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Posted in Parasite Worms Tapeworm Worms in Humans

Woman “Tortured” by Long, White Worms Should Seek Medical Advice

“I found this in my home”, states this reader about the long, white worm-like organism pictured below. “I have been tortured lately by some unknown “thing” in my house. May it be bugs, worms, or something else; I found this when I woke up after a very rough night. I got a ton of bites on me. I’m not sure what’s going on but please give advice. Any is helpful. I know you can’t give medical advice but if you can try to identify the possible “worm” pictures that would be great. I was leaning towards a tapeworm possibly. Thank you for your time.”

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Posted in Carpet Beetle Larvae Worms Found in the House Worms in Humans

Can Carpet Beetle Larvae Harm Humans?

“Do carpet beetle larvae get under your skin?” asks this reader in her submission. She reports experiencing a “real infestation that happened in days,” though she sends no photographs with her query.

red inch worm
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Posted in Pest Worms

Worms that Bite

A reader wrote to us a while ago about a worm that can “stand up on end and bite or bore into” skin. The worm is about a quarter of an inch long and moves like an inchworm, which is in fact a type of caterpillar, but then once it is ready to bite, “it raises up on end and tries to worm its way into the skin.” The reader has a young daughter who loves to play outside, so he is keen to find out what the biting worms may be. He hasn’t been able to take a picture of the worms that bite, nor has he been able to find out any information about them. What might these biting worms be?