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Strange, Yellow Worm on Bathroom Floor May Require a Medical Professional’s Eye

“I found this on my bathroom floor”, writes this reader about the strange-looking, yellow creature pictured below. “I’m unsure if it came from a person, a cat, or a drain. We’ve all had some illness and my dad, whom I care for due to brain atrophy, had a stomach/bathroom issue earlier that day. This was found all by itself, however, on the bathroom floor. Can it be identified? Also, obviously the photo is zoomed in. I believe it measured around an inch long. Also, if it matters, I live in rural south Texas on the San Marcos river and have many livestock and wildlife in my yard and around me, as well as cats that stay inside and had an infestation of fleas but finally got rid of them completely!”

Posted in Parasite Worms

White Worms or Larvae Coming out of Skin

EXCITING UPDATE! We have recently come across a new medical provider who actually believes what is going on, and has…

Posted in Parasite Worms

Tongue Worm

Many species of tongue worms have superficial ringlike markings. This gives them the appearance of being segmented.

Posted in Cat Worms Dog Worms Round Worms

The Life of Roundworms

Roundworms are spindle-shaped and they have thin, inflexible body walls that restrict their movements to whiplike thrashing. The roundworms nervous system is built on a H-shaped arrangement of canals that open via a pore at the front of the body.

Horsehair worm in pool
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Posted in Interesting Worms Parasite Worms Thread Worms

Nematomorpha (Hairworm)

The horsehair worm looks like the thin hair of a horsetail. Horsehair worms are typically dark brown in color, but some are tan, yellow or black. They usually peak during the late summer as well as during the fall months.

Posted in Hook Worms Parasite Worms Pinworm Ringworm Round Worms Tapeworm Worms in Humans

Symptoms of Tape Worm

While the tape worm can grow up to 15 feet or more in length, most are around 3-5 inches long. If left untreated, they can live up to 25 years.

Posted in Parasite Worms Round Worms

Horsehair Worm

The horsehair worm looks like the thin hair of a horse tail. Horsehair worms are typically dark brown in color, but some are tan, yellow or black. They usually peak during the late summer as well as during the fall months.