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Posted in Earthworms Worms Facts Worms Found in the House Worms Generally

Various Organisms Infest this Woman’s Home for Three Years; Who She Can Turn to for Help

“I am going on three years now having had strange organisms in my clothing and home” states this reader in her query regarding the creatures in the photos below. Our reader is leaning toward the explanation that “humans and human homes are made up of the same cells and material which would leave behind the same debris”, but she would still like our opinion on the matter.

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Posted in Centipedes and Millipedes Worms Found in the House Worms Generally

Curious Pink Worm with Antennae May be an Underdeveloped Centipede

Curious little worms were found by this reader in their Texas home. The worms in question appear to have minuscule bodies, a clear pink/off-white coloration, and one pair of antennae. No legs are visible, and from the video our reader sent in, the worms wriggles and slithers to move about.