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Posted in Dog Worms Interesting Bugs Worms Generally

Yellow Creatures on Dog’s Quilt Could be Pupae

“I found these on my dog’s quilt”, writes Mary about the yellow creature pictured below. “They are very tiny, less than a quarter inch. It was the bright colour I noticed and I zoomed in with my camera. I’m in Ireland.” Now, Mary sends in a plethora of photos, which is always very helpful, and they all show us different things. Three of them depict this bright yellow creature: the first (below) shows us more details about its coloration (the darker spots amidst the bright color), the second shows us that the critter is enveloped in a stringy matter, or perhaps that the stringy matter is appendages growing from its body, and the third shows us the creature on top of a ten cent Euro coin, giving us a size comparison to show us how small it really is. Oddly though, Mary sends a fourth picture of what looks like a ball of tangled hair.

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Posted in Indian Meal Moth Larvae Pest Worms Worms Found in the House

Yellow, Worm-like Organism Hanging by Thread in Cupboard is a Pantry Moth Larva

“What kind of worm is this?” asks this reader about the yellow larva-like organism pictured below. The creature was found in her “pantry cupboard hanging by a thread.”

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Posted in Meal Worms Pest Worms Worms Found in the House

Two Kinds of Mealworms Found by Reader Who Wonders What Species They Belong To

“I have two kinds of mealworms” says this reader, “one is small, the others are larger”. He provides no photographs of the worms but asks “what kind are they?”

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Posted in Carpet Beetle Larvae Pest Worms Worms Found in the House

Tan & Yellow-Striped Bug in NYC Apartment is a Carpet Beetle Larva

A woman recently contacted us with the following image of a bug she estimates to be about 1/4-inch or smaller. She found this creature on her couch, and from the picture we can see it is brown and tan striped in color, with a darker brown head at one of its ends.

yellow worm with eyes
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Posted in Caterpillars

Yellow Worm with Eyes

Via the All About Worms Facebook page, we recently received a question about a “kind of worm” that appears to have two eyes. Overall, the worm is yellow, but on one end of its body it has black spots that look exactly like eyes. The eyes on the yellow worm are quite large, to the point that they look somewhat cartoonish. The reader sent a superb picture of the creature and only asked what kind of worm it is. So, we are tasked with a question of identification: what kind of worms are yellow and have large eyes?

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Posted in Interesting Worms

Orange and Yellow Worms in the House

Some time ago, a reader wrote to us about orange and yellow worms she has been finding in her house. The yellow and orange worms (the worm is actually “yellowish,” in the reader’s words, and we suppose this means it is not fully orange, but rather orangish) are coming from a corner of the house, and she is finding them on her ceiling. The reader is wondering not only what the worms are, but also if they are dangerous. Perhaps in part because of the latter concern, she is also curious how she can get rid of them. So, in short, what are these yellow and orange worms, are they harmful, and how can our reader get rid of them? Can her orange-and-yellow-worm problem be solved?