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Posted in Parasite Worms Tapeworm Worms Found in the House

Coiled Up Worm Could be Horsehair Worm

“Is this a tapeworm?” asks Tammy in her submission regarding the clear, whitish worm-like critters pictured below. “I’m sure it must be. But the strange thing is I found it coiled up, I thought it was just some type of elastic on the side table in the bedroom! How would it get there? I freaked out that I touched it, but realized it was strange if elastic. I put it in a baggie with some eye drops to keep it moist. I’m freaking out because I don’t understand where it came from to end up on a table! I have no pets in this room. I thought worms came out in poop! And rarely seen as a whole worm. Please help me with this ASAP. I’d really appreciate.”

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Posted in Earthworms Garden Worms Segmented Worms Annelida

Pink Worm on Bedroom Carpet is an Earthworm

“Why did I find a worm crawling on my carpet in my bedroom?” writes Elizabeth about the worm pictured below. “I live in Northern California and we’ve been having a lot of rain, but I don’t wear shoes in this room. There is a sliding glass door a few feet away, but it hasn’t been opened in weeks (it’s winter). I have two chihuahuas under 10lbs but there is no “accident” in the room. Is it a worm? It was moving kind of fast and also trying to dig its head in the carpet. Thank you.” To answer Elizabeth’s second question, this is indeed a worm. In fact, this is an earthworm. We can tell by its pink coloration, segmentation, and the clitellum encircling its middle.

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Posted in Centipedes and Millipedes Worms Facts Worms Found in the House

Brown-Striped Larvae and Fuzzy, White Bugs Infesting This Reader’s Bathroom and Bedroom are Duff Millipedes

“I have found these larvae/worms mostly crawling in my bathroom and gable bedroom” states this reader about the organisms in the photos below. The creatures appear to come in various shapes and colors, ranging from one with dark brown segments, to fuzzy, white creatures.