everything on it. I finally found that CIDER VINEGAR soaked paper towel and soaked the open wound.About one week plus I won. I am now wiping my affected areas on my legs. The lower portions look like a faint rust poke marked with little red dots. The red dots go up my thighs lessing as they get higher.The cider vinegar seems to be the solution. I pray it does because I am going to take up heavy doses of single malt scotch, and see who wins.
    I hope this helps guys Cheers Tim V.

  12. I too have been battling these same little flat tiny small worms like organism! And the tiny black things too, along with this white crusty stuff everywhere. I am extremely itchy all over too. I am both happy and sadden to hear others are suffering from the same thing. Have been to doc,s and treated for scabies with little to no relief, other than the ivernmectin. I was refer d to a very prominent dermo only to be labeled delusional, with biopsy that showed nothing?????
    How can this be scientifically possible??? Both my father & I are both left dumb founded and are going to exhaust the doctors until something is done! We both find it so hard to believe the cover up issue(though it may be real) and that no doctor supper-extensively(even at mayo) found anything. I really haven’t heard of anyone going that far,why?????
    I just found this web site last night and normally try to stay away from the internet as it can put things into your mind(like I need any of that right now),but glad i did. However trying to weed out some cookie sh** from the people that really share the same exact symptoms as me has been ,well, as disturbing as this condition that has been going on now since march of 2020. Right when this damn pandemic hit. And also shortly after I groomed my dogs for the first time.
    I am writing here just to join the many of you in hopes to find others like me and also make this group band together.
    Many prayers and blessings to you all, as I am sure we will find an answer to the horrible dilemma.

    J.C. ki********@gm***.com
    I rearly check this email but will try to be better at it, sry.

  13. go to er and don’t mention parasites just say bad infection and painful ,maybe say uv had fever.see if theyll give you doxycyclene then follow up with dermatologist. get a referral from er. tell derm they referenced the ointment bensal. ul need a manufacturers coupon. derm can help u. its the best combo yet. I’ve had it almost 6 months and this is first thing to kill it. was able to peel mites off and worms come to surface. take out with sharp tweezer. for person losing hair keep the skin covered. even with packing tape. also toothpaste.where a hat turbin towel anything just keep covered the hair will eventually grow back. use rogain shaAmpoo.for the house buy a high heat steamer on Amazon about 200.00and steam everything as much as possible. up tape with sticky out around bed and furniture legs and try to find nests in ur house espec under baseboards and always wear shoes in ur house and mask.stay away from fans and close a/c vents where you stay most especially on the kitchen.its a process but u will win. supposedly we all have weekend immune systems so were a good host so take vitamins to boost immunity and I’ve heard garlic. the one time that they really died off is when I had 103 fever. might pay to get sick like flu. I unfort became reinfected bc still in my house. don’t give up.dont listen to assholes and concentrate most on what could be lowering ur immune system. tell doctor u want a blood and metobollic workup.again don’t mention bugs just infection.

  14. I have black tiny bugs along with tiny white I am guessing eggs..I am thinking these are from Gnats and baby gnats of some kind. I saw on a similar webpage to sprinkle baking soda on carpet and furniture. The baking soda may usually kills bugs if they get in it. It is cheap and I thought I will try it. If no one believes you as they didn’t me as I was the only one getting bitten.. I sprinkled backing soda on my carpet at night, vacuumed it up the next morning, I have a plastic vacuum container and dumped it in the trash..Then everyone saw the tiny bugs, The dark spots stuck out in backing soda.I have been doing it for about 3 weeks every night and still get dead bugs everyday. Try it for a few bucks and take bugs and baking soda to your Dr. and show him and anyone that doesnt believe you… It is worth a try for a couple dollars to try to know you are not going crazy…

  15. I have the same issue. It all stated from having mold in a new home I bought. I think they are in Wal-Mart clothes and Good wil. I feel so funny at those two places. I’m 90 % bette. I fast for 24 hours, do anal enemas. When I take antipariste meds. I take them at a large dose. And I take all kind of natural pills 3 to 4 times a day. If you want to discuss it. My number (443) 929-8618 text me. My email ce***************@gm***.com.

  16. To: Commenter KME(March 20, 2019) Above

    My problem with these pests began after a terrifying spiritual home infestation in July of 2018. Immediately after I held an all night prayer vigil to ask my God to eradicate the creatures that had taken my home hostage, these creatures replaced them. I have prayed about these but not as vigilantly since they aren’t as scary to me. I found that your mention of this infestation being somehow linked to our spirituality interesting because, after months of internet searches, doctor visits, threats of institutions, different approaches to eradicating, accompanied by unsympathetic family members, I’ve reached the same conclusion. I’m relieved, as in any situation, that I’m not the only one who feels this way.

    All that being said, I sit as I speak, typing on a keyboard literally covered in dead and live bodies from today. I clean everything all the time. I’m actually concerned that the constant cleaning of some items might destroy them, but there’s no way around it. My nonchalant, unconcerned husband doesn’t think it will come to that, and I know how this is going to play out. When the time comes that I’ve “ruined” an item with water or whatever, it will not be blamed on the bugs that I’m “imagining”, but on me.

    As I stated above, I clean constantly. I’ve used Borax, Lysol and anything else I can find. I became terribly sick after I inhaled too much of a poison once. I’m currently trying cleaning with Sulphur, which I haven’t tried up to now. I don’t have animals or children in my home and my husband isn’t at home very much, so it’s relatively safe to use.

    The most annoying thing to me, besides being invade by these things, is the fact that it can be associated with hallucination. There is something much, much bigger going on here and the more I trudge through, the more clear that becomes to me. I’m concerned as to whether this is something that should be taken seriously by someone whose ears it hasn’t reached yet. What I mean by that is, there are people(I don’t know the legal names for what they do) who study human relationship to other dimensions and our evolution of technology that is propelling us into worlds we’ve never known before. What we are experiencing in our homes may well be a clue that should be taken seriously and studied by those in positions that can make the necessary adjustments or whatever to keep this sort of thing under control in the future. But, who would listen to an uneducated middle aged woman from Mississippi who lives barely above the poverty level? Yes, it’s easy then to tell me I’m imagining things. That’s a rather rude way of dismissing my ongoing mentally and physically demanding and detrimental dilemma.

    I know there is something very significant about what I’m going through and what I’m learning. I don’t know what, so meanwhile, I will continue to clean my home constantly, use hand sanitizer constantly, and hide my fingernails and arms and legs when in public, while washing my hair twice a day if necessary.

    Thanks to everyone for posting here. It’s so refreshing to know others understand. I hope someday soon, for all our sakes, we get to a suitable solution.

  17. I’m charri I am experiencing white worm like movement ! Something is moving under my skin I can feel movement of the parasites ! Doctors tell me I have mental things going on ! I wish for them to be in my body for a day It is so distracting!

