lawn grub
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Posted in Grub Worms

Fat, White Larvae with Brown Heads in Lawn

A reader wrote to us recently to inquire about some gross “things” she found in her yard. The things might more precisely be described as fat and white with brown heads, and the reader was wondering if she found some sort of worm or larvae. We are basically certain she found grubs, which are also called “lawn grubs” or “grub worms” (even though they are larvae), and below we provide a little more information about these creatures. The reader also mentioned that she is concerned about the “dangers they may pose for humans and pets,” so we’ll address this matter as well.

larvae with big heads
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Posted in Pest Worms

White and Brown Larvae with Big Round Heads

A reader wrote to us recently about some white and brown larvae with big round heads that she found in her room. By big heads, we mean that the larvae have heads that are large relative to their thin bodies; indeed, the thin bodies combined with the large round heads make the larvae look a bit like lollipops. The dominant color of the larvae is a light brown, but a segment of their bodies is white. The reader found about 20 larvae in her room, and despite extensive searching she has found nothing that looks like the creatures she found. Of course, she wants to know what is in her room, so she asked us if we know anything about the larvae with big round heads that she found.

grub larva
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Posted in Interesting Bugs

Fat White Larva with Brown Head

A few days ago, a reader sent us a picture of a fat white larva with a brown head. The larvae is quite plump, and its head looks like a small brown ball that is pressed into the end of the larva’s fat body. The reader sent in a couple of nice pictures of the larva in question, and asked us to identify what it might be. What is the fat white larva our reader is finding?

White yellow larvae
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Posted in Pest Worms

White, Yellow Larvae

A reader recently sent us a photo of some sort of white and yellow larva, or perhaps a whitish, yellowish larva is the better way to put it because the colors basically blend together. The reader said the larvae “moves like a caterpillar,” and she said it doesn’t look like a worm or slug, and all of this contributes to our belief that our reader found a type of larva. (Caterpillars are larvae, for the record.) The reader found the creature on her leg when she was out walking and she can’t seem to find out any information about it. Technically, the reader didn’t ask any question, but we presume she wants to know what the white and yellow larva she found is, so this is what we have directed our attention toward.

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Posted in Pest Worms

Small White Larvae with Black Heads

A reader wrote to us a while ago about some small white larvae with black heads (or what many will inevitably, but incorrectly, refer to as small white worms with black heads) that he has been finding. He never actually referred to the small white creatures as “larvae,” but his excellent photos (included below) fairly clearly show larvae. Identifying worms, larvae, and other such creatures is rarely a certain enterprise, but at this point in our august career, we’re confident in our ability to spot a larva when we see one. We’ve written about larvae before – indeed, we’ve written about small white larvae with black heads before – and we’ll write about them again. But we’re getting ahead of ourselves: what kind of small, white, black-headed larvae did our reader find, and how should he get rid of them?