Tag: worms in food
Mother Buys Doughnuts Only to Find Worms Inside
“PLEASE HELP!” exclaims Lisa in her submission regarding the grayish brown worm-like critter crawling out of the doughnut pictured below. “I got doughnuts yesterday morning and we ate a lot yesterday. And since we got a dozen I had some left over this morning. The doughnut was tightly sealed in wrap and this morning we saw the attached. You can see it’s coming out of the doughnut and I’m worried me and my kids ate the eggs (or something) from this huge worm. It doesn’t look like a maggot. Please help us. Is this a parasite? I already reported this to the health department but I really am concerned. Thank you so much. There is also an attachment video.”
Dark Brown Worm in Cooked Chicken Could be Millipede
“I found this dark brown worm in my cooked chicken”, writes Linda in her submission regarding the creature pictured below. “Can you identify it?” Firstly, we have to point out that unfortunately the picture Linda sent in is very blurry. For that reason, we cannot really see what the creature looks like, other than its general shape and color, which will make it hard for us to provide an accurate identification. We can provide an educated guess, but that’s about it. Secondly, we will say that Linda should not eat the dish she made, because even if no part of the worm was consumed, it could have released toxins or secreted faecal matter which is unsafe to consume.
“Nasty Sight” on Ham and Cheese Could be Maggots
“I bought a ham and cheese and found this nasty sight”, writes Sandra about what we presume to be an organism in the photo below. “My husband ate about half before noticing!” No more context is provided, and unfortunately it is very unclear what the photo is depicting, so we will not be able to provide a certain identification. All we can do is give an educated guess based on the types of worm-like creatures that would be eating ham and cheese, which would be maggots. Finding maggots in one’s ham and cheese would definitely constitute a nasty sight, and most people are revolted by the sight of maggots.
Brown-striped Critter Found in Piece of Food is a Carpet Beetle Larva
“What larva is this?” asks this reader in her submission regarding the brown-striped organism pictured below, which seems to be digging into a piece of food. “It looks similar to a carpet beetle larva, but that doesn’t make sense. I’m in the Southwest United States, and carpet beetles are in Europe, right?” Now, there are a few things to unpack here from our reader’s submission, and we will start with her first question: what larva is this indeed? Well, we think she is right in comparing it to a carpet beetle larva, as it really does resemble one, and that is exactly what we think it is.
Translucent Worms with Visible Entrails Found in Salad are Fungus Gnat Larvae
“I found this worm while eating my salad from a restaurant”, writes this reader in their submission regarding the translucent worm pictured below. It appears to have visible entrails, a dark head, and a bubble of sorts at its rear. “Can you please tell me anything about it? I’m so worried I’m sick! It’s almost an inch long. Thank you!” Based on our reader’s story, as well as the photo, we have concluded that these are likely fungus gnat larvae. As their name suggests, fungus gnats like to feed on fungi, but they also like other plants as well, in particular young plants.
Purple Worm-like Creature Found in Lettuce is Probably Just a Stem
“I put my finger under this piece of lettuce when I realized it might not be a piece of lettuce at all, but a worm”, states this reader in his submission regarding the long, purple object pictured below. “As I looked more closely, I think I saw feelers protrude out from the green end and some pincers under the skin at the opposite end; maybe.”
Thousands of Worms Discovered Inside Ice Cream Machine: Urgent Action Recommended
“At my work the ice cream machine has had these pop up a time or two”, says this reader about the worm-like organisms pictured below. “Can you tell me what they are and how we can get rid of them safely?” she asks.
Maggot-like Creatures Roaming Kitchen are Pantry Moth Larvae
“Please help me with any information you can provide me about the four small worm/maggot-looking things in my kitchen today”, states this reader in her submission. She is referring to creatures that look like this little, grub-like organism pictured below, who appears to have a plump, white, segmented body.
Bright Yellow/Green Worm Found on Cat’s Food Bowl is Indeed a Caterpillar
“I was cleaning my room and found this particular caterpillar (I think) on my cat’s food bowl”, writes this reader about the yellow creature below. Our reader asks that we tell him if his cat has worms or if it is possible that the organism came in from the outdoors.
Dark Green Worms Found Under Turkey Slices May Just be Green Beans
“I found what I think are dead worms/ larvae in some sliced turkey that I got from a Whole Foods deli counter,” states this reader in his submission. “They are medium green and appear to have a rounded back,” he says of the creatures’ physical appearance.
Bug Found Alive in Rice Container is an Indianmeal Moth Larva
A “bug” was found alive in this reader’s container of rice in Nipomo, California, and she has seen nothing of the sort before. The bug in question appears to be a worm-like creature which is not even close to being as big as a grain of rice, is an off-white/beige color, has a darker-colored head, and is clearly segmented.
Mass Infestation of Various Moth Species Plague Woman’s Home
A woman recently contacted us about a moth infestation she has been experiencing over the past couple of months, and she asks for our help in identifying and dealing with the problem. She has herself identified the moths as pantry moths (Indianmeal moths) “because they have a stripe across their body”, but is now wondering whether or not they could be drain moths.
What Are Cod Worms?
If one were to look up ‘cod worms’ on the internet, one would be met with a plethora of woeful tales of people finding worms in their fish. Ranging from personal accounts posted on social media to articles published on news sites, the cod worm has made quite the buzz on the internet.
Worms You Can Find in Your Food Part 2: Fruit Worms
The last place anyone would probably want to find a worm is inside the food they were about to put inside their bodies. As a follow up to our previous article on the same subject, this article will cover specifically worms you can find in your fruit.
Worms You Can Find in Your Food
Although worms make up the cuisine of several cultures across the globe, we Westerners typically do not regard worms as a tasty source of sustenance, especially if they were not supposed to be a part of our meal in the first place. Being surprised by a worm in your food can be an extremely unpleasant experience, and this article is going to provide some examples of the types of worms one can potentially find in their food.
Reader Finds Multiple Pink and White Worms in Multiple Locations
Small, white or pink worms have been found in a multitude of places by this reader in College Place, Washington. These locations include various spots in her home, inside herself, and in her dog. Our reader is understandably concerned and asks for our help in identifying these worms.
Black and White Worms in Food Cartons
We received a question from a reader a while ago about a small black and white worm he found in a carton. Actually, he didn’t ask a question so much as write us a statement, which went as follows: “worm found in sealed carton the color was black and white and about a half inch long.” (That’s the entire email.) We presume the reader found the worm in some sort of food carton because we don’t know any other carton one would likely find a worm in. (A milk carton? A cigarette carton? These seem like less inviting places for a worm.) As you can see, the reader didn’t directly ask any question, but we’re assuming he’s curious what he found. So, what is the black and white worm that our reader found in a (food) carton?
Worms in Frozen Food?
It is possible that the worms made their way into your frozen goods from other sources such as grains, cereal, or fine fibers.
Worms in Food: Identifying the Indian Meal Moth Larvae
Worms inching along in pantry foods are probably larvae of the Indianmeal moth. These worm-like creatures leave trails of silky threads and webbing behind in grains and many other products.