White Worm-like Organisms and Other Strange Debris Plague Home

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“Over the last two weeks I have been finding these white worm-like things randomly around the house (stove stop, wood floors, granite counters)”, writes Emily in her submission regarding the array of different-looking organisms pictured below. “I’ve also been finding what I believe are either dried up worms like these, or possibly shedding? There are a slew of other random bits I’ve been finding throughout the house (white grubby things, yellowish crusty bits, yellowish orange smears on cabinets). I’ve had two different pest control people come to look and they keep saying this is “normal house debris”, but in the twelve years I’ve been in my home, I’ve never had this. I do a thorough counter wipe down, vacuum, wet mop each night and I find this “house debris” again in the morning.”

To us, it sounds like Emily is experiencing some type of infestation, though given that pest control has not identified any organisms, it could be that her house is experiencing some type of fungal infection, like mold. However, we are worm enthusiasts, not mold experts, so that is not something we could tell Emily much about, let alone identify. So, assuming these are some type of worm-like creature, or that this is organic debris left behind by some type of worm-like creature, we would say these are possibly casemaking clothes moth caterpillars. Emily included way more pictures than we did, but among them were many photos like the one below, of white, worm-shaped structures. To us, they do not necessarily look like live creatures, but rather tubes of material or debris. Casemaking clothes moth caterpillars actually make such tubes, which they hide in while they feed on the organic fibers of textile materials.

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With that said, given that Emily has cleaned her home repetitively to no avail, we doubt if this could be a casemaking clothes moth infestation. We do wonder if Emily has checked and/or cleaned her walls and ceiling, as the larvae could be coming from there if egg sacs were attached to the walls or ceiling. That said, Emily also includes photos of other, stranger-looking organisms, like the pink object and the orange one below. And those do not bear any resemblance to the casemaking clothes moth at any stage of its maturation. It is for this reason, as well as that Emily’s cleaning seems to be achieving nothing, that we start to wonder if this is an infestation caused by a worm-like organism, or if it is caused by a fungus. Emily might want to contact a professional in that field to have them check if her home might be experiencing something of the like, as we cannot help on that matter.

In conclusion, we are not sure what it is Emily is dealing with. Perhaps the white tubes are the result of casemaking clothes moth caterpillars, in which case she might need to launder any textiles in the kitchen that they could be munching on, and on which eggs could be laid, to fully eradicate the infestation. That said, the other debris she found is definitely the result of something else, and we suggest contacting a professional to look into it. We hope this helps, and we wish Emily the very best.

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White Worm-like Organisms and Other Strange Debris Plague Home
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White Worm-like Organisms and Other Strange Debris Plague Home
"Over the last two weeks I have been finding these white worm-like things randomly around the house (stove stop, wood floors, granite counters)", writes Emily in her submission regarding the array of different-looking organisms pictured below. "I’ve also been finding what I believe are either dried up worms like these, or possibly shedding? There are a slew of other random bits I’ve been finding throughout the house (white grubby things, yellowish crusty bits, yellowish orange smears on cabinets). I’ve had two different pest control people come to look and they keep saying this is “normal house debris”, but in the twelve years I’ve been in my home, I’ve never had this. I do a thorough counter wipe down, vacuum, wet mop each night and I find this “house debris” again in the morning."

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Author: Worm Researcher Anton

9 thoughts on “White Worm-like Organisms and Other Strange Debris Plague Home

  1. I’ve been going through this same issue. I even moved out of my apartment brought close to nothing with me bought all new furniture six months down the line same thing starts to happen again. I feel crazy plain ol crazy ????. I’ve had pest control come to my home many times just to say my house is fine. YEAH RIGHT!! I don’t know how to get rid of them please someone anyone have a solution and now what these things are? Please help!!!

  2. I’ve been dealing with this for over a year. I’ve lost my hair and my skin is hanging like I’m 100 years old lotions work for a bit and I’m dried out an hour later I’ve been diagnosed with delusional parasitic something or other. I’ve tried everything. My joints hurt so bad I can barely walk sometimes. Recently, it’s traveled to my lower private parts and I think I may have the attention of the Drs. Finally. I vacuume every day even if it takes me a lifetime or I get bitten. Like tiny pinches. I missed the pregnancy, birth and even holding my first grandbaby! I used olive oil and cayenne pepper on my head with a bag and a towel wrapped all night. Seems to do the trick for the bastards crawling around on my scalp. I’m hopeful this visit will be the one to help me get back to my life. I’d post photos if I could here. I have many.

