Tag: parasite wounds
Mysterious Purple Matter Photographed by Woman Seeking Help
“Can you help me?” is all this woman asks of us before loading her submission with a plethora of photographs of her hair, red-marked limbs and an unidentified, purple matter that looks like it has been photographed through a microscope.
Hair Worms Apparently Feeding On Man Justify a Visit to an Infectious Disease Physician
“Need help” begins our reader in her query to us about her husband, who has “something like hair worms that host his hairs and use his skin to reach out and feed off him.” In what sounds like a dire situation, our reader reaches out to us for any assistance that we can provide.
Married Couple Battle Doctors and the Internet in the Hope That Their Parasitic Infections are Taken Seriously
“My husband and I have been battling parasites and doctors for two years now,” says this reader, who reaches out to us in a desperate time in which her health is declining and she is not getting the help she needs. Our reader and her husband have been diagnosed with strongyloidiasis, Morgellons and some type of filarial infection, among other things.