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Posted in Parasite Worms Worms Facts Worms Generally

Translucent Worm With Dark Tip is a Mosquito Larva

“What type of worm is this?” asks this reader in her submission regarding the tiny, white creature pictured below. “I found this on our washing up sponge. It is white, translucent, with a dark-coloured tip (possibly dark red). It wasn’t so clear to me as I was so grossed out. We do not have pets and I often disinfect the kitchen and change my sponge every other week or so. What could this be? And how can I stop having worms? I am scared that my family, especially my little one, will ingest it. I squished the other end by accident. I washed my hands several times after that.”

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Posted in Gross Worms Worms Facts Worms Generally

Little Worms Found in Standing Water Under Ice Cream Machine Pose Questions of Health and Safety

“Little bitty worms no bigger than a piece of rice was flying everywhere”, reports this reader about the organisms she found at work. “I’m wondering if they may have caused me to get sick.”