Tag: white larvae in house
White Worm-looking Creatures in New Home are Blow Fly Larvae
“I woke up this morning, granted the second day of a new home and all over the living room floor there were little whitish, worm-looking things”, writes this reader in her submission regarding the organisms pictured below. “What are they? Where did they come from? And how do I get rid of them?” Our reader asks all the right questions, and to answer her first one, we think these are blow fly larvae. ‘Blow fly’ as a term refers generally to a large group of flies (known as an order) called Diptera. The adult flies are characterized by their glossy, metallic bodies, which are typically green, blue, or black in color.
White Worms Found in Puppy’s Play Area are Clothes Moth Larvae
“I live in South Carolina, and woke up this morning to dozens of these”, states this reader concerning the white larva-like creature pictured below. “What are they, how can I get rid of them and prevent them in the future?” she asks.
Maggot-like Creature Found in Dining Room Window is a Root Weevil Larva
“I have found the attached maggot/worm in my dining room in front of a large window,” writes this reader in southern Ontario. The maggot appears to be a creamy-white color, with a brown head and no legs.
White Worm-like Creature That Eats Through Wood, Porcelain and Ceramic is a Mystery
“There appears to be a worm on the floor along with white dots that are eggs I guess,” states this reader, who thinks she may have found pinworms in her home. The worms in question appear to be white in color, with a flat body.
Dozens of White Larvae Falling From Ceiling Fan are House Fly Larvae
Several dozen larvae have been falling from this reader’s bathroom ceiling fan over a span of several days. The larvae appear to be white, have no legs, and, in the words of our reader, “one end” of the larvae “is flat and the other has a tapered pointy end.”
Clear Worm Found After Cuddling Dog is a Webbing Clothes Moth Larva
A reader of ours recently sent in a video of a worm she found on her arm after cuddling her dog, and wishes that we identify it. The worm in question appears to be a translucent whitish color, and has a black head that is wider than its body.