Tag: striped worm with hairy tail
Black Bugs the Size of “Poppy Seeds” Could be Carpet Beetle Larvae
“My daughter and I both have had a bunch of itchy bumps on our legs and I’ve had a couple on my arms that made me afraid they were bed bugs”, writes this reader in her submission regarding the black bug with a long tail pictured below. “I’ve been digging around nightly but haven’t found any signs of them. Then tonight I saw this tiny thing – maybe the size of two poppy seeds. I have a video too if it’s helpful. We are in New York City. Thanks so much!” To begin with, we want to thank our reader for the photo, which shows us a lot of identifying information about the creature, particularly this tail-like appendage on its rear. The coloration, shape, and this tail tells us that this is likely a carpet beetle larva.