Tag: treatment tapeworms humans
Treatment for Tapeworms in Humans
“What is the most effective treatment for tapeworm?” That is the simple question we received from a reader, but, as always seems to be the case, we have several ways to complicate it, as the best treatment for tapeworm depends on several factors. First, who is suffering from the tapeworm infection? Is this a human tapeworm infection, or is a dog or cat infected with tapeworm? Also, there are a few different kinds of tapeworm, which also bears on tapeworm treatment options. We can’t even leave the word itself alone, as “tapeworm” is often spelled “tape worm,” although the latter spelling is incorrect. We’re writing an article, not a book, so we’ll have to confine ourselves to human tapeworm infections and explore the most effective (i.e., best) treatment for tapeworm in humans.