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Posted in Drain Fly Larvae Worms Found in the House Worms Generally

Worm found in Toilet Nothing to Worry About

A worried reader wrote to us about a creature that she found in her toilet. She describes it as being quite small, perhaps 2 cm (<1/10”) in length. She notes that it was moving around when she saw it. She asks if it is a drain fly larva, or perhaps a pin worm. She has included a picture, which shows that it is a very small creature, indeed.

tiny maggot in bathroom
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Posted in Interesting Bugs

Tiny White Maggots in Bathroom

We received a question from a reader recently about a small maggot, or something like a maggot, that he found in his bathroom. The reader’s email to us does a decent job covering his situation, so we’ll quote it in full (with the addition of several articles, definite and indefinite): “This tiny white maggoty looking worm with light pinkish head and tail was on the edge of my bathroom sink this morning. My shitzu sleeps with me. Maybe it crawled on me in the night and fell off me at the sink? He goes potty in a woodsy area. I know there are chiggers he brings in. I’m in west central Missouri. Just north of Kansas City and it’s the end of June. Can you identify? Thank you.”

moth fly larvae in toilet
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Posted in Gross Worms

Moth Fly Larvae in Toilet

A reader wrote to us a few days ago about some tiny larvae he is finding in his toilet bowl. He specifically asked if they are moth fly larvae, which we think is likely. The reader asked where they come from, and he also asked how to “get rid of them for good,” which perhaps suggests he has had this problem before. First we’ll discuss why we think what he found is moth fly larvae, and then we’ll move on to address where they came from and how to get rid of them.

tiny worm in shower
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Posted in Pest Worms

Tiny Worms in the Shower and Sink

A reader recently sent us a question about the tiny worms she is finding in her bathroom – in her shower and sink, more precisely. She also found a single worm in her room. The worms are quite small (see the picture below), and the reader describes them as a “pinkish color,” although this is difficult to determine on the basis of the image we were sent. The reader was wondering what she found, so we’ll focus on the question of identification.

tiny worm in shower drain
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Posted in Pest Worms

Tiny Worms in Shower Drain

A reader wrote to us a few days ago to ask about some tiny worms he found coming out of what appears to be his shower drain. (The reader said the worms came out of his “water floor trap,” but based on the pictures he submitted, we are pretty sure this means the worms are in and around the shower drain.) The reader said the worms look like earthworms, but are “very tiny,” and indeed they are, as you’ll see in a moment. Naturally, the reader was curious what he found, so he submitted some pictures to us for “analysis,” asking us to identify the tiny worms in the drain if possible.

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Posted in Pest Worms

Tons of Small Worms by the Toilet

A reader wrote to us a few days ago about some small worms (or “little tiny worms,” to use the reader’s exact phrasing) she is finding by her toilet. The small worms are black, or at least they appear to be black or some other dark color. (See the picture below.) The reader has found dozens of the worms by her toilet, so she clearly has an issue that needs to be addressed, and she is eager for information about the creatures she is finding. What are the small, black worms by the toilet our reader is finding, and what must she know about them?

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Posted in Interesting Worms

Extremely Small Worms on the Bathroom Wall

A couple of weeks back, we received a question from a reader about some very small worms (actually, “very” perhaps isn’t quite strong enough of a word – they are more like extremely small worms) that were found on her bathroom wall near the ceiling. The reader sent us two pictures of the extremely small worms, which are probably not worms at all, but rather some type of larvae. Even by larvae standards, these larvae (if they are larvae) are very small. The reader only wanted to know what these little creatures are (worms? larvae? something else?), which is a modest inquiry, but a difficult one just the same.

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Posted in Gross Worms Interesting Worms

Worms in the Toilet

A reader recently wrote to us about worms in the toilet. He found worms in the toilet three times, and every time he has found the worms they have been in the toilet (i.e., the worms have been nowhere else in his bathroom or house). Finding worms in your toilet is always mildly concerning, for the fear is that they might have actually come out of your body. However, the reader doesn’t think this is the case because the have always been found before any one has used the toilet, and he has taken the further measure of instructing everyone in his family to check the toilet before and after they use it, a sage approach. In every case, the worm is found before the toilet is used. So, what are these worms in the toilet, and how might our reader get rid of them?

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Posted in Interesting Worms

A Small Brown Worm

Last month, we received a picture of a small brown worm (or small brown creature that looks a bit like a worm). The reader wanted to know what the small worm in the picture was. Another day, another question about small brown worms. Unfortunately, the picture of the creature in question isn’t particularly clear…at all. It appears to feature a curled up brown worm (although it could very well be some sort of caterpillar or larva), but that is about all we can tell. The picture isn’t accompanied by any additional information, such as where the worm (or caterpillar or larva) was found, which is very helpful to know when it comes to identifying worms or other worm-like creatures. Unfortunately, we can only offer a few guesses as to what this creature might be.

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Posted in Pest Worms

Small Worms in the Laundry Room

A concerned reader wrote to us about the small, brown worms she has been discovering in her laundry room for some time. Actually, the reader not only found the small worms in the laundry room, but also in the kitchen recently, which took her distress to new heights. She was wondering if the worms (if they are worms, which probably isn’t the case because they look like larvae – more on that in a moment) were “invading” her house. The reader was also particularly worried about the “worms” because she has two kids in her house, one of whom is only two years old. What are these small, brown worms (or larvae), and should our reader be worried about them?

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Posted in Interesting Worms

Small Brown Worms

We received a picture recently from a reader of what appears to be small brown worms (or perhaps larvae). It was accompanied by a very simple question: “Can you tell what these are?” Unfortunately, the picture isn’t particularly clear, and we know no other information about the worm – if it even is a worm – in question (like where the “worm” was found, if it had any distinguishing characteristics, and so on). For this reason, we can only offer a couple of guesses based on what we do know, which, alas, is not much.

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Posted in Gross Worms Pest Worms

Small Worms in the Shower

A little while back, we received a question from a reader about small worms (or larvae) he found in his shower. Actually, the word “small” doesn’t adequately capture the size of the worm (or, again, larva) our reader found because they are said to be .01 of an inch in size, which is about the size of a speck of dust. With all due respect to our reader, we think a measurement miscalculation was probably made because .01 of an inch seems impossibly small for any sort of worm or larva, and this is true regardless of whether he was referring to the length or width of the creature he found. In assuming that a mistake was made, however, we must guess at the size of the worm, further complicating our idea of the creature with which our reader is dealing.