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Posted in Marine Worms Worms Facts Worms Generally

Gray Tadpole-like Creatures Found Swimming in Hot Tub

“My friend’s hot tub hasn’t been cleaned since May”, writes this reader about the gray organism pictured below. “Was looking at it today and there are thousands of these clear, tadpole-like creatures swimming around. I’ll attach a video and picture. I’m from Fife, Scotland.” To start with, we have to point out how blurry this photo is. Because of this, we will not be able to give a confident identification of this creature. We are only guessing that the gray object in the photo is the tadpole-like organism our reader is referring to.

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Posted in Interesting Worms Parasite Worms Worms Generally Worms in Humans

Tadpole-looking Organism Falls Off Man’s Face: Medical Consultation is Encouraged

“This tadpole-looking thing fell off my face while washing it”, says this reader about the oddly-shaped, black object in the photo below. “I think there were more but I only salvaged one to take a photo of. What is it?”