Tag: worm compost
Red Worms for Sale Near Vancouver, WA
While there are plenty of places to find red worms for sale near Vancouver, WA, you can also purchase red worms online through dozens of retailers. You can buy worms from sites such as Planet Natural and Uncle Jim’s Worm Farm.
African Nightcrawlers
When the African nightcrawler eats organic matter such as leaves and grass, the worms’ excrememt, called “castings,” becomes a powerful fertilizer that can be used by gardeners and farmers to help manage crops.
Compost Pests
Many pests attack compost piles that have been improperly constructed. These pests are not to be confused with worms that help the composting process. In fact, many people want worms in their compost piles and may even purchase a worm or two to get the process started or to help move the composting process along more quickly.
Australian Worm Composter
“The Australia Worm Farm is a two-piece vermicomposting unit.” It is easy to use and provides users with all the essential tools and information needed to create a worm composter.
What is Vermicomposting?
To start the worm bin, wash out the container or bin that you are using. Make sure there are holes in the bottom for water to drain. If the liquid doesn’t drain, a worm bin will most likely go anaerobic and the worms may possibly drown. Managing moisture in the bin is important.
Feeding Compost Worms
The best worms to use for composting are red worms. Red worm is the common name for Eisenia fetida/foetida and Lumbricus rubellus. Red worms are a type of earthworm that is also commonly used as bait for fish such as perch and sunfish. Eisenia fetida/foetida (also called red wiggler, manure worm, or brandling) is commonly used for composting.
Heating Cables in Worm Beds
electric heating cables are thermostatically set for optimum temperature control. The heating cables in worm beds will maintain a consistent, ideal temperature of 72 degrees.
Commercial Worm Farming
Commercial worm farmers can breed worms and produce castings or compost in a space as small as a garage or as large as an industrial warehouse.
How to Make a Worm Bin
Small-scale worm bins should always have holes in them to allow air to flow and for draining purposes. A small-scale worm bin is usually covered with a lid to prevent the worms from escaping.
Grubs and Composting
If you plan to find your own worms, then you should examine the soil and the worms for grubs. Simply sift through the worms and soil to look for larvae.
When to Harvest Compost Worms
To begin composting with worms, you should purchase a hefty amount of red worms. Two pounds, which is equal to around 2,000 worms, should be plenty.
How to Build a Worm Bed
A worm bed is actually the most important part of a successful worm composting system. A worm bed can be made from either moist newspaper strips or moist leaves.
Composting with Worms
Composting with worms or “worm composting,” is the process of using worms to recycle organic material and food scraps into a useful soil amendment called “vermicompost.” Vermicompost is also called “worm compost.”