Tag: Tapeworm
Natural Cures for Dog Worms
Natural cures for dog worms don’t actually exist, but preventative measures do. Before you can treat or prevent dog worms effectively, you should become familiar with the different types of dog worms and how dogs get them. The different types of dog worms include tapeworms, roundworm, whipworm, and heartworm.
The Tapeworm
Tapeworm can infect any mammal, including humans. Fortunately it is not usually serious, and is readily treated.
What is White Worm Discovered in Toilet?
One of our readers recently asked us to identify a worm he found in his toilet. He wrote, “it doesn’t look like a tapeworm to me, but that is obviously my fear.”
Creature on Desk is Not a Tapeworm
A reader found a small, wriggly critter on his desk. He took a couple pictures of it, and is wondering if we can identify it. He notes that he has two indoor dogs, and wonders if this little fellow could be related to them. His specific concern is that it may be a tapeworm.
Tapeworm in Man’s Brain Found to be Cause of Headaches
No one likes a headache, and each kind of headache is bad in its own way, but you would probably be especially disturbed if your headache was caused by a parasitic worm crawling around your brain for several years. Such was the fate of a British man who recently found out that a one centimeter tapeworm (more precisely, Spirometra erinaceieuropaei) has been living in his brain for the past four years.
Long, Skinny Worms: Horsehair Worm or Tapeworm?
We recently received several photos of a fairly long, skinny worm that a reader found in his backyard. We have received many questions about long, skinny worms, and every time we do our first thought is that the reader has found a horsehair worm (sometimes incorrectly written “horse hair worms”), as horsehair worms are indeed long and skinny. With respect to our present reader’s question, we also think there is a good chance he found a horsehair worm. However, the reader specifically asked about tapeworms (which is also incorrectly spelled frequently – as “tape worms”) and was wondering if the creature he found could “burrow” into a body. So, we’ll address the reader’s concerns concurrently, explaining why we think he found a horsehair worm (and not a tapeworm), and in so explaining it will be clear why there is no need to worry about this worm burrowing into a body.
Help! My Cat Threw Up Two Tapeworms
Symptoms of worm infections are similar regardless of the worm that has infected the cat or kitten. The only way to be 100% sure of the types of worms infecting your animal is to provide a stool sample to your local veterinarian for testing.
How Do You Know If Your Dog Has Worms?
If you don’t have your pet screened often, you will have to become familiar with the symptoms of worms. One of the most obvious ways to determine if your dog has worms is to take a quick look at your pets feces. Worms can be seen protruding from your dog’s waste without examining closely.
Dogs with Worms
Dogs with worms will show a number of symptoms that will tell you that he has an infection. With the exception of heartworm, most dog worms will cause similar symptoms.
Where Can We Find Tapeworms Around the World?
It is possible to come in contact with tapeworms in Europe and North America, but keep in mind that tapeworms are extremely rare in these regions. If you live in North America or Europe and you suspect that you may have a tapeworm infection, it is highly likely that your symptoms are the result of another condition.
Are Worm Cocoons Dangerous to Eat?
Some worms are actually beneficial to the body, although they are not necessary for survival. Worms are packed with protein, they are a source of nourishment and food for many animals, and they may provide a fair amount of entertainment as documented in the popular book How to Eat Fried Worms.
How to Identify Parasite Worms
You can identify them by becoming familiar with the way common parasite worms look or you may browse through images online.
Flatworm Types
Land-dwelling flatworms can be spotted in the early morning hours, especially after a hard rain. They are nocturnal, however, and they love wet surfaces.
Types of Ferret Worms
Ferrets are the most curious animals on the planet and they will likely find their way into trash that may contain fecal matter, fleas, and dead animals, all of which may contain parasites and parasite eggs.
Can I Get Rid of Whipworms in Soil?
These parasites are very resistant to disinfectants and even harsh environments. You can try consulting with an exterminator, but he might run into the same problem while attempting to eliminate whipworm eggs from the soil.
Types of Worms that Infect Horses
The bloodworm matures in the horses’ intestinal tract and then it makes its way into the intestines to lay eggs. Bloodworms can cause inflammation, aneurysms, and colic.
Home Remedies for Worms
Most herbal or home remedies should be taken orally for a minimum of two weeks. Some individuals may complain of re-infection. To help avoid this, it is very important to change your eating habits immediately.
The Life of Tapeworms
At the end of the tapeworm lies a sac of eggs. Several segments become detached at a time and pass out with the host’s feces. The tapeworm, much like the fluke, may have more than one intermediate host.
The Broad Tapeworm
If a human consumes an infected, uncooked piece of fish, larvae are released into the body. Using small hooks, the worms attach themselves to the wall of the gut and develop into adult worms in three weeks.
Intestinal Worms If Left Untreated
Some of the most dangerous symptoms such as anemia, protein deficiency, and vomiting can cause major health problems such as muscle loss, weight loss, osteoporosis, malnutrition, mental illness, and even heart disease.