White Worms in Spider Bite

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We recently received this message from one of our readers, “I think I got bit by a spider. I didn’t think much about it since I have been bitten before, but it has taken awhile to heal and I think there are some white worms in the bite. I’m not sure what to do.” He also sent us a picture, which he noted was taken about 2 weeks after the bite occurred:

Click here to see image as Google has labeled it as “shocking” (it’s not, but we bow to our Google robot overlords)

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We don’t see the white worms our reader mentioned, but this might be due to the glare in the photo, and doesn’t mean they aren’t there. According to Web MD, spider bites are typically harmless and there are only two spiders in the United States (the black widow and the brown recluse) that have venom that is strong enough to cause any damage. As with any break in the skin, spider bites have the potential to become infected, and can sometimes take 10 days or longer to heal. As we don’t know our reader’s medical history, and because we aren’t doctors, we can’t tell him why this bite is taking a long time to heal or why there are potentially white worms in the bite.
Unfortunately, we aren’t able to help our reader much with this situation. Since we aren’t medical professionals, we aren’t licensed to give medical advice, nor do we feel comfortable or qualified to attempt to diagnose any reader’s medical issues. Therefore, we highly encourage our reader to visit a doctor about this spider bite and the mysterious white worms in it.
In conclusion, one of our readers sent us photos of a spider bite that he worries might be infected with white worms. We encourage him to see a doctor about this issue since we aren’t licensed to administer medical advice of any kind.
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White Worms in Spider Bite
Article Name
White Worms in Spider Bite
One of our readers sent us photos of a spider bite that he worries might be infected with white worms. We encourage him to see a doctor about this issue since we aren't licensed to administer medical advice of any kind.

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Author: Worm Researcher Dori

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