  18. I know just how you feel! been to doctor 3 times between 2019 and 2019. like your doctors mine assumed that it was scabies, of course its no and they decide I was either crazy or on drugs. they, the bugs have hit again in march and now its may. I have spent so much time trying to get rid of and find out whts it’s all about. Question, do you have the large worms in your body also

  19. This post has the most comments of any I have ever read in the last 8 years of people describing what I have now and have had two times before now.
    I have gotten rid of them twice before and I know I will again, but the question i have is why and how are we all getting these things and why are the other people around us so closed minded about recognizing that we have this infection?
    The first time I had the white wormy things, fibers, black specks etc. coming out of my skin was in 2011. I totally freaked out and made the mistake of going to the ER, and then my primary physician, and then my dermatologist. ALL of them, (two of whom I had known for at least 10 years before that!), told me I was delusional.
    I had never believed in conspiracies prior to this time, but after the treatment I received, I absolutely knew something was amiss and that they as a profession had been told to ‘stand down’ regarding this ailment.
    I did some research then, and at that time, there was some information going around the internet about the American Medical Association sending a letter to every licensed medical doctor stating that if they treated patients with this affliction in any other way than delusions of parasites, that they would loose their license to practice medicine.
    Additionally, as there is deliberately no diagnostic code for this ailment from any insurance company, they could not bill for it or even anything that closely resembles this skin/parasite infection. The only option would be doctors who were cash only and did not take insurance and who did not care about the AMA meddling in their practice. There are some out there that I have read about, but they are few and scattered across the country.
    If this is all new to anyone reading this, I would suggest avoiding doctors regarding this matter and avoiding them altogether in general. They seem to do more harm than good on purpose for all health issues.
    I struggled with these damned things and tried everything anyone suggested on every website that discussed Morgellons or Lyme, or other parasitic infection that had similar descriptions to what I was experiencing. I was finally symptom free after 18 months.
    I promptly forgot all about it until 2015 when it started all over again.
    First some kind of mite like symptoms, then the worms and fibers, etc. This bout only lasted about four months and was less severe. I think knowing how to handle it made a huge difference in getting things under control quickly.
    I was then all clear until a few days ago.
    I believe that every body is a unique eco-system and has a unique chemistry and therefore, what works for some people will not necessarily work for another. That means a lot of trying things to see what works and what doesn’t FOR YOU.
    I also have come to realize that this is in part a spiritual attack and these parasites are deployed against all of us sufferers.
    From whom or why I have no idea, but we all must share a certain spiritual marker that makes us targets for this attack.
    These parasites can sometimes be pinpointed to a time and place, and it seems like some outdoor activity like hiking or gardening may be involved. Sometimes people say they contracted it from someone, and other times one person in a family will have it and everyone else is clear. Sometimes the environment like home or office seems to be the culprit, often involving mold issues in the structure of the buildings. Others swear it is clothing or other textiles, rugs, furnishings etc. that were infested. I think all of these are ways someone can get infected, but why we get it and others don’t is something to ponder.
    Also, in almost every case the others around us flat out refuse to look at the things coming out of our bodies, instantly deem us ‘crazy’ and become angry when this parasitic infection and symptoms and our feelings surrounding it are mentioned!
    It is truly the strangest phenomenon I have experienced in my life…a real Twilight Zone feeling about it all.
    The best thing to do is remain calm. Don’t freak out! Don’t spend hours and hours looking under a microscope or loupe at these things…yes they are there and yes they look the same.
    Don’t try to convince people who are obviously under some kind of brainwashing to see what you have.. They won’t look and even if they do look, they won’t see and will try and dismiss you with impatience. Try not to get overly obsessive about your environment, clothes, car, food, etc. They will die off eventually if you are CONSISTENT. Find out what works for YOU and be calmly consistent with your protocol without going overboard. It is so easy to get upset and think that you will die from these things or that they will take over everything. Thinking this way just leads to a futile frenzy and more upset when they don’t go away immediately. Just be consistent and calm and they will go away. I’m saying all of this to myself as much as anyone else because I have done all these things and even started to do the freak out obsessive compulsive cleaning everything frenzy panic. Don’t do it! Find out what works for you and be disciplined with your eradication routine. Stay positive!

  20. Link:Shareaholic

    I’m writing to ask if anyone has parasites coming out of the nails skin and hair
    My nails hurt and can’t grow due to the viscous parasites that are ended in and under the nail I literally rip them out with tweezers to stop the throbbing then when I scratch my skin and hair they get right back under never ending
    They eat my hair toe nails are disgusting but I get pedicures can’t get manicures because the nails are in such bad shape
    I’ve asked my Mayo Drs because I have Crohns disease and they dismiss it and say I’m over reacting
    I’m freaking out
    Please someone help
    Lori Deputy

  21. I take antipsychotics so the first thing I was told was that I was having delusions. The long white “hairs” seem to pull my face into painful directions. When removed leaves a tract somewhat like stiches. Started with a few spots on my face…now it’s all over my body. The “hairs” have just started growing over my finger and toe nails. I have to either wipe with alcohol, peroxide, or sulfer gel to stop it. Only momentarily tho. My skin seems to get loose then hard bands form under it pulling it taunt into obviously strange contortions. The grow over the corners of my eyes and when broken bleed. I’ve also found the little white filaments on the floor, counters, etc. My makeup seems to migrate and come out of my lips.. I find lil black dots around the counter but not usually on my skin. My face and body absorbs lint and fuzz from towels, cotton, paper, and hair from my dogs. I recently noticed my dogs are also afflicted. With their ears and skin being pulled taunt. They start shaking and crying when I try to rub them away. I’ve treated the entire house re washed everything I own more than once. I’ve wiped whole house with bleach. I have laminate flooring which I sweep, vacuum, and wipe with bleach and Lysol daily. I spray my bedding daily with Lysol. Nothing helps. If anything it’s worse. I treat the dogs every month with the interceptor plus once a month. Makes no difference. Just wanted to share my experience with this crazy stuff. Oh also was told I had vitamin deficiency from being vegan for 8+ yrs. I’m taking supplements and eating meat again. Seemed to help at first. Now makes no difference.

  22. people they come from the sky yes they do seen it a lot of times that is why I always have my hoodie on all summer to I wore hoodies just for that reason , not only at night but during the day to if windy you will see them being blown around if rainy they come down if you look hard you can see them looking under a light at night time you might catch some we know what they are and are awear of them others might miss them or not see them either and I am nuts again they say … we have a base up there why are they experimenting on us why not those guys I didn’t sign up for this job Mr. Trump knows what they are doing though I bet the white house has them any store I go in I check to see if they have them yup food stores little stores like 7 eleven Cumberland farms yup they are every where lets try to stop this who’s with me ?????????


