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Posted in Parasite Worms Worms Found in the House Worms in Humans

Black Dot-like Organism Found in Couch, Hair and Nails; Where This Woman Can Go For Help

“These are in my couch and I’ve had them get on me,” begins this reader in her query to us. Her issue concerns organisms which “start out” as “clear circles with a black dot in the center”, which are causing symptoms and concern.

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Posted in Parasite Worms Worms Generally Worms in Humans

Reader Wonders About Endoparasites Similar to Schistosoma

“Have you seen these anywhere as endoparasites?” asks our reader about the matter pictured below. Our reader details the characteristics of an endoparasite, as well as the symptoms they cause for the hosts they take, and we will share that information with the rest of our readers today.

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Posted in Caterpillars Worms Found in the House Worms Generally

Moth Infestation Spawns Concerns Over Parasites

“We seem to have an infestation of moths and what we’re thinking might be larvae,” states this reader in her submission regarding the array of photos below. Our reader wonders if the appearance of this moth and its larvae could be connected to parasites “in some way.”

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Posted in Parasite Worms Worms Generally Worms in Humans

Worms Crawl Through This Woman’s Skin and Lay Eggs in Her: Medical Consultation is Advised

“What kind of work will do its best to crawl in the skin and leave you with eggs coming out of your skin?” asks this reader in her submission. When she blows her nose, “egg-like things” come forth, and she is understandably “scared” for herself.