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Posted in Carpet Beetle Larvae Pest Worms Worms Found in the House

Bug Found on Daughter’s Sheets is a Carpet Beetle Larva

A father in Arizona found a “bug” in his daughter’s sheets, and wonders if we can identify it for him. The creature in question appears to be minuscule in size, ovate in shape, and striped in brown and tan colors.

carpet beetle larva
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Posted in Pest Worms

Black Worms in the Carpet

A reader wrote to us a week or so ago about some 1/4-inch (quarter-inch) black worms she is finding in the carpet of her house. In addition to being in her carpet, the small black worms are also on the baseboards around her house, which isn’t surprising, given that baseboards often line carpet. The reader says the black worms in her carpet shy away from vacuum cleaners, and also that they seem to prefer darkness over light. What are these small black worms in the carpet of our reader’s home, and how can she prevent these worms from infesting her carpet?