  24. check out rense.com to see if the 60 plus symptoms describes what u are going through when I was reading through them it was making me sick cause I had so many

  25. ive been reading all of your stories and it seems we all have the same thing. ive got 4 lesions on my face and ended up with mrsa a year ago and 2 of the lesions are still open. it looks like I was shot in the side of my face and the open lesions are trying to connect with each other. if I knew how to send a pic I would show u. here is my deal ive tried a lot of stuff to control these lil f…s but I want to kill them before they kill me because im 42 and have liver disease and cirrhosis and have had enough of these worms and these doctors. the reason they wont talk about it cause there is no model yet for the insurance companies to go by. the CDC is supposed to get on it but I haven’t heard anything but I wasn’t looking. what is causing Morgellons gmos, the spraying of barium and aluminum etc ( couple days ago I had a shiny lil shard of metal work its way out of the side of my nose where it meets the skin on your face) is it big brother using us as guinea pigs or borreila bacteria which I have no idea how its spelled but its the cause of lyme disease. I don’t no! what I do no is whatever I did a month ago caused the worms to go away and I didn’t even notice it. I was messing with magnets and emf fields which at the time did nothing. not sure what it was but its back to normal. you pick one worm and 2 more appear and ive got these ones that are bloody and a lil bigger that have a tube that extends off it with a sucker and a stinger. they are in the open lesions. so here is what facts I have that compare to some others descriptions got white worms some that are gooey and some that look like they have lil armor plates on. ive got a cat that has been itchy and had very few fleas cause he was on meds for it. ive had a ton of fruit flies in my house this year for all summer and they are still around which isn’t normal. had a derm dr trying to send me to a shrink including my pcp my symptons are edema in my legs , chest pains, head sweat a ton, fast heart beat, weight gain and loss in quick periods, gooey stuff in corner of my eyes all the time compared to morning only,very itchy face ,head, back and legs, dry tongue and have had stringy stuff come out it when I brush teeth and rinse with listerine or use peroxide, stinging and burning in face and im sure there is more but that’s enough for now. im not sure which ones are from liver disease but that’s were I stand we need a genius to figure this out lol this sux!!!!

  26. Iwanted to update everyone from what I wrote back in July, 2018. After writing I ended up researching and thought I should look into Morgellons also. I ened up buying 20 Mule Borax and antibacterial dish soap. The ivermectin I have been using has decreased in being effective so I needed something else. I went into the doctors office one more time after finding this treatment (Borax and dish soap) to show the doctor how much of the fibers and worms and black spots come out of my skin. It was a new VA doctor since I had moved and the nurse was very aware of Morgellons and stated a nurse there had it and they were helping her. She also stated that she new about the miture I was using. I told her i just wanted a real diagnosis and not the delusional one they had stuck me with. She stated she understood and went to get the docotr so i could show them wht happens when I put this mixture on my skin. Well no surprize for me but the doctor did not come in to even look at what i wanted to show him. The nurse totally changed her tune and said the doctor said there is nothing he could do for me and i needed to go to mental health. This makes it obvious that the VA medical professionals know all about Morgellons and have been told to cover it up. But I will deal with them soon and have waited since I have been trying to heal my body and move at the same time. Anyway, the information I want to add is that the 20 Mule Bora and Antibacterial dish soap is the best thing I have tried yet. Everything is coming out and I have seen more results these last couple months then the entire 7 years I have been dealing with it. It is amazing. There is a video on youtube that shows you how to mix it up and how to use it.. You also want to get Alfalfa leaf tablets and use them internally and externally when you soak in tub. That stuff is amazing also. I can see a light at the end of the tunnel finally. https://youtu.be/92yNmTplGYg

  27. My dog and I are both infested with the white worms. Took the dog to the vet (spent over $1000), ER for me, yet we can’t get someone to give us a diagnoses except that i’m insane, or on drugs. My relatives refuse to see the pics and videos i have sent them, and almost had me committed. i live in an RV full time in California. My dogs had a severe infestation of fleas that came on fast. i got them on meds and bathe them several times a week. One dog past away (she was almost 16 and had cancer) Before she passed she was attracting bugs due to her very strong odor that wouldn’t got away even with baths. When she did pass, shortly after my other dog because infected what seemed like botfly, or screwworm, or birdmites, i would catch the infestation very early, so it was difficult to determine what it is. And his hair color and mine are close to the same color as the worm, which made it difficult to see in pics. But i could see them, and have several witnesses who also saw them. But the medical doctors refused to see them. This made my family think i was on drugs. They wouldn’t believe any of my eye witnesses, nor understand that my RV is parked in a very buggy RV Park in Long Beach California.

    Had to take matters into my own hand. What my family thought was secondary, i had to help my dog’s insane scratching as well as my own. Did a lot of research online, and i still don’t know what it is, but i do know that it’s a maggot, a little white worm, and when it hatches from the skin, a little black fly also hatches with it. i know, it’s very weird, and very real.

    So after being rejected by the ER room as someone who is crazy (drug test showed nothing), i did the following and both my symptoms and my dogs symptoms have improved 90% a short week later!!! i feel encouraged that i can get rid of whatever it is within 10 days based on how quickly we have healed. My dog and i are almost symptom free. We both have stopped scratching. Here’s what i did:

    Me: Tripled the dose of turmeric. I took three caps of Gaia’s Extra Strength Turmeric twice a day to kill the parasites for 5 days (turmeric is an excellent herb to rid parasites both intestinal and skin. Rub Coconut Oil on my head where the infestation manifested, wore a towel on my head and slathered on Coconut oil at night to prevent new infestations, ate coconut oil, ginger, and very important Raw Pumpkin Seeds every day to also kill the parasite, vacuumed everything every day, sprayed vinegar and water on walls and floor, washed everything in the washer and dried on high heat. Since i am vegan (29 years), my diet is very healthy, so i don’t think carbs or sugar have anything to do with the infestation. The bugs are real. And they come from mites, or screwworm, or fleas. i am feeling so much better, and will continue the treatment for another few days, then reduce it by half for maintenance.

    Dog: i have videos of the worms exiting the bumps on my dogs back. A tiny black fly would also leave with it. They were very small, due to their “home” being attacked when i gave my dog an anti flea medication Advantage II. Both times when i gave him the flea med a day later the worms went crazy and hatched before their time. My dog went into a major episode of scratching uncontrollably which alerted me and i knew something was not right. i watched several worms/maggots emerge from the skin and when it subsided i put coconut oil on his entire body to suffocate them. i put a lot on, and within 5 minutes he stopped scratching. i also fed him coconut oil, turmeric, raw Pumpkin Seeds, and a dewormer. His black spots are almost gone now and the intense itching has stopped. i still see some suspecting bumps left, so i will continue giving the coconut oil, turmeric, herbal dewormer til all spots are gone. He is doing so much better.

