If you’re looking for a black worm, you won’t have to look far. Black worms, can be found in just about any city, town or rural area of the United States. They typically live in muddy areas, especially shallow water. Black worms can be found in droves in ponds and marshes. Black worms belong to the Phylum Annelida, Class Name Oligochaeta, Genus and Species Lumbriculus variegates. The black worm is also called the “California black worm” and “mudworm.”
Black worms have anywhere from 150 to 250 body segments. While the black worm does not have a skeleton, its body is supported by its own body fluid. Black worms do not have lungs and they do not have gills so they breathe through their skin. Black worms can survive for extended periods when there is no oxygen in the water they inhabit. In these cases, the black worm will stick its dorsal tail up to the water surface to get oxygen.
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While black worms could irritate the skin, much like any other creatures or insect, they do not feed off human skin. They eat mostly algae, bacteria and protozoa as well as leaves and wood or other dead or decaying vegetation. Black worms have a digestive tract, which includes a mouth and an anus.
The black worm moves its body around by using its muscles. It has a nerve cord made up of nerve cells, which can be found below the intestine. It runs the entire length of the body and it controls the black worms muscles. In addition to using its muscles to move around, the black worms body also has bristles along the side of their body.
When threatened in any way whether in the water or on land, the black worm will withdraw its head and/or tail. They might even curl into a c-shape when kicked around. They have eyes called photoreceptor cells, which sense touch. These eyes can be found all along the black worms tail segments. In the water, you will notice that the worm’s movements are corkscrew-like.
Black worms have both male and female sex organs, but they don’t reproduce by mating. Reproduction takes place by breaking apart. This is called fragmentation. When the worm breaks apart, each fragment becomes a new worm. During the process, the new worm grows a new head and/or tail.
If you have a black worm infestation, there are many ways to get rid of them. Chemical insecticides may be used to get rid of black worms outside as well as Bacillus thuringiensis or Bt. Infestations also disappear naturally due to the depletion of food supplies, bad weather conditions, and natural enemies such as parasites, pathogens, and predators.
If you have black worms in the home, you can also eliminate them using a number of chemicals. It’s best to contact an exterminator to discuss the options available to you. These options will be non-toxic to humans of course, and be sure to ask if they are also non-toxic to animals if you have any pets. In some cases, you may remain in the home during the extermination process, as many chemicals are odorless. If the infestation is severe inside the home, which is very rare, you may have to leave your home for several hours or so as stronger chemicals may be necessary.
All About Worms is always free, always reader-supported, we don't subject you to ads or annoying video pop-ups. But it does cost us money out of our pocket to keep the site going (nearly 20 years so far!) So your tips via CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal are appreciated! Receipts will come from ISIPP Publishing.
I discovered a large “worm” in my garage today and am seeking identification of same.
It is approx. 5 1/2 to 6 1/2 inches long (I initially thought it was a young snake). It does not appear bodily segmented, has a somewhat variegated pigmentation, no body striping that I can see and does NOT have a hammer head.
(I have a JLP image but cannot find a location to attach same )