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Posted in Parasite Worms Worms Generally Worms in Humans

Man Suffers “Buzzing Legs” Among Other Symptoms of a Parasitic Infection

“I have had buzzing legs since 2014 or before,” writes this reader from in his query to us. He reports dealing with a number of symptoms, as well as worms and “items” that come out of his excrement, and he would like to know exactly what it is he is dealing with.

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Posted in Parasite Worms Worms Generally Worms in Humans

Woman with Health Issues Battles Parasites for Years and Seeks Guidance

Parasites plague this reader, who recently contacted us about her battle with parasitic “bugs” over the past two years. She worries about her health and ability to take care of her family, and has reached out to us for help, stating “please guide me to recovery before it takes me from my husband and 4 beautiful sons.”

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Posted in Parasite Worms Worms Generally Worms in Humans

Doctor Turns Away Woman Infested with Parasitic Worms; What to do

In rural Virginia, a woman calls for help as her daughter is severely affected by a parasitic worm infestation. The “maggot-like” worms have left pustules in their wake, and caused symptoms of itching, burning, and sensations of something crawling under her skin.