    I think these infestations come from either a fly or flea or mite, or a combination of them. Treatment must be both topical and internal to heal. Where there’s skin infestation there is intestinal infestation. Also google birdmites. These little nasty critters can drive a person crazy. i think we had 3 infestations going on at the same time and one of them was birdmites (we live under a tree with lots of birds and nests) https://www.birdmites.org/anguish.html – here is an excerpt:

    “A person can grow weary and discouraged from fighting these battles everyday. Especially if there is not a lot of success. It can often seem like a relentless enemy is stalking the afflicted individual. Sometimes, it is the intense itching or lesions on large areas of the body, which can last for days on end; and other times it will be the crawling and biting that causes most of the battles. Some days it may seem like the situation is finally under control, and then other days (and nights) it can seem overwhelming, like there has not been any progress. And discouragement is often the end result.
    When it seems like there are no answers to this affliction, a person can become depressed and suicidal. Discouragement and depression can lead to suicidal thoughts, when it seems like the only way out from this living hell. It is hard to go through something this difficult for a long period of time without losing hope. There are some who have attempted suicide due to a long-standing parasite infestation. An anti-depressant may be needed for a period of time if the person and their doctor feels it may help. And having the support of someone who cares, is important.”

    Turmeric is also a natural anti-depressant as well as a anti-parasitic. Eat turmeric, garlic, coconut oil and Raw Pumpkin Seeds, and take medicinal Turmeric (triple the dose! You cannot OD on it)

  28. I have had things coming out of my skin for 7 years. White worms, blue looking fly, black hard dots, hair, etc. Before that, my skin was looking grey and the layers of my skin seemed to increase in size. At the end of that, my face and body were red and swollen. The next 7 years were hell with Dr.s visits telling me I am delusional. A couple of the Dr.s did biopsies but never found anything. I have been curing myself with animal medication that is called ivermectin. The layers and things in my skin have decreased. I also pore Epson salt on my body and let it dry. My cats have it to so I have treated them. I vacuum regularly and put pesticide on the rug and vacuum it up so they die in the bag. I take sheep drench which is a liquid and mix it with water and salt and spray my house. I also wash clothes with it. This last year is the first year I can see improvement and they are going away. When I went in to get my driver license renewal they had to get a manager because they stated it was saying the picture did not match me and it said I was not the person. They wrote it off and said it could be anything but I knew this parasite had changed the shape of my face. With all the stuff coming out of my skin my nose is shrinking and so are other areas on my face. The things that come out are disgusting. I even had friends come over a few times to witness the things coming out of my skin when doctors started telling me I was crazy. They always verify when I have moments that I am not crazy and they see what is happening. My thoughts after dealing with this so long are that something is going on that the doctors know. It must have something to do with the government and experiments they are doing that affect certain people. It could be anything. The food we eat, the pesticides, vaccines we are given, the chemicals on our clothes. Who knows but after all these years and reading thousands of stories these years of similar symptoms I know we are not crazy. We are not delusional. Delusional people would not have the same symptoms, plus other people would not see the things coming out of our skin. Dermatologists I am convinced know what is up because these last 7 years they won’t even look at the problems in the skin. They write it off right away as delusional. I have heard this over and over. Do NOT go to the Doctor! Go to a horse store and get your meds that way. Just make sure you do not overdose. If you are not sure how much or what ask a vet. The doctors are hiding something. LOL, I am sure they would say that is a delusional comment also. Good luck and I hope my post helps.

  29. It’s a relief to know I’m not the only one battling this parasite but it’s awful that so many pple are struggling and getting little to no help from medical professionals. I have had this for almost a year now. My symptoms are edema in the ankles/feet, hand numbness,white fibers coming out of skin, white hairs all over face, arms, torso, thighs. I can see things moving subcutaneously and it seems like everything around me is covered in these white hair like fibers. It’s caused my hair to change color and handfuls of hair falls out everyday. I also believe it’s in my mouth, nose and eyes. My dogs seem to be afflicted with this as well. My doctors have told me I’m just depressed or look at me like I’m crazy and suggest I speak to a therapist about my “stress”. Doctors seem to believe people only contract parasites overseas and if you haven’t been outside the country recently they won’t consider testing for them. It feels awful to be told you don’t know your own mind and body. My husband thinks I’m a hypochondriac and this has caused an enormous amount of problems in our marriage.
    Has anyone been tested for Strongyloides? It is a parasite that often enters through the feet…the worms live in subcutaneous fat and spread to the lungs and heart after the GI tract. I believe this is what I have (or lymphatic filariasis) but am scared to go back to the doctors.

  30. the worms are from something dead near u in attic or basement I have investigated this since I have it and my dogs now one on his head and one in his eye same worms crawling out of me.

  31. II can relate to all of your stories. Mine started 4 years ago. I began to wonder if I was crazy yet know now it is real and an epidemic that for some unknown reason Doctors will not treat. I believe since so little is known they do not want to chance any involvement. I have tried everything, and I mean everything from herbs to turpentine, salt and vit c, oxygen, essential oils, tried to suck them out with a vacuum. Maybe this sounds crazy yet if you suffer from this as I do, we will do anything to be rid of this. I came to the point I did not care if it killed me because cannot live like this anymore. I thought I had found the answer with a product called Homozon and it has helped tremendously yet I still am suffering, not nearly as much. I see little black flies and thread like things in my feet black. I also see white things coming out my skin. I see those little black dots everywhere in my home. I believe those are the eggs. I am not sure if I have several different parasites or if it is different stages of one. I have seen flukes, and roundworms, I have again just ordered 300.00 worth of herbs, essential oils, CS, Homozon etc. This is breaking me. I have been to ER, Doctors and they know nothing if they even will listen. I did get diagnosed by my new GP with parasitic infection; however the next time I went back he would not discuss it. He is in with 5 other Doctors and I believe he was reprimanded for diagnosing this. He told me he could not treat me and referred me to infectious disease, dermatologist, and some other specialist. I have given up on Doctors and refuse to put myself thru the looks, the doubts and they do nothing. I have ordered antibiotics from another country which helped Doxy for 6 weeks. There is a medication my previous GP gave me that helped 4 years ago called Vermox. It cost 8.00. Since that time I tried to get again has been made illegal in US now. Also another anti parasitic medication I was given RX for was 2100.00 for 6 pills. If you look up on internet there is also another that went from 10.00 a pill to 750.00 a pill. This tells me the CDC, government knows this has become and epidemic and drug companies are going to make there money. This scares me. I have researched every treatment, tried every treatment yet unless I live in a bubble my immune system attracts these. I would love to team up with anyone that is looking for some solutions to this. I never ever could have imagined having something so devasting, which has affected every part of my life. The things I have seen with my body are things I though only existed in a sci-fi movie. The worst part about this whole thing is I feel so alone and isolated. No one wants to hear or talk about this. If I had cancer at least I could talk about it. Unless one suffers from this they could not imagine the horror, the depression, and the isolation that comes with this. I wish there was a support group to go to. I can understand why others doubt us because unless I had seen these things with my own eyes, I am not sure if I would have believed this could exist. Anyone that wants to discuss this and treatments or just want support can email me at pa************@gm***.com. This secret infection needs to be brought out in the open and it is going to take all that suffer to do this. My dog is also suffering from this. I was exposed to Black mold in my home 4 years ago. I walked away from my home and everything I owned. I was so sick I could hardly walk. My 2 young cats died from this and my dog Benji and I almost did, Seems like this is when it all started. I constantly am searching for answers for I would like to have a life again. I want this nightmare to end, I need some hope. God Bless you all that are suffering. You are in my prayers.

