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Stick-like Bug in Bathroom Bites!

“I’ve been stumped after finding this creepy bug in my bathroom”, writes Kristina in her submission regarding the stick-like object pictured below. “I realize this isn’t a worm, more like a walking stick. And they bite! Notice the strange head.” Now, we do not know which end of the organism is the head, as it is not clear just from the picture since the organism does look exactly like a stick. We also do not know which of the two twigs is meant to be the organism, though we would assume it is the thinner one since the bigger one clearly has a splintered end (which would not be possible if it was an organism). If it was not for Kristina telling us that this was a bug, we would not have been able to tell. We will do our best to help Kristina arrive at an identification, but we must say that we will not be able to provide an accurate or confident identification, given that we are not insect experts: we specialize in worms and worm-like critters.

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Purple Worm-like Creature Found in Lettuce is Probably Just a Stem

“I put my finger under this piece of lettuce when I realized it might not be a piece of lettuce at all, but a worm”, states this reader in his submission regarding the long, purple object pictured below. “As I looked more closely, I think I saw feelers protrude out from the green end and some pincers under the skin at the opposite end; maybe.”

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Posted in Caterpillars Worms Facts Worms Generally

Hair-like Organisms Surrounding Stick May Be Horsehair Worms

“What kind of worm is this?” asks this reader in Dallas Texas regarding the long, thin objects pictured below. At a glance, the photo seems to display hair-like strands of matter that lay scattered around a big twig.

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Posted in Caterpillars Interesting Worms Worms Generally

A Brief Overview of Stick Caterpillars

Stick caterpillars have been found by this reader, who has graciously presented us with excellent pictures and a video of these creatures. This article will provide a basic overview of these wonderful insects.

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Posted in Gross Worms Worms Found in the House Worms in Humans

Organisms of Various Appearances Infest this Woman’s Hair, Bed and Clothes

“I have these all over my house,” says this reader about the organisms pictured in a series of photographs. The organisms in question vary in appearance from something that resembles a stick, to an angry, red mass floating in water.

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Posted in Garden Worms Interesting Bugs Popular "Worm" Groups

Stick Insects Discovered in Dog Vomit

Stick insects were believed to have been found in the vomit of this reader’s dog in Omaha, Nebraska. We wish to warn our reader ahead of time that the images may upset some people’s stomach, which showcase strands of what looks like grass poking out of chunks of dog vomit.

Insect in swamp
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Posted in Interesting Bugs

Insects that Look Like Grass and Sticks

We received a very interesting question a while ago about some sort of insect that looks “like a blade of grass” (or a stick, to our eyes). The reader referred to the creature, which he found in a state park in Pennsylvania, as a “really weird worm,” but also added that it might not actually be a worm. Based on the video he sent in, it appears that the grass-like creature is an insect, not a worm. What kind of insect is, of course, the question. Below we investigate what this insect that look likes grass might be. (As mentioned, we think the insect looks a bit like a stick as well, so we’ll be using “grass” and “stick” to basically mean “some sort of elongated plant material.”)