Tag: tree pests
Black and Yellow Worm is an Orange-tipped Oakworm
A rather large, creature was found in the suburbs of Philadelphia, PA by a woman who wonders if we can identify it for her. From the excellent photograph provided by our reader, one can see that the creature in question is black with yellow stripes, and is about 2.5-inches in length, according to our reader.
Worms or Larvae on Dogwood Trees
A reader asked us through the All About Worms Facebook page about “white worms with yellow bottoms [that are] eating my Dogwood trees.” These white worms with yellow bottoms are very likely white larvae with yellow bottoms, so we’ll adjust our usage accordingly. The reader asked us for an identification, and we’ll largely limit ourselves to this specific matter to keep things short and simple.
Controlling Catawba Worms Without Killing Your Catalpa Tree
Although it is not likely, if you are convinced that the Catawba worm is ruining your catalpa tree, there are several ways to get rid of them. Preventative measures include insecticides such as Ortho Grub-B-Gon Max, Merit, Arena, Mach2, and Season-Long Grub Control.
Tree Pests: Bagworms, Tentworms, and Webworms
Bagworms, tentworms, and webworms feed on tree leaves and can create varying levels of damage. Evergreens and deciduous trees are all at risk from infestations by these unsightly worms.