  32. For 17 months I’ve been afflicted with morgellons lesions on my face and in my hair, the mites and collembola at night. I wanted to offer what has been working for me.

    I faithfully put bacitracin zinc (store brand) on the lesions tbruout the day and a thick coating on at night. I also wore some in ear headphones that didn’t work so I cut the wire just below the connection point of the left and right wires to keep them attached together. This helped keeping the buggers from going into my ears while I slept. I also applied the bacitracin to the inside of my nose to keep them from crawling up there. I applied the bacitracin for about 2 weeks and my lessons are completely healed now.

    Now i have been applying bacitracin to any new itchy spots and coated my body and face with organic cold pressed virgin coconut oil just before bed.

    Treating your environment will not help you, you must treat this disease from the inside. Number one, stop eating processed foods. I fully believe this disease is super bacteria/fungus from GMO FOODS. Research how HIM foods are created, they infect plants with a bacteria. This bacteria/fungus is what attracts the bugs, they are eating the fungus off our bodies, tbey are attracted to the pheromones our bodies are giving off. This bacteria is closely related to Lyme disease.

    Research the salt/Vitamin c cure.
    This will make your body and unihabiltal place for the bacteria to live in. Although we may not be able to get rid of this disease we can keep the symptoms at bay by creating an alkaline environment.

    I’m taking hemalayin sea salt 1/4 teaspoon and 4,000 mg vitamin c (non gmo) both 4 times a day.

    The crawling and biting has stopped with no new lesions popping up.

    Before these remedies I tried everything and spent thousands of dollars and truly wanted my life to just end. I hope this helps someone!!

  33. It’s clothe moth larva I too have been suffering from and so have my cats the main thing is it’s in my hair and I can’t get it out .. if anyone has any update on this please contact me at za****@me.com

  34. Same problem!
    It’s a tiny moth (Monsanto moth)

    You need to change your diet and use Fulvic acid, Sulphur cream, Diatomaceus eath, tea tree oil, neem oil, probiotics etc

    Look up earth clinic-parasite cleanse on youtube

    Let’s win this battle

  35. I have these skinny white , thread / hair looking worms . I’ve looked closer & they’re FLAT. The ones coming out of my hands , feet, ears , nose are ALL flat, shiny, tail end of them is curly & they stick onto everything & hang (most times) & multiply.
    All over my house & I’ve been studying them for months .
    I 1st noticed bumps on skin right after my cesarean section, then scabs that wouldn’t heal, LOT OF FATIGUE, then UNBEARABLE itchiness.

    Finally, the itchy bumps began to grow white hairs EVERYWHERE, head to toe.
    I shave them off every day but they’ve started affecting my SEX LIFE & my sex drive since they’ve grown on my genital area, my face, back…
    My husband doesn’t understand , he thinks I’m avoiding sex & that I’m a hypochondriac imagining these moving hairs.

    The BIGGEST PROBLEM IS GETTING THEM OUT OF MY SMALL HOUSE & off my clothes without burning them !

    I need HELP ! I’ve gotten so weak lately that I don’t have the energy to clean & BARELY have enough energy to take care of myself & maintain these things. My dogs are suffering as well & now my hair on my head is falling out & flat hair (that looks like my normal hair) is very strange, moving & sticking straight up at times or getting in my eyes . (Plus I sound insane when I try to say anything)
    Plse help .

  36. You. All are NOT CRAZY! I too have been suffering from scalp to feet & have pics to prove that these ctitters ARE REAL! Too long to text about, but I am doing msjor resesrch & will keep y’all posted. PRAY since I TRULY BELIEVE it is also a spiritual attack & IT IS REAL! I prayed & cried out tobGod in shower last night after 1st shower since they went crazy along with little dust bunny looking ones. I have before & after pics to prove how ot srsted to clear ip after I put on a pidcast rebuking the demonic attack. It is real & i believe is a major readon why our ammune system is out if whack & why we can’t fight off autoimmune disorders i.e. psoriasis, etc. I have been trying to get to an infectious disease Dr. Who treated me in 2008 with Mrsa, but the doctors think youbare crazy & won’t refer me out. That was awhile back & I just gave up, but after last night’s attack…NO MORE! I AM going to get to this Doctor even if I have to heck in to Ezr per what HIS Office said in irder to be admitted so I CAN SEE HIM. THAT IS THE CRAZY PART! NOT US! I will keep you all in my Thoughts & Prayers & let you know when I have any updates. BTW, I somehow had this book from years ago & started reading it last night & it makes sense. Called WIN THE WAR WITHIN By Floyd H. Chilton, Ph. D, with Laura Tucker. I believe tbese invaders are in ouu cells & bloodstream & causing the majority of ALL Diseases incl. Caner. Inflammation is the root which I think these invaders caused bu compromising out immune systems! My name is Tami. Email is tamidavisrealtor@ gmail.com.

    Thank you ALL for sharing your stories! I KNEW I was NOT CRAZY?