  3. I have the same issue. It’s horrendous. I’m very sick and undiagnosed. 4 years now. Serious health issues. Lost all my hair. It’s in my skin, everywhere. I believe it’s from mold in the home. I get tested and my kids next week. I will update:

  4. Same here in Chicago area. Dealing with issue for 7 plus years. Surprised I am still functioning at this point! It is simply untidy and quite disturbing.
    I also have noticed, the more you try to clean, scour, disinfect, wipe things down…..the more pronounced they become! I am thinking this needs water to transition from one instar into the next or grow or ????? Do its thing….like aggravate the complete normal out of a person! Threadworm? Gross….i just dont know and really no professionals really seem to want to help investigate or pry deeper into the bothersome issue.
    Someone knows something- my home never had debris of such different components or looks lurking all over!
    I have researched bedbugs, fire and grease ants, evergreen bagworms, dog worms…..nothing concrete yet BUT I sure to would like some help!

  5. I have been having the same issue with everything you just stated. It’s actually starting to drive me crazy. I have been doing a lot of research on this and it seems to be narrowing down to carpet beetles, mites and there are so many of these parasites that it’s crazy. It’s very disturbing as bad as they are getting as well. It seems the more you clean the more they come out! Night time seems to be there go time. Some like light/some don’t the crazy thing is the picture here posted, I have them as well. It will actually move if you touch it lightly. It eventually turns into a mite. Nobody here on Ohio seems to know anything about these little creatures. I will find and imprint of them on my wall like a picture. On my sink in the bathroom on the floor. It’s know joke there insane little bugs. I found one actually moving on the floor went to take a picture to google it. It was like it looked right at me and stopped moving. Very smart intuitive creatures but some are not healthy at all for you. They can actually make you sick. I first started noticing dark spots on my walls and on my floors. I would just wipe them off. Then it was more and more then to make me think this is not normal. Some are microscopic you cannot even see them unless you put your cellphone light on and point it to the floor/carpet wherever and trust me they are there and you would have had no idea. It’s pretty disturbing and they are different kinds as well like you stated. It gets to me sometimes because I’m still trieing to get rid of them. Like I stated earlier the more you clean, the more that I see. It’s like they get mad or something. I have never in my life seen anything like this. I found the littlest white dot on my black shirt actually there was a lot it looked like my shirt just needed wiped off looked like little fuzz balls. Well needless to say I put my cell phone camera up to my shirt and no fuzz balls I can say, but little tiny white worms was all over my shirt!!! I about got sick if I did not use my cell phone to look I would have never known they was worms!! Omygsh I need help as well trust me. Watch because they also get in your hair. Terrible Terrible ?. It’s more than disgusting. I am wondering how long they actually have been in my house with me just noticing more and more. I need help!

    1. I have been having the same issues in Tennessee. The eerie part is that they DO act self aware when camera is on them or you look their direction. I won’t stop looking because. I have tested postve three times since last year. All positive active for Lyme. The first two times Rocky Mt spotted fever was positive. I never had a fever and I know I never pulled a tick off of me.. for sure. SOMEONE knows what this is. They are everywhere and seem to morph and change in front of you. Praying for answers but even more, praying for our peace of mind. Were not crazy. Were not alone. Question. Did any experiencing this have any seeds sent to their residence from C#1na? We received some, never grew ad had stud earrings on package. Mine were many different mystery future plant sprouts.

      1. Not sure what seeds your referring too, but I’ve thought my issue began after orderong popxx seeds (unwashed). Think I got parasites from them. Come from over seas unwashed.

    2. I can offer some tips and tricks that I’ve found with these monsters. I have no idea what they are. But new photos of Morganella Filments look close to it but I dont have any answers. But I can tell you what I do know is everything has to be treated from ceiling down…that said…Lysol..Ammonia…aresol Lysol original…works in vehicles..i wash everything in these two products…lemon ammonia(dollar tree brand) doesn’t work. Good luck

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