Tag: vermicompost
All About Worm Tea – How’s It Made? What’s It Used For?
Worm tea sounds like a disgusting beverage, not exactly the sort of drink you want to curl up with on a cold night (or any night for that matter.) Fortunately, it’s not a drink that people enjoy…it’s used primarily as a fertilizer!
Brewing and Using Compost Tea
Do you have a garden? Are you always looking for ways to keep your plants healthy and free from pests? Look no further….today we will explore compost tea!
Using Eri Silk Frass as a Soil Fertilizer
A reader recently reached out to us with this question, “What is the best way to prepare eri silk frass to become a soil fertilizer for food crops?” Let’s dive in by breaking down this question!
Can You Use All Worm Castings for Plants?
Also called “vermicompost” or “worm compost,” castings are such powerful fertilizers because worms eat nutrient packed fruit and vegetable scraps. When worms consume vegetable scraps, the scraps become compost as they pass though the worms body. The compost exits the worm’s body through its tail.
African Nightcrawlers
When the African nightcrawler eats organic matter such as leaves and grass, the worms’ excrememt, called “castings,” becomes a powerful fertilizer that can be used by gardeners and farmers to help manage crops.
Flow Through Vermiculture Bin
Continuous flow designs enable the user to remove finished material from the system without having to remove the vermicompost and separate it from the worms.
Australian Worm Composter
“The Australia Worm Farm is a two-piece vermicomposting unit.” It is easy to use and provides users with all the essential tools and information needed to create a worm composter.
What is Vermicomposting?
To start the worm bin, wash out the container or bin that you are using. Make sure there are holes in the bottom for water to drain. If the liquid doesn’t drain, a worm bin will most likely go anaerobic and the worms may possibly drown. Managing moisture in the bin is important.
When to Harvest Compost Worms
To begin composting with worms, you should purchase a hefty amount of red worms. Two pounds, which is equal to around 2,000 worms, should be plenty.
How to Build a Worm Bed
A worm bed is actually the most important part of a successful worm composting system. A worm bed can be made from either moist newspaper strips or moist leaves.
Composting with Worms
Composting with worms or “worm composting,” is the process of using worms to recycle organic material and food scraps into a useful soil amendment called “vermicompost.” Vermicompost is also called “worm compost.”