  37. I am dealing with the same thing. I have had horrible skin lesions going on 4 years now, and just as they heal, they always come back. I have never had skin problems or acne in my life, so this has been very trying for me. I was diagnosed with MS in 2011, but did not see these skin issues until January 2014. I have seen 4 specialists and have been told it was everything from MRSA to vanity issues (which really pissed me off). After 14.5 years of marriage, 5 of them in this location, I am going thru a divorce and have been in a very unhealthy environment as I am tying up loose ends and finalizing my move. I have been left with everything here on my own in the government quarters, and in addition to stress and health issues, the house has mold and multiple different bugs and parasites that I have collected and investigated. I have noticed identical symptoms in myself and my 8 yr-old Mastiff. I have collected fecal samples, examined ears, nose, and teeth, monitored eating and drinking, and checked skin on both of us and we are experiencing the same thing together simultaneously. The most frustrating and disgusting part are the white worms freely crawling out of my body and face as they please. I have tried every remedy I have found on the internet to determine a diagnosis, and unfortunately had some sort of result for each one. However, I believe I have been performing the tests right at the correct moments. I was horrified to find large pieces of larvae falling out of my skin with the olive oil treatment (p.s. I about died when I soaked my hand in the oil, and a tiny, red spider came crawling out from under my nail..how the hell..?? internet said that was scabies..but scabies imitates Morgellon’s, and vice versa…ugh OMG!!!!), blown away by the gross things pulled up with nail polish, and still regretting, accidentally thru frustration, not limiting my boundaries with the cayenne pepper paste and nearly burning off some vital areas LOL. I have noticed one thing though. I take stimulants for my MS fatigue, and when they kick in, the worms go crazy to get out of my body. They start coming out of every place they can in my head and face, and I can feel them pushing their way thru every other place on my body. And those little suckers can crawl thru jeans, tights, shirts, etc. I am so frustrated, and my mom is upset I wont see a dr, but after what I have been thru already for my skin in the last 4 years, in addition to all my other ailments, I don’t have much hope especially after reading so many posts where people have been labeled crazy. I just know I have dropped a very unhealthy amount of weight. Despite most peoples “sighs” because I have easily surpassed their new year’s resolutions, I can barely shut a car door. I am scared to step on a scale because I fear I am down to double digits. And I am 5’2”, and was happy at 125, especially after being heavy most my life. I am almost 100% sure I have Morgellon’s, but some research today made me fear I may have diabetes and have a possible infection from that stemming from Morgellon’s. I just feel like a huge unknown science project. I had MS for years without a proper Dx, even being called crazy by a dr then. All I know is that I have never vacuumed so much in my life, and had so much rug-burn from crawling around on the floor investigating everything like a nut!! I woke up on the ground the other night with my phone in one hand, and tweezers in the other. If I had a third hand, my guess is it would have had a magnifying glass…….SMH

  38. Hi, I’m losing my mind everyone thinks I’m crazy but I see & feel them on me . My mouth , eyes , nose everything I own is covered with them the dog too . Help me someone please I’m going crazy & I’ve been to 4 different doctors and they say I’m crazy. PLEASE HELP ME !!!

  39. oI totally related to your situation. i have been suffering for last 3 years and it has changed my life. I too went to er’s and dr and no one believed me. i started not talking to anyone about it and my only relief was people on internet also suffering this nightmare. i have gotten to the point of wanting to die if i had to live with this anymore. i have tried every herb antibiotic treatment i could find yet still i suffer. Recenty I stumbled across a product i had not tried. Did not think much until i started using it. it is bringing our everything fast. i believe i have finally foumd something that works. it is oxygen powder you put in water and drink. it is called homozon and i wanted to share with other suffering. i do not sell it or have any affiliation with anyne that does. This has been a miracle for me to finally see some results. I have spent thousands on products and now i am hopefully getting to other side.you order onine and it is non dangerous. i will take this the rest of my life. good luck . ll

  40. This sounds like what I seem to have on me and in my house (mostly the computer chair and desk I got from a neighbor. There is a problem with my thyroid lab, too, but my appointment isn’t until next week. My daughter did see them on the chair without me mentioning them as I had sprayed the chair with Deep Woods Off out of curiosity right before she walked in the door from school. I also put some left over lice shampoo directly on my back because it was all itchy and I actually saw the worms coming out of the chair behind me (I tried several more intelligent things first) and couldn’t get the thought of them burrowing into my back out of my head. It felt really strange and I kept getting very sharp, tiny pains so I put some on my arm to confirm what I thought was happening and sure enough something that looked too much like short, skinny, windy worms, seemed to raise to the top of my skin. Right now I;m stading with a blanket that has beef broth on the back of it hoping to flush them out, Anyway, I did get them out of the blankets and possibly the carpets (have to wait a few days to make sure). I thought they were a lifecycle phase of fleas and tried to treat them as fleas. Buy many, many containers of salt, apple cider vinegar, and bleach. Let whatever you want to treat sit completely covered in salt – both sides for a day or two. If you can’t bleach it, wash it in the hottest water possible. I let it soak overnight with just vinegar but I was trying to get rid of fleas so don’t know if you will need to do that. repeat as necessary. you can also put the salt an the clothes and rub them together. If you can bleach it use cold water and soak as normal. Salt is toxic in large amounts and a skin irritant sop use caution with small children and pets, but you can put it on you carpet and leave it (it might take a few weeks, you can cut holes in the bottom of your mattress, pillow, and box springs, pour salt in and shake it around so it gets everywhere (I’m going to try bed bug covers, too). spraying them with bleach water works temporarily. Leaving Borax 0n the carpet for a day might work if the salt doesn’t. Can’t help you with the furniture .Theyburrowed into the presswood of the computer desk and the chair isn’t worth reupholstering. I’ll be throwing mine out. Disgustingly, the blanket seems to be working. This is truly gross.

  41. I almost forgot – try some apple cider vinegar with the mother….drink it daily and start flushing this thing out….it’s also in our mouths so start rinsing your mouth with it before or after you brush your teeth…I use it full strength…swish it around in your mouth and spit it out 3 – 4 times then brush your teeth…if anything is in your mouth this will kill it and your mouth never felt cleaner…I was shocked…

