Tag: worms in kitchen
Minuscule Brown Worms with Antennae are Millipedes
“Can you identify what kind of worm this is?” asks Amanda in her submission regarding the teeny tiny, brown worm-like critter pictured below. “This video was taken in our kitchen but we found one in our bed too. We live in Florida if that helps. Thank you!” Now, if it were not for the video that Amanda sent in, we would have no idea what this is. The picture is far too blurry to make out any of the tiny creature’s identifiable characteristics, other than its color and shape. But it was once we saw the video, which tells us how it moves and exposes more of its physical characteristics, that we were able to identify this as a millipede.
Translucent Worm With Dark Tip is a Mosquito Larva
“What type of worm is this?” asks this reader in her submission regarding the tiny, white creature pictured below. “I found this on our washing up sponge. It is white, translucent, with a dark-coloured tip (possibly dark red). It wasn’t so clear to me as I was so grossed out. We do not have pets and I often disinfect the kitchen and change my sponge every other week or so. What could this be? And how can I stop having worms? I am scared that my family, especially my little one, will ingest it. I squished the other end by accident. I washed my hands several times after that.”
Yellowish Worms Hanging from Stove Top are Pantry Moth Caterpillars
“I have these teeny, tiny worms hanging above my kitchen stove top,” writes this reader about the yellow-white, worm-like creature pictured below. “They are so tiny you can barely see them hanging. What are they?” Based on the photo, as well as the location in which the creature was found, we would say this is likely a pantry moth larva, otherwise known as the Indianmeal moth caterpillar. These critters are not directly harmful to humans or pets, so our reader need not worry about her health. That said, when the infest foods, they do render them inedible, as they leave shed skins and faecal matter behind.
Maggot-like Creatures Roaming Kitchen are Pantry Moth Larvae
“Please help me with any information you can provide me about the four small worm/maggot-looking things in my kitchen today”, states this reader in her submission. She is referring to creatures that look like this little, grub-like organism pictured below, who appears to have a plump, white, segmented body.
White Worms with Brown Heads Found in Uncooked Pasta are Pantry Moth Larvae
“Are these worms pantry worms?” asks this reader concerning the white worm-like creatures with brown heads pictured below. “Is it possible an infestation of pantry worms could be found in items purchased from the grocery store?”
Is Consuming Pantry Moth Larvae Harmful?
“Can a pantry moth larva hurt you if you accidentally eat it?” asks this reader in her submission to us. She does not include more context than this, nor does she provide any pictures, but we will nonetheless do our best to answer our reader’s question.
Yellow, Worm-like Organism Hanging by Thread in Cupboard is a Pantry Moth Larva
“What kind of worm is this?” asks this reader about the yellow larva-like organism pictured below. The creature was found in her “pantry cupboard hanging by a thread.”
White Worm-like Critters with Brown Heads Popping Out from Behind Stove are Pantry Moth Larvae
“What is this type of worm? Is it dangerous?” asks this reader in her query regarding the white creature photographed below. “Only one pops out every four weeks […] around the stove area and we cannot find where it is coming from.”
Bug Found Alive in Rice Container is an Indianmeal Moth Larva
A “bug” was found alive in this reader’s container of rice in Nipomo, California, and she has seen nothing of the sort before. The bug in question appears to be a worm-like creature which is not even close to being as big as a grain of rice, is an off-white/beige color, has a darker-colored head, and is clearly segmented.
Fly Larvae Infest the Kitchen of this Man in Atlanta, GA
This man in Atlanta, Georgia has been finding a lot of worms in his breakfast nook next to his kitchen. According to our reader, and as seen in the images provided, these worms are 1/4-inch long, tan in color, and with a “brown spot on their top front.”
Indianmeal Moth Larvae Infest This Man’s Kitchen in Portugal
These tiny white larvae were found in this man’s kitchen in Portugal. After having moved into his new home in August, this reader has been spotting these larvae for several days in a row, and hopes that we can tell him what kind of larvae these are, and how they breed.