Worm Frass
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Posted in Caterpillars Garden Worms Silk Worms Worm Castings

Using Eri Silk Frass as a Soil Fertilizer

A reader recently reached out to us with this question, “What is the best way to prepare eri silk frass to become a soil fertilizer for food crops?” Let’s dive in by breaking down this question!

earthworm in dirt
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Posted in Interesting Worms

Worms, Sidewalks, and Dirt

A reader recently asked us an interesting question about worms on the sidewalk. The subject matter isn’t strange – lots of people wonder why worms come out on the sidewalk – but his focus was unusual. He wasn’t curious about the presence of the worms, but rather about the “black balls of dirt” that came along with them onto the sidewalk. The reader asked “what” he was finding, which seems fairly simple – black balls of dirt (or possibly worm castings) – so we suppose we should expand the scope of the question, covering the matter of why he is finding dirt on the sidewalk along with worms.

Posted in Cat Worms Dog Worms Hook Worms Parasite Worms Worms in Humans

Killing Hookworms in the Soil

Killing hookworms in the soil is an elusive process and as of this writing no commercial applications exist to do the job. However, a few simple preventative measures will aid in inhibiting or killing existing hookworm infestations.