  42. I have same problem and family also thinks I’m crazy. I was going crazy till I got a handle on this problem. This is what I’m doing and it is working:
    – Several times a day spray your entire body with 91% rubbing alcohol…if you can’t find it then use the 70%…if you can’t find that get what ever you can find…I spray the alcohol on q-tips and use on my eye lids…thoroughly wet your entire body from your head and hair to the bottoms of your feet…also use hydrogen peroxide…it is an anti fungal…thoroughly wet your entire body and your hair…the peroxide will bring them out and the alcohol kills all of it on contact and is also a repellent.. .you can use a little bit of alcohol mixed with witch hazel to use on your private area but also use the hydrogen peroxide…the peroxide does not burn…once in awhile you will feel it necessary to use straight alcohol on your private area…just one spray will help tremendously in that area..the alcohol stops them immediately from biting and itching…don’t forget inside your ears and inside your nose and your arm pits…let this dry then put coconut oil all over yourself and leave it on…don’t forget inside your ears and inside your nose and your arm pits…do not skip one day and do not give up…you will get it under control…get some tea tree oil shampoo…get the good stuff from the salon not the cheap stuff from the dollar store…everyday shower with this shampoo…first shampoo your hair and do not rinse…leave shampoo on your hair while you wash your entire body with the tea tree oil shampoo…a loofa is excellent to use with this..
    scrub your whole entire body with the tea tree oil shampoo then start rinsing it off…you can use any conditioner on your hair if you want…after you dry off slather on the coconut oil…what ever it is that we are suffering from hates coconut oil and it also brings them out and kills them…even if you can’t get the tea tree shampoo keep using the peroxide and alcohol and coconut oil…also you can take very warm salt water baths..salt is cheap and kills what ever this is that we are suffering from…immerse your whole body…head and hair… in the salt water bath…stay in it for as long as you can…when your are finished do not rinse off…leave the salt on your body for as long as you can…even overnight…then spray it all off with the alcohol and lather up with the coconut oil…if you need to go ahead and wash your hair…spray all of your clothes with the alcohol before you wash them and spray everything in your house with alcohol…use bleach where ever you can…this also kills them…put borax in with the cloths detergent to do your laundry or use an equal amount of ammonia and water…1/2 cup ammonia and 1/2 cup of water and add to your washing machine…put borax or salt all over your floors and carpet and get it down in your carpet…brush it in with a scrub brush and let it stay there for a few days then vacuum thoroughly and throw away contents outside of your house then vacuum thoroughly everyday and re-apply salt or borax often…spray your bed several times a day with the alcohol…you will know when you can slow down doing all of this but do not stop…if you miss a day make sure it’s only one day…don’t forget your car…spray the entire inside with the alcohol or you can use the ammonia and water mixture…I also sprayed the entire outside of my car with the alcohol and then rinsed it off with the water hose…spraying the outside really helped get rid of this stuff on the inside…people think I’m crazy for spraying the outside of my car with alcohol but they didn’t see what I saw…the alcohol did not hurt it…you can make an air freshener/ repellent with witch hazel alcohol and essential oils…peppermint..lemon..lavender..eucalyptus and some tea tree essential oil..put all in a spray bottle and shake well…get a diffuser and start using these essential oils…you will get this horrible stuff under control and then hopefully finally get rid of it…you can not give up…I did not see a doctor because no one believes it…so I decided to keep my mouth shut and stop worrying about what this stuff is and find a way to help myself…it has taken a few months but it’s finally under control…I still use the tea tree oil shampoo and the coconut oil…I keep the alcohol and peroxide handy…just in case…I wish everyone the very best of luck…

  43. (Mineral oil in holes of skin )
    I watched a show called untoled stores of ER on netflix. There was a babe in a cow barn had flys land on her. Maget came out hands between fingers Docs used MINERAL OIL in holes flush out magets.

  44. i all so fighting with them from last 4 years i take bath of 1 to 2 hours daily in night time and i cant sleep without bath i white salt like particle from every part of body specially the old injury spots finger tips no doctor understand my problem i use every think on my body like permithirin tube ivermysin tab up to 21 days continue albendazol melbendazol in bulk but nothing work all kind of oil petrol carosin all soap no result if any body know its couse or treatment plese help

  45. Hello,, my older sister is suffering from this. My family, who are trained medical proffesionals,,think she has lost her mind. She tries explaining everything these things do, and she sounds over the top crazy..but I have read before about how many people have them and doctors refuse to see them also!! It sounds like a government cover up to me too. She is desperate for us, her family, to believe her that it breaks my heart into. Please ANYONE who go through this please, please call her to tell her your story. God bless you ALL! I did see somewhere that some sort of epidemic has Alabama in an outbreak…well u hopefully understand what I trying to say. If anyone knows what these are or how to make them die call her. We live in Alabama and now this is really scaring me. Her name is Suzanne and her number is 256-369-2969

  46. These beasties love sugar and oil So cut back on sugar (use stevia maybe)
    Greasy donuts and the like…cut those out The beasties “eat what u eat and like what u like”
    I find Vicks VapoRub works well when massage into scalp. Also swab nostrils with Vicks (there will be sneezing) They will sluff off and escape thru pores yes I had a pretty yin/yang design surface on my left arm when a big beastie “died”

  47. Has this been resolved? Has anyone found out the cause of their problems? My whole family is suffering from these things. My husband and I fight daily because he refuses to believe they are there, even though his eye dart away when i try to show him evidence. Please help. My mom is gravely ill, fighting to recover from a stroke and seizure this past January. To top it off she STILL has a stage 4 open, pressure ulcer from her stay in the ICU and her diasbetic body heals very slow. I take care of her and I also have 3 boys, 18yrs(in jail), 4yrs(demoted at pre-k because of an unexplained change in behavior since the holidays) and 3yrs(sensory seeker and mildly autistic). My husband lost his job when I asked him to be with the boys so I could be with mom at the hospital. He was a temp, they dont have to explain or care. I am truly more unhappy than I ever thought was possible. These things are EVERYWHERE on my body and my family’s. These things make a hard nest in my nostrils. I have seen them going crazy all over my mother’s wound. I have seen them on my husbands ears, both of my little boys’ bottoms and on my 18 yr olds face. My skin has changed. It now looks rough and I am getting little dimpled holes in my face. My hair is now half “Gray”. It looks gray but its really that long white stuff that they make. The good brown hair I have falls out so much. Help us, pls!

  48. I have been going crazy nobody see these worms. But me my husband and kids tell me I’m going crazy but I see what is there I even got one off my private with tea tree oil they turn into little white balls on my skin and there right under the skin I’m finding myself being in shower so much longer than normal I don’t wanna go

    Thru this anymo,?

  49. I have been going crazy nobody see these worms. But me my husband and kids tell me I’m going crazy but I see what is there I even got one off my private with tea tree oil they turn into little white balls on my skin and there right under the skin I’m finding myself being in shower so much longer than normal I don’t wanna go

    Thru this anymo,?

  50. It could be hookworms and screwworms. You need to be seen but a physician and have a blood test taken for these parasites. They can become deadly. Then if its them infectious diseases department will take good care of you . God speed

  51. I suffer from the same thing. It started three years ago when I was diagnosed with golden staff and streptococcus. Then a secondary infection I have a mite/bug infestation that produces these white worms and hairy catapillar like bugs. As with other people everyone thinks that I am insane.

  52. I think I have the sMe thing. I had heart surgery and needed to stay at my parents to help with me and my kids. I had been there for 6months. About January of 2016 I started feeling movement in my scalp. I thought I had live because my daughter just started pre school in November. no one was being affected but me. Everyone thought it was my meds. Hired an exterminator. Said he found nothing in my bed or in my parents house. It seemed at first to only bother me at night. So I left the bedroom thinking it was in that room and slept in the living room. It still bothered me but not as bad. I was determined to prove to my family I’m not crazy. I set glue traps. In two days one was filled with these gnat like things and the other with clear colored to snow colored rice like things. But so tiny. Then after a few months things got bad. I started seeing salt like things all around me or tiny flakes. But I don’t have dander. I have been to tons of diff doctors and was told to see a therapist. Now after 6 months my five year old is being affected. Now it’s just pissing me off. I’m tired , not in the best of health. Recently my doctors are concerned because my immune system is getting bad and my thyroid is throwing off to much thyroid it’s because of this bug/parasite/mite. This is a real prob and I’m asking anyone to please call me or email me to compare situation. Did anyone have a septic problem or water problem or order anything from another country. All I know is I used cedar oil and it helps a lil bit. And other things as well. [personal information like email address and telephone number removed] Please contact me so we can help each other. If I don’t answer leave a message and I will call u back. My name is Kelly. I hope one day doctors will listen and we can find a treatment.

