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Posted in Indian Meal Moth Larvae Worms Found in the House Worms Generally

Semi-transparent, Off-white Worm is Either a Pantry Moth Larva or Webbing Clothes Moth Larva

“What kind of worm is this? Please let me know,” asks this reader in his submission. The worm our reader is referring to is an off-white, semi-transparent color, with a dark brown, bulbous head and a tubular body.

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Posted in Pest Worms Worms Found in the House

Clear Worm Found After Cuddling Dog is a Webbing Clothes Moth Larva

A reader of ours recently sent in a video of a worm she found on her arm after cuddling her dog, and wishes that we identify it. The worm in question appears to be a translucent whitish color, and has a black head that is wider than its body.