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Posted in Interesting Worms Marine Worms Worms Generally

Tangle of Orange-brown Worm-like Organisms is Potentially Seaweed

“Is this a worm?” asks this reader in her submission regarding the orangish-brown, tangled organism pictured below. “And if so, what type is it?”

Posted in Interesting Worms

Orange and Yellow Worms in the House

Some time ago, a reader wrote to us about orange and yellow worms she has been finding in her house. The yellow and orange worms (the worm is actually “yellowish,” in the reader’s words, and we suppose this means it is not fully orange, but rather orangish) are coming from a corner of the house, and she is finding them on her ceiling. The reader is wondering not only what the worms are, but also if they are dangerous. Perhaps in part because of the latter concern, she is also curious how she can get rid of them. So, in short, what are these yellow and orange worms, are they harmful, and how can our reader get rid of them? Can her orange-and-yellow-worm problem be solved?

Posted in Interesting Worms

Orange Worms in the Garden

Last month, we received a question about a worm from a reader in the UK (Plymouth, more precisely). She had found an orange worm (or what is perhaps an orange worm – it might not be a worm at all) in her garden. She found the worm late at night, and since she had never seen an orange worm before, she was curious to know what she had found. What is this orange worm, if it’s a worm at all?