  53. I understand totally and have found that Wormwood from the Health Food Store helps. I found out that these do not show up in a stool sample my doctor ordered. Just when I thought I was making head way and new batch of the white maggot type worms shows up, and it starts all over again. I am in very poor health and have wondered if this will kill me. I am very open to any ideas. Thank you and it is so good to know I am not alone in this fight.

  54. You have morgellons disease. Go to http://www.carnicom institute.com and you will find a lot of answers to your questions. It’s an awful thing to go through and the CDC just did a cover up. I think they don’t want wide spread panic

  55. I have been battling the same thing for three years. I think it originated from an infestation of tiny black gnats that were covering my pool, flower bed, eventually getting in the carpet. They came out two distinct times of the day and night. They swarmed my face, head, chest, eyes, ears, nose and mouth. I have lost all my hair. I also find long hairs, wide with two lines going down the length, they have a forked end and move up and down, turn side to side, shake under hot water, and stick to everything. I also have tiny white dots as well as white forked end worm or larvae coming out from my skin but especially my scalp. I have perfectly round holes in my skin. I have covered my head in Vaseline and been frightened by the movements on my scalp that this causes. I have them in my eyes too, along with a black worm, also coming out of my eyelids and eyelashes. I have been having nightmares over this, and it has caused my divorce and separation from my adult children as well, as they all think I am crazy. I wish it were so simple, at least I would not be suffering every second of my life, what little remains. I have received no help from anyone in the medical field, they refuse to look at even one of the many pictures I have taken in a futile attempt to provide documentation. I am of no use to anybody and wish I could give the remainder of my days to someone who has better use for them than me. This is not living, this is not even existing, this is pure hell.

  56. i know I have the same thing. It drives me crazy.been to many dr. They all think I’m hallucinating. I’ve tried everything and any thing….but gasoline , Nothing. You don’t have to get rid of your pets. There is enough abandonment. I use hot water in my hair,when washing it tonight I’m using vasoline plastered on my hair. And wrap iand sleep with it. I need some answers

  57. To help with the bites . It has helped me with this mysterious infestation. Try atarax or generic hydroxyzine HCG 25 mg 3x day. It’s an antihistamine and anxiety med. I was given it on my 3 rd er visit. Also if u have bombed your house try the Cedarcide site it is a more natural approach but it worked on ridding the house . Get the cold fogger. It’s expensive but all the chemicals from the bombing and Lysol is making your immune system work so hard . And low immunity may be the reason why we are getting infested.

  58. I have been battling a parasite infection of the skin as well. I first researched the internet before making a trip to the doctor. I was forewarned by others on the internet that Doctors would not be helpful but would call it Delusional parasitosis. They also say the same for Morgellons and Comenbola. In hindsight, i got an infection from two sources. First I was working outside in the yard pruning without sufficient protection on my total body. Secondly I ate from a bag of Kettle Popcorn (process food) which was determined to have ‘grain’ mites. When I began treating myself for mites, I first discovered the white worm as your described. However I see the black worms daily in the shower and tub. I do believe your worms were not birthing but actually giving birth. The colored Morgellons are either female and/or dead. My doctor told me to keep doing “what I am doing” and only prescribed some lice creme rinse. It did nothing. However I am doing every thing that Gayle (may 30 2014) recommend. I put vinegar in my bath and it works. Vinegar doesn’t kill the larvae, but it will loosen any sticky substances so that they can be either killed or washed away. Vacumm daily, but dispose of the vacum contents daily. Bomb your house for flea, lice, bedbugs and any type of parasites. Wash everything you touch or wear daily. Bathe at least every 12 hours (or more). use Tea Tree OIL to moisturise. Morgellons will move to areas such as head when you attempt to treat the skin. So you must fight this infestation from the insdie out. Therefore you must consume only fresh fruit and vegetables (organic and throughly cleaned). You must consume large amounts of liquid and alkaline or fresh water. You must not scratch the skin, but you can use anti-itch medication until you can bathe again. Every thing works but it takes a long time to recover. Instead of several bites an hour, I am down to perhaps one bite a day. I hope to be down to Zero bites. I am eating healthier. (OH the weight loss is attributable to parasites eating all that you consume. They are eating the nutrients right out of your food. Therefore you must consume only healthy foods and get your immune system in balance. Healthy skin, healthy diet, and healty hair are the best defense again future attacks of this “super parasite.’ If you continue to consume process food, complex carbohydrates, and sugars, you will only feed the parasites and they will not go away. you must starve them and remove all fungus and mold from your diet and skin.

  59. There could be several explanations for the “white worms.” I will give my guesses, as I have the same thing and have taken thousands of pictures and studied as many bugs and parasites from many sources.
    1) Cloth moth, the Bible says the “moth shall eat them up.”
    2) Toxoplasmosis, parasite from meat of cattle, pigs and wild game and cat feces. There is no cure.
    3) Schistosomiasis, parasite imported from China to California. Causes a swimmer’s rash for which the doctor gives a skin cream. The parasite can eventually cause skin cancer. There is no cure.
    4) Mites which have not yet been identified causing webbing on the skin.
    5) Penetrating flea or jigger, species not yet identified.
    1) ketogenic diet, no sugar and includes coconut oil
    2) antiparasite foods such as garlic, pumpkin seeds, Cayenne Pepper, etc.
    3) Dettol, an antiseptic, sold at Indian grocery stores and over the internet
    4) Lysol, a germ killer to use in your surroundings
    5) Vacuuming daily to get rid of sluff off from skin and animals.
    6) Get rid of animals, although drastic, animals may have brought in this condition. It won’t cure you but it may contribute to your getting better.
    7) Bert’s Bees royal jelly face cream. Stops any rosacea which occurs on the skin when using any product which causes burning of the skin.
    8) Gold Bond skin cream for diabetics. Although not a cure, it is very soothing for the skin and covers the skin so air won’t get to the parasites.
    9) Bathe/ shower every 12 hours. Very important to speed healing. The bugs, although in the skin, need to be washed off often to prevent reinfestation. Using dettol, antiseptic, in the bath contributes to relief for @12 hours.
    10) Mane and tail pro-tect medicated shampoo. It kills organisms which cause disease.
    11) Mane and tail pro-tect antimicrobial wound cream to help heal the sores and to prevent future sores.
    12) Add one cup of vinegar to the wash when washing clothes, not the rinse, as it may harm the pipes. This will help to get rid of any lint balls or parasites which remain on clothes

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