Tag: parasite infection
Woman and Family Overwhelmed By Parasitic Infection; Where They Can Receive Help Amid the COVID 19 Pandemic
This reader “would be extremely grateful” if we could help her identify some parasites that have invaded her family. Our reader writes to us in the hopes that the answers that we provide may “hopefully prevent others from experiencing a terror” such as the one our reader has faced.
A Battle with Mold and Parasites has This Reader Examining Carpet Beetle Larvae Under a Microscope
This reader shares “microscopic pictures” of “carpet beetle larvae that came out of the skin of [her] foot.” In addition to this, she suffers from a parasitic infection from living with “multiple types of mold.”
Hair Loss-Causing Worms Live in the Scalp and Eyes of This Woman
“I have worms but they are all different looking,” says this reader, who seems to be struggling with some sort of medical condition. The worms are on her scalp, in her eyes and both her and her boyfriend have taken pinworm medication to try and counteract them.
The Parasite-Infected Peoples of the Gulf Coast and How Medical Communities Can Engage Them
A previous reader of ours from Crystal Springs Florida, who wrote in about what he guessed was scabies, has contacted us again with a very interesting question. He asks, “how can we get the medical community to re-engage the parasitic population that is beginning to steadily increase, specifically around the gulf coast?”
Parasites Resembling Toilet Paper Live Inside the Skin of This Woman
A worm that lives in human skin has been photographed by one of our readers, who wonders if we can tell her what kind of worm it is. The worm in question appears to be a pinkish-yellow color and is attached to a long piece of flat, white matter.
Woman Diagnosed with SIBO Also Faces Parasitic Infestation
A woman diagnosed with “SIBO with methane” has been “losing things that look like worms for weeks.” She does not ask for a diagnosis, but simply what they might resemble, because her doctor and herself cannot decide what they look like.