Tag: silk worm
Silk Worms
Silk worms are really not worms at all! Silk worms are actually the larvae of certain types of moths! The silk worm has been used for centuries in the manufacturing of textiles.
“Silk Cream White Worms” May be Inchworms
A man recently wrote to us wondering why he finds “silk cream white worms” in his yard and room after it rains. He did not include any other information or photographs.
Silk Worm Farm
It is estimated that approximately 75 million pounds of raw silk are produced each year on silkworm farms. It takes more than 3,000 cocoons to make one pound of silk and more than 10 billion pounds of mulberry leaves to feed the silkworms that produce the silk.
What is Peace Silk?
The degumming and spinning process used to create peace silk allows the moth to safely emerge from the cocoon and live out the remainder of its life cycle — in peace.
How Much Silk Do Silkworms Produce?
The silk is produced in the salivary glands of the silkworm and it is used for protection during the silkworm’s pupal stage.
Common Types of Cocoon Worms
Silk worms are often confused for worms, but they are not a member of the worm family at all. Instead, they are caterpillars that create a cocoon to complete the transformation process from caterpillar to butterfly.
Can Silk Worms Live in Pets?
If you do find live silk worms in your pet’s food, it is never a bad idea to contact your vet to make sure this is harmless. Chances are, it is and your pet will pass the worms through his stool.
Case Carrying Worms
Worms have the ability to carry little cases around and what’s even more interesting is the cases may be made of everything from a cement-like substance to silk or even sand!
What Do Inchworms Eat?
Inchworms may be small, but they have a voracious appetite for healthy foods like fruits and vegetables. Depending on the type of inchworm, these greedy little creatures will nosh their way through crops until there’s nothing left!