What Are Clear/White Worms in Bed?

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One of our readers recently reached out to us about some tiny worms he found in his daughter’s bed. He explained that the worms are clear/white, and he sent us a photograph. Unfortunately, the worms blend in with the bed in the background and look more like shadows than worms or worm-like organisms:

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So, what are these specimens? Well, we will start by ruling out the most common creature that readers find in their beds: carpet beetle larvae. Since carpet beetle larvae feed on several items of bedding, they are often discovered by readers in their beds and around their homes. However, carpet beetle larvae are rounder than the worms our reader found. Also, carpet beetle larvae have rust colored bodies that are covered in small bristle-like hairs, so definitely not a match for these mysterious organisms.

We think these specimens are either flea larvae or drain fly larvae, both of which have tiny clear/white bodies. Drain fly larvae fit the physical description, but they feed on decaying organic material and, as their name hints, are usually found in toilets and shower drains. So, if these are drain fly larvae, we aren’t sure what they would be attracted to in the bed. Flea larvae, on the other hand, are found in beds occasionally. If our reader has pets, then we think it is very likely that the organisms in his daughter’s bed are flea larvae. If this is the case, he will need to take his pets to the vet to be diagnosed and treated for fleas. He will also need to wash all of the bedding, as well as any other areas that his pets sleep on, and all of the pet toys.

In conclusion, a reader found some tiny worms in his daughter’s bed. We can’t provide a identification with 100% certainty, but based on our reader’s description and the location of discovery, we believe the worm-like organisms could be flea larvae.

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What Are Clear/White Worms in Bed?
Article Name
What Are Clear/White Worms in Bed?
A reader found some tiny worms in his daughter's bed. We can't provide a identification with 100% certainty, but based on our reader's description and the location of discovery, we believe the worm-like organisms could be flea larvae.

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Author: Worm Researcher Dori

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