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Posted in Parasite Worms Tapeworm Worms in Humans

Where Can We Find Tapeworms Around the World?

It is possible to come in contact with tapeworms in Europe and North America, but keep in mind that tapeworms are extremely rare in these regions. If you live in North America or Europe and you suspect that you may have a tapeworm infection, it is highly likely that your symptoms are the result of another condition.

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Posted in Hook Worms Pinworm Ringworm Round Worms Tapeworm

Worms in the Human Body

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 2 billion people around the world are infected with parasitic worms. The condition causes severe illness in roughly 300 million people each year.

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Posted in Dog Worms Heart Worms Round Worms Tapeworm

Types of Parasitic Worms in Dogs

Hookworms, tapeworms, roundworm, whipworm, and heartworm are the most common types of parasitic worms in dogs. Hookworms, tapeworms, roundworms, and whipworms live in the dog’s intestines and heartworm lives in the dog’s heart and in the blood vessels that lead from the heart to the lungs.

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Posted in Heart Worms Parasite Worms Pinworm Ringworm Round Worms Screw Worms Tapeworm

Worms in Dog Stool

In addition to your dog’s food, dog worms can be found in on or buried in your dog’s fur, around his anus, around his paws (from scratching) and it is not uncommon to find them in your dog’s ears.

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Posted in Dog Worms Heart Worms Parasite Worms Tapeworm

Tape Worms in Dogs

At three feet, the tape worm can have as many as 90 segments. These segments look like grains of rice.

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Posted in Round Worms Tapeworm Worms in Humans

Human Tape Worms

Certain types of parasites are found more often in animals, such as the bloodworm, which typically infects horses. Other types of parasites may affect humans more often.