Tag: palm tree worms
Queen Palm Tree Potentially Plagued by Palm Tree Weevil Larvae and Fungal Infection
Clear, white, worm-like creatures are crawling on this reader’s palm tree and potentially causing damage to it, and he wants answers as to what is happening. “In my front yard I have a Queen Palm tree that is about fifteen years old”, he writes in his submission. “A couple days ago I noticed a brown liquid running down the side of the palm’s trunk and as soon as the sun goes down, I can see small white colored insects crawling in the brown liquid/sap. I was wondering if you might know what kind of insect is causing the problem and if you have any tips on how to treat my tree. Here are a few pictures. Thank you.”
Reader Thanks Us with Cool Video of Palm Worm!
“Thank you so much for posting your pictures on the palm worm,” states this reader who found such a worm in her bathroom and kitchen table. After initially sending us a query about this worm and being worried about its presence in her home, she now reports no longer being concerned about it.
Palm Tree Worms
A reader wrote to us the other day about some worms she found near her palm tree. The reader noticed the small worms only after she brought her palm tree inside. The reader has been trying to get rid of the palm tree worms, but with limited success. She is wondering what the worms around the palm tree are, and she also wants to get rid of them.