Transparent Worm in Drinking Glass Could be Marine Worm or Mucus

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“I want to get the information about this worm, cause today I found this worm in my drinking glass”, writes Viashnavi in his submission regarding the transparent organism pictured below. “I noticed it while drinking the water, so I got scared. Then I tried to vomit, and I vomited all that I ate before too. I think it’s not harmful to my body. So can you please reply to me. I need all information about this worm. Thank you.”

To start with, we have to point out that we have never seen a worm like this one. It’s near full transparency makes it impossible for us to see any kind of physical characteristics, other than the specks of white at one end of its body. In fact, its near full transparency has us doubting if it even is a worm at all, or something else. In our opinion, it looks like a wad of spit. We ask Viashnavi to consider if it’s at all possible that he got some mucus in the glass and that he mistook it for a worm?

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In any case, if it was a worm, we would want to know where Viashnavi got his water from. If it came from the tap, then its pretty impossible for a worm of this size to have come from the tap. If it came from a bottle, this would not be entirely possible, but it would constitute gross negligence on part of the company that bottles and sells this water. And if it came from a well, then it is possible that this is some type of marine worm that is infesting those waters. If Viashnavi did get the water from the well, then we recommend he contact the appropriate authorities to report the problem. Viashnavi might want to check out the CDC’s “webpage on well maintenance“.

With that said, although Viashnavi says that he doesn’t think the worm is harmful to his body, he can’t know that anymore than we can, assuming that Viashnavi is not a medical professional. We are not saying that he should go into panic mode and assume the worst, but it is best to get things like this checked on the off chance that the worm did come from him. After all, Viashnavi was worried enough about this to force himself to vomit. We recommend consulting a medical parasitologist if Viashnavi is worried about his health in connection to this worm. To find a medical parasitologist or other health care provider who can actually help, our reader can do one or more of the following:

– Visit our parasite care resources page here:

– Search for a medical parasitologist in Viashnavi’s area using this directory of medical parasitology consultants:

– Search for a local parasitologist by doing a Google search for “medical parasitologist (name of the closest big city)” or “tropical medicine specialist (name of the closest big city)”.

To conclude, we don’t know what Viashnavi found in his drinking glass. Worms this transparent are difficult to identify, and besides, we do not think it really looks like a worm at all. We hope nonetheless that something in here helps, and we wish Viashnavi the very best!

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Transparent Worm in Drinking Glass Could be Marine Worm or Mucus
Article Name
Transparent Worm in Drinking Glass Could be Marine Worm or Mucus
"I want to get the information about this worm, cause today I found this worm in my drinking glass", writes Viashnavi in his submission regarding the transparent organism pictured below. "I noticed it while drinking the water, so I got scared. Then I tried to vomit, and I vomited all that I ate before too. I think it's not harmful to my body. So can you please reply to me. I need all information about this worm. Thank you."

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Author: Worm Researcher Anton

1 thought on “Transparent Worm in Drinking Glass Could be Marine Worm or Mucus

  1. Hello,
    Like Vaishnavi’s article about a transparent worm in her glass of water. Today I also found 2 transparent worm like creatures in my drnkingb bowl and one in my toilet bucket ? .
    Same jelly consistency and spring like grey lines in it’s body. Both looks the same worm like creature

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