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Posted in Pest Worms

Worm or Insect that Eats Through Tree Branches

A reader recently sent us a very short question about worms on trees. More specifically, he asked what type of worm will “eat a circle” around a limb until it falls to the ground. (We presume – and desperately hope – that “limb” here refers to a tree branch or some other plant limb, not the limb of a sentient animal.) The reader actually didn’t limit his question to worms – he mentioned it could be a “bug” too. (In terms of scientific imprecision, the word “bug” is even worse than the word “worm,” alas.) So, we are tasked with determining what kind of creature – be it a worm or a bug – is capable of eating a branch or limb off of a tree.

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Posted in Parasite Worms

How to Spray Apple Trees for Worms

There are many ways to control worms in apple trees from hanging sticky traps to spraying the trees with a solution that will kill or repel worms. The type of method that will be most effective will depend on the type of worm problem you have.

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Posted in Earthworms Garden Worms Pest Worms Worm Castings

How to Get Rid of Milkwood Tree Worms

Without earthworms, your precious pecan tree, milkwood tree or apple tree could not survive. Earthworms play an important role in helping the earth’s trees, plants, fruits, and vegetables thrive.

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Posted in Earthworms Interesting Worms Pest Worms

Web Worms in Pecan Trees: Can You Safely Remove them on Your Own?

A professional home and garden exterminator will know exactly how to kill the pests in your pecan trees without killing the earthworms below.

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Posted in Army Worms Bag Worms Interesting Worms

Worms in Trees

There are so many different types of worms that love to hang out in trees that it’s tough to keep track. Just a few of the different types of worms in trees include bagworms, Catawba worms, apple tree worms, Christmas tree worms, army worms, and catalpa tree worms.