Tag: red worms bathroom
Thin Red Worms in Shower Could be Bloodworms
We believe the small red worms our reader noticed in his shower are bloodworms. Although these larvae aren’t known to carry or transmit human diseases, we still think he should act fast to get rid of them!
Red Worms on the Bathroom Floor
A concerned reader wrote to us a while back about some red worms on her bathroom floor. (Technically, the worms in the bathroom are “reddish-brown,” to use the reader’s exact phrase.) She has found the worms twice now, causing her some concern because she has never seen the creatures before in the 12 years she has lived in her house. The worms have a “snail head,” and the reader didn’t notice any legs. Naturally, the reader was curious about what she was finding, and so the question before us is this: what are the red worms in her bathroom?