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Posted in Composting Worms Garden Worms Red Worms

Red Worms: Great for Vermiculture!

Red worms are among some of the best worms for composting, which is also known as “vermiculture”.

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Posted in Earthworms Segmented Worms Annelida Worms Found in the House

Worms Swarming Home After Heavy Rains are Blackworms

“Thin black worms, the size of red wigglers, are coming in from outside under the door,” writes this reader about the critter pictured below. “It’s been raining heavily during the night in Hendersonville, North Carolina. I do not see any legs. I live in a long term care facility and don’t want to see them harmed. Thanks for your help.” Firstly, we want to thank our reader for the very helpful context, which in this case is especially helpful since the photo is pretty blurry. Knowing that it does not have legs rules out a lot of possible identifications and helps narrow down the possibilities. Secondly, we commend our reader for not wanting to see the worms harmed. We know, and understand, that a lot of people’s first instinct when they find worm-like critters in their home is to kill them, even if they are harmless.

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Posted in Earthworms Worms Facts Worms Generally

Reddish Brown Worm May be a Bloodworm but Man Worries About Parasites

“Can you help me ID this worm?” asks this reader in his submission concerning the reddish brown creature pictured below. “I found it in the morning in my toilet before anyone had gone to the toilet.”

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Posted in Red Worms Tiger Worm Worms Found in the House

Red Worms Found in Mobile Home are Indeed Redworms

“This is the second one I have found in our mobile home”, states this reader in Belding, Michigan. She is referring to the minuscule, red worm-like organism pictured below, and wants to know how they are getting into her home.

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Posted in Earthworms Segmented Worms Annelida Worms Found in the House

Short, Brown Worm Found in Shower May be a Bloodworm

“I live in Austin Texas and found this worm in my shower. It was about 2 inches long”, states this reader with regard to the long, pink-brown worm-like creature photographed below. “Do you know what kind of worm this is?”

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Posted in Composting Worms Earthworms Red Worms

Long, Striped Worm Found in Toilet is a Red Wiggler

“Is this an earthworm that I found in my toilet?” is all this reader writes in his submission. The “earthworm” he is referring to is the long, red-striped worm in the photo below, which is a screenshot from one of the two videos our reader sent in.

earthworm in dirt
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Posted in Composting Worms Earthworms Red Worms

Plastic Waste Harms Not Only the Soil, but the Worms Too

We all know that the trash we throw out on a daily basis has unfortunately played a big role in laying waste to our planet. One material that is especially toxic to our Earth is plastic. Not only does plastic harm our soils, but also the worms in them.

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Posted in Composting Worms Red Worms Tiger Worm

Stripey Red Worm in Toilet in Scotland is a Red Wiggler

A long stripey, red worm was found in a toilet in Southern Scotland by this reader on the first floor of his home. He wonders if we can tell him what it is.

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Posted in Composting Worms Red Worms Worms Found in the House

Long, Striped Worm in Toilet is a Red Wiggler

A worm was found in the toilet of this reader, alive, and she wonders if we could help identify it for her as she is “freaked” out. The worm in question appears to be red in color, with segmented stripes, and a long, smooth body.

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Posted in Composting Worms Red Worms

Red Worms for Sale Near Vancouver, WA

While there are plenty of places to find red worms for sale near Vancouver, WA, you can also purchase red worms online through dozens of retailers. You can buy worms from sites such as Planet Natural and Uncle Jim’s Worm Farm.

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Posted in Composting Worms Fishing Worms Red Worms Tiger Worm

Red Wiggler Worms

In just one day, red wiggler worms can consume organic material equivalent to their body weight to produce castings equal to 75% of their body weight. Red wiggler worms can convert organic materials into high quality humus, which will provide gardens with earthworm castings, which is considered a complete (and powerful) natural fertilizer.

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Posted in Composting Worms Red Worms

Red Worm Uses

The great thing about using red worms for composting is you will never run out of them and they are kept alive. Red worms are very productive breeders. They lay one egg capsule every seven days or so and each capsule hatches an average of three